Common Sense of a Warrior
The Suffering of the Prime Minister
"... Verse's daughter?
"Yep.... Master Louis gave it to me. I investigated it based on a purchase order for a National Army uniform and I finally got to her"
"Speaking of which, does Verse have one daughter..."
To Alf's answer, I grumbled to explore the memories in my head.
"Yes. older than Master Louis...... twenty-two years old. His name is Salome. Salome Bella Anderson. It appears that Verse, the landlord, lives in a separate house with surveillance as a permanent residence, so he lives alone in the mansion."
"Alone? Any other family?
"Verse's wife is out of the mansion, estranged. Besides, Salome is not married yet."
"I see. I was wondering if Verse's belly-hearted men were the executioners in the matter of the National Army uniform... my daughter? That's surprising."
"Why were you suspicious of your men?
"Verse and Nort aren't completely cut, even when they're in Yongju. On the other hand, however, it is difficult for humans on the Nord's side to infiltrate in a mansion with naturally restricted access for people.... If so, some people would have brokered Nort and Verse. I thought the company was more natural for my men than for my daughter. So, Alf. Actually, how'd it go?
I'll ask Alf.
I didn't even seem to doubt that Alf already had the answer.
... That should do the same.
Alf has already carried out a break-up operation between Nort and Verse on my instructions… naturally, I believe that the Verse operatives have grasped it in the course of the operation.
"As I said, Verse and Nort are still connected. And I checked it out when I was working on the breakup... and it was usually a guy named Armos who was working with Nort, Verse's belly."
"... one thing that made me uncomfortable during the investigation was that that was a dozen about the diversion of National Army uniforms compared to other cover-ups. Because it was easy to get to Salome from the purchase order. On the other hand, if you were preparing your own plan after you were captured, were you prepared in advance for the diversion of the National Army uniform?
"No... you won't be able to"
It was Louis who made the denial to Alf's inquiry.
"This time a dignitary from the Principality of Limmel was to come to the Kingdom of Tasmeria as a result of negotiations with his father. If Nort or Cordis had thought about using the most recent decision, he wouldn't have been able to prepare it in advance."
"I see… is it true that there were no specifications such as preparation in advance"
"That's right.... I was wondering if this was somehow Salome's rampage, or contact from Nort, who found out about the connection between Nort and Verse... Especially if the cover-up was doodled, as Alf put it, though Salome's rampage seems more likely. Anyway, what about the splitter?
"We don't exchange letters frequently, so we're still talking a few times... Still, the workmanship is going well. Please check back later as we store all the pre-workmanship items for the exchange."
"I hope you will check back later, but there is a sentence that can confirm that there is no involvement of Mr. Gazelle in the pre-work physical object. … We have also received reports from those who were infiltrated confirming the absence of General Gazelle's involvement."
"... So what about the whereabouts of iron?
"I got confirmation about the placement. It appears to be flowing partly into the territory of the Duke of Sliger, Duke of Limmel…"
"That's what I was ready for... now I can't help but regret it. So, on Nort's and Cordis's side, what is the status of the collection of physical evidence suggesting Verse's involvement?
"I'm just working on it. It is difficult to bring it up at once and seems to be taking the stage.... Don't worry, Bern is on the scene."
"If there is a system of cooperation between Bern and Alf, there is no more comforting formation than this. Continue with the severance work and the collection of physical evidence. Launch an offensive on the Verse side… so that there is no physical evidence left at that time. And don't let reinforcements come any further than the Nort Cordis side. The scariest part is collaboration. If the Principality of Limmel comes into the offense in a way that is instigated by the Duke of Sliger family led by Cordis at the same time as Verse moves, I can't even see it."
"Yes, sir."
"Assuming that, share information with Gazelle… from there, let the Below Gazelle Marquis Anderson Guard clean up about the iron"
"Isn't it the National Army's departure?
To my words, Alf asked as he tilted his neck.
On the other hand, I'm slightly frowning between my eyebrows.
"If we move the National Army, that would be the way to go, wouldn't it? Especially since I'm not familiar with martial arts... if they can't handle it on their own, I guess I'll have to think about it and recruit a national army. … honestly, I would like it to be completed only by escorts as much as possible"
"Yeah...... What will you do with Cordis?
"We should leave the matter of the Principality of Limmel to the Principality of Limmel...... but honestly we are lost....... Although the system of cooperation is laid, it does not mean that cooperation is perfect. Not to mention in view of the considerable distance it takes a lot of time to communicate the information...... it will be difficult to move in a state of imperfect cooperation while the situation moves step by step. In case you have the authority to deal with everything on this side, it's not there yet."
"I mean, the question is, is there something like where the lead is going? The collaborators of the Principality of Limmel are only those who are there for the Principality of Limmel. Naturally there is something different from ours to defend, and that is why it never turns over its command. There are time constraints while maintaining a system of cooperation, so cooperation is not allowed. I can't push things forward without taking the lead when something unforeseen happens in the middle of something like that... the worst individual, moving phrase, that it could break."
"Oh, that's what I'm talking about"
"If so, don't you have to cooperate? I want to avoid moving individually and making things bigger. I wonder if moving without any reward at all will also sound like a future relationship of trust, so even as I ask the Duke of Limmel about sharing information with the Duke of Grindle, it moves at the initiative of this side...... something like that?
"I guess so, that would be the best.... but what about Cordis? It's hard to push through what we've decided here."
"That's... that's true"
For a while, a book of silence had descended on the spot.
Second, look at my son Louis.
Beneath his eyes was a neighborhood that he could not hide.
... especially me. It would be similar.
"... after all, this is all I have"
How long has it been since we've been silent?
Breaking the silence was my little word.
It was supposed to be a little grunt, sounding out of the blue in a silent room.
"Alf. Can you get in touch with Bern?
"Yes, of course."
My gaze turns to Alf.
That gaze wasn't just serious... it was somewhere, ready for it.
"Then tell him. I'm trying to wipe out Curtis and Cordis in order to make Duke Sliger's next Lord Miles. The full responsibility that comes with it is all taken by Romel Jib Almeria, the prime minister of this Tasmerian kingdom.... if I have to, I'll admit the order."
Ji and Alf stare at me like they're asking.
It's rare for him and he doesn't give instant answers to my instructions.
I was not offended by that gaze I tried, I was just quietly accepting it.
"... Perhaps Curtis' escort will have it on par with Master Romel. In the meantime, how difficult it is for Curtis and Cordis both to wipe out… Can you imagine if Lomel can't understand it?"
"Oh. Based on that, yes.... Only Alf and Bern can rely on that power in this phase. Naturally all the necessary personnel, money and supplies can be realized. And I take full responsibility for the consequences of this instruction.... Whatever the consequences, whatever happens along the way.... Anything else you'd like to check?
"If Lomel said everything, it must be everything."
Fuwari and Alf laughed.
That gracious grin is like giving peace to a man's heart.
But the next moment, my expression returned to my affirmation.
"... then take me with Bern. Of course, we will continue to work on the breakup locally, and I will leave this side to my trusted people."
"I understand.... but be careful."
"Thank you. I will procure the necessary supplies myself… I will follow up with you if I need anything."
"Okay.... Louis"
"Yes, of course. I'll use all the power I can to cover you."
"Thank you, Master Louis"
Thus, Alf travelled away.