Comfortable cross-world living with the strongest housing app

237. How did this happen (unknown several times)

How did this happen, how did this happen? It's important, so I'll repeat it twice.

By the east entrance gate in Samarkand, I was back enjoying the broom and the drive.

But in front of the gate there's not only Frederick and Klaus, there's an Enrai crowd.

We've come far enough to confirm the car from the residents to make a fuss.

When I left Samarkand, all the residents who had always sniffed information from somewhere had gathered. But he just waved at me and sent me, and I didn't even have a big chorus...

I parked my car in front of the gate, and when I opened the door, "Whoa, whoa," the cheer hurts in my ear.

Hey, what the hell.

"Dear Great Mage (Maygus)! Hooray!"

"Glory be to the Great Mage!

Isn't that a saint or a mentor?

I have a really bad feeling about this.

Unexpectedly glancing at Maluburg in the passenger seat, he glances at his nose just "let it be".

Maluburg, who opened the door on the passenger seat side, turns to the crowd with a grand trick and raises his right hand.

Then the scene and the quiet crowd as soon as possible.

This kind of place is just like the one called Exchanger Piercing. I'm a young man, but I'm admired by everyone as a respectable leader. Maruburg is.

Frederick and Klaus, who came forward, lap on one knee and drool their necks.

The opposing Maluburg lowered his right hand and shook his neck left and right to look at each and every one of the crowd.

"Gentlemen. I know you're listening, but I dare you to repeat. The Great Sorcerer (Maygus) used great sorcery in our homeland."

Hey, you were passing on the information!

Oh, my God.

"The other one turned to our homeland and was advised. Reconciliation between the Duchy of Crystal Palace and the Demon Nation! Everyone, don't you think it's a noble wish?


Look, my ear. Okay. I know there's nobody to disagree with. Ah.

"Our people of Samarkand live together by beasts and humans. Instead of pointing a blade at your neighbor, tell the Great Mage (Maygus) who preaches love our thoughts!

Fu to me when Maluburg just walks out of the car and stands up blindly.

Stop. Yeah. No more. Yeah.

I can't do it because I have people's eyes, even like a U-turn on a car.

I was the only one with a dry laugh at the great chorus of "Dear Great Mage (Maygus)".

Let's just say they didn't tell me to make a speech, and I think it was still better. Let's do that.

◇ ◇ ◇

I managed to get to my home, even though my mental strength was shredded gallantly.

If I dive straight into the couch with Fluffy, the crow will just come and stick my tibia in.

"Whatever. I gave you potato chips."

There's a big problem.

The crow spreads its wings wide and raises its mouth upwards.

Is something unforeseen happening outside? Is there something going on outside the enclosure, even if it's safe in the city?

"What's up? What happened to you?

"Muscle would have accompanied you."

"Yeah. Something happened at the ranch? There must have been some Zilva left."

"I'm not. Look, look at that one."

The crow leaves the kitchen with his mouth.

I wonder what it is, and when I go to the kitchen with the crow on my shoulder, a crow slightly off my shoulder descends on the crate (small).

The crow who slapped the crate with his leg punched him in the face this way.

"Won't it open?"

"That's right. Thanks to all your help, I kept it until today."

"The guy was definitely a blind spot. I'm gonna open it, okay? Wait."

"Add it."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Order two extra bags of potato chips and open the crate (small).

I immediately removed a bag with potato chips from inside and partied on the dining table.

If I was looking at a crow poking his mouth at guts and potato chips, I would hear from Titania, who stood in front of the kitchen.

After getting out of the car, Maluburg returned to his home and Waggan went to see how Zilba and the ranch were doing.

Frey went upstairs and concentrated on manipulating Gargoyle. The pigeon, I don't know.

That's why me and Titania are at my house right now.

"Can I have either tea or coffee?

"Yeah, coffee, please"


Titania just starts moving the coffee maker. I'm so used to making coffee.

"Go ahead."


Receive the coffee in the mug from Titania and breathe into the coffee with the hufu.

Mm-hmm. Delicious.

This scent, the bitterness. Coffee is still good stuff.

I came to a strange world, but thanks to the housing app, I am able to eat and drink almost as much as I did when I was in Japan.

If only the housing app could prepare the building, don't be frightened.

Now it's time for Titania, Waggan, Frederick to Maluburg, Rütier...... and lots of company. So you'll also be able to eat, listening to the ingredients from them.

But when I first got here, I was alone. If it was just the building, it would have died wild by now without ever enjoying coffee gracefully.

It's also a mystery how I got to this world, but you haven't got a clue where the housing app came from.

Speaking of one thing I know, it's about as much as even a busty bird sticking potato chips to me told me.

Yeah, is the housing app made of magic?

I can see it as a tablet and touch it, but no one but me can see it and touch it.

They say the reason for this is that this tablet is made of magic. To borrow the crow's words, the tablet is like a magic prop with a magic ceremony, material and magic.

So he said it was invisible.

Magic... Magic. Ah.

No, Gubaa's people, the King of Magic, are familiar with magic.

I heard the name a few times and thought I'd talk to you if I had the chance, but even now I still don't feel like actively going to see you.

'Cause you're like Gbaa and Moff Dragon, aren't you? You wouldn't think I'd want to meet those catastrophic guys just to laugh, would you?

"Hey, Fuzzy"


Titania calls out to me, who had a subtle look about the Magic King.

"You call the Duke and the Devil, don't you?


"Making something new?

Titania shines her eyes in an exciting way.

Yeah, well, I just want to do as much as possible with the existing stuff, but can't you say that too?

"Let's build a quarters. If there are more people coming than I thought, I guess we should build more of the same building."

"Ooh. Where do you want the venue?

"I thought maybe a stadium would be nice, but you're too big. Make something welcoming."

"What kind of building is it? Fun!"


Even with that expectation...... I'm going to have some fun in classic mode this time.

Because I don't need the kind of impact I did at Crystal Palace.

"Oh? You're going to do something interesting. Mix me up."

"Okay, so don't fly potato chips"

I don't mind claiming it, but if you flap your wings, the wind will splash the shattered potato chips.

Because birds can fly, and judging the wings creates quite a bit of wind pressure. When a pigeon flies nearby, a strong breeze hits his leg enough to keep him awake.