Common Sense of a Warrior
Prime Minister's confusion
Eventually Louis sighed small and raised his face.
"Whatever the difference was in the time of year, Alf's parents would have found him far sooner or later.... because they were sneaking shadows under Nort to gather information."
"... you've been very calm about the crisis at your wife's home."
"Is that why..."
Pottori, he was whining small with a voice that seeped through the rush.
"... excuse me. So, Alf. That connection means we can follow the way Verse embezzled and hid the iron?
"Yes, we know who we're dealing with, so early"
It is naturally faster to investigate if you know who you're dealing with or what you're dealing with than to explore if you don't have any information at all.
That's just like when Count Talbot discovered he was involved in human trafficking.
"Then find out as soon as possible"
"Yes, sir."
"... wait"
To stop me, Louis turns his frigid gaze to him.
"Oh... gather from the Nort side about where the iron is. At the same time, see if anyone close to Verse or Verse is still interacting with Nort."
"Father... are you suspicious of Lord Gazelle?
"You can't say it's not possible, can you?... Of course I don't think he's involved, and I'd like to believe he isn't. But you'll have to crush the possibilities outside of your assumptions.... and what I truly doubt is Verse's wife and her children. It's suspicious around Verse's belly-hearted men."
Even if you were my best friend, you wouldn't cover your eyes with love.
As long as it's possible there, never run away and continue to pursue it.
Perhaps the presence is the very thing that I told myself when I talked to Gazelle.
"Whatever that is, you're gonna have to break Verse and Nort apart. All paper exchanges make rewriting fake transmissions at your place, while at the same time making you believe that your hand is the use of Nort. After that, give instructions. Together, let those who are infiltrating the Nort side destroy all previous interactions with Verse, and make sure Curtis does not possess the evidence and destroy it all once discovered."
"I understand. We'll get right to it."
When Alf bowed his head to my words, he immediately left the scene.
"... maybe Verse and Cordis are alike"
I just can't see Alf anymore, and I squirm.
"Similar, is it?
"Oh... I'm in trouble."
Sure, Louis nodded inside.
Verse is Romel's sword talent, and Curtis is his brother, Miles' temperament.
... Neither of us was ever recognized by a blood connected family.
How sad is that?
How regrettable is that?
No... Maybe it's the blood connected that makes it sadder and more regrettable.
"So much hatred had accumulated that I wanted to destroy a world I couldn't admit…?... I sympathize, but that's not why I'm going to overlook it."
"Well, yeah." Be thick in love. But...... '"
"'Don't get flushed,' right?
"Oh, yeah"
That was the word Louis had been saying since he started assisting me in my work.
Be thick with your love... or people won't follow you.
However, you must not let your emotions flow you.
Flushed by emotion and moving impulsively is synonymous with renouncing to think for yourself.
As a result, when the consequences you don't want... are the ones you regret the most.
"So, you tell Merlis?
"... Yep. After Lord Gazelle's suspicions cleared up."
"Oh... be nice. No, is it tough?
Louis' decision could be described as either of them.
While General Gazelle's suspicions are not clear, if you tell Merlis... Merlis will carry a heavy secret.
Also, no matter how much I believed in my father... she would be heartbroken by that fact of being suspected as one of the suspects.
In that regard, let's say it's kindness that takes Merlis' mood into account.
On the other hand, there is no more reason to convey the contents of that doubt within General Gazelle than he is under suspicion... in the unlikely event that General Gazelle was black, there is also no zero chance of moving on to the secrecy of that fact.
It is also possible that the moment Louis spoke, even if he did not move, Merlis himself could be turned more suspicious than he was surrounded by the idea that Merlis had moved.
In that regard, Louis' choice can also be described as tough.
"That's a mean question."
Louis had a voice without discouragement that could not be understood inside, neither denied nor affirmed.
"... Anyway, my father once told me that Verse's methods had become ingenious."
"Oh.... the whereabouts of the iron are still true, but Alf has been manipulating the connection with Count Rumel, the perpetrator of the King's Toshiko series of kidnappings."
"So you've been connected to Cordis through Nort since that time."
"Oh...... I guess it depends on Alf's findings, but I guess it's ten to eighty-nine. … and perhaps during this major raid in the Principality of Limmel, the assailant was wearing a National Army uniform…"
"Perhaps someone close to Verse used the name of the Anderson Marquis to get the uniform, and then flushed it through Nort."
To my words, Louis was pale.
Especially if I'm similar.
"Simply sharing information is enough to see the intention to break the kingdom... and as a collaborator, I think we're going to be responsible for one stick of this raid."
"That's not all.... Above all, when it comes to the possibility that he was flushing a sword made of quality iron from Marquis Anderson territory... this is no longer"
"Oh. If it's taboo, it's a good ten or nine and the house is destroyed...... it would be the worst kind of lone party execution"
For a moment Louis trembles his body...... and leans down to drool.
"Naturally, you and Merlis wouldn't have gotten engaged either. … there is no way that the next Princess of the House of the Duke of Almeria, such as the one who came out of the house guilty of treason in the Kingdom… can be recognized"
Rarely had Louis absurd his voice against me.
"Calm down.... if you're out of time, we're talking about"
"... yeah, right. I mean, Father, he's not willing to put this matter out of the question...?
"There has not been an end to the war with the Twile State.... What happens if a hero crushes in that situation? … but, of course, at a time when I was certain that there was no gazelle involved."
Louis laughed cold sweating at my words in such a way as to return the question with a question.
"My father just told me this story... about wanting to make me an accomplice, right?
I was just grinning at Louis' words.
... If it were meant to be, it would be enough to have to be reported immediately.
Crush it...... Expose it and the Duke of Almeria will naturally not be the only one.
"I suppose I'd have to carry it alone."
"You won't be able to. Even now, Father's workload is increasing in connection with the Principality of Limmel.... Based on that, you're saying? And..."
Jit, Louis stared at me head-on.
In his eyes, there is no fear or haste.
"I swore to protect her. And for that, I was going to go against my father, but I was going to do it more than I ever did."
"Right.... for a long time. Well, I heard a passionate confession of love. Well, kidding aside... first we'll identify the route and the person who sidelined the National Army uniform to a dignitary raider in the Principality of Limmel over here until we have an additional report from Alf"
"Yeah, right. Your father will continue to respond to the Principality of Limmel because I will."
"Oh, I know"
Then Louis left the room quickly and went back to his room and back to work.