When I walked out of the room and arrived at the salon for a short time, I sat in a chair.

Then without waiting, the tea Tanya has brewed is placed in front of me.

"Mmm... it's delicious"

"I'm afraid so. If you'll excuse me, please tell anyone who refrains from doing so."

"Yeah, thanks"

After she leaves this room without standing one footstep, exhale the breath she was packing and breathe deeply again.

When I smoked it, the smell of herbal tea stirred my nostrils.

... Oh, calm down.

...... from Tanya, that moment I heard Van's death sentence.

What an indescribable drool it was like mixing emotions and yet randomly mixing various colors into ugly colors passed my chest.

Even so, it's a strange thing because it was strangely cold in my head.

It also seemed transient enough to calm my mind if I took a breath here.

If I turned my eyes to the flowers and greens around me, my tired eyes healed a little.

Although I am unconscious when I look at the documents, when I look at the green, I realize that my eyes are tired.

I need to be careful not to lose my eyesight... because there are no contact lenses in this world.

I can't believe I was enjoying the view I see now.

The Duke of Almeria has, of course, a dedicated gardener.

This view is what they are calculating and creating and preserving its beauty.

How gratifying to see such a beautiful view close to you.

... Speaking of which, and blurry, he is then drunk by a wave of thoughts.

I thought you had a letter from Mimosa long ago.

Anything, you think you could have been dating someone on an engagement premise?

She cared about the situation and didn't step inside, but should I still say that the power of love is awesome or horrible?

Though I wrote a letter once telling me what he was like with the words of celebration, I haven't heard back from him since.

I was in a hurry about the Bordic family, especially though I hadn't done anything since then...... maybe I should write to you again.

I was thinking about that, and I got a look at Dida in my sight.

"... Oh, Dida"

"Hey, princess.... taking a break?

"Yes, it is."

"Well, then, I'll give Mr. Sebastian the paperwork later, so keep your eyes open. The contents relate to the future operation of the Guard. I'm leaving after this, but Lyle's coming home, so tell Lyle when something happens."

"Yeah, I get it. Is Dida leaving soon?

"No... it doesn't make sense right now."

"Then why don't you take a break and have some tea?

"Well, sweeten to your words"

Dida grinned and sat in front of me.

When I turned my gaze, a samurai, who had refrained on the side before giving the word, put the cup down and poured the tea.