Common Sense of a Warrior
Discussion between the Prime Minister and the General
I was visiting the Anderson Marquis with Louis.
The purpose, of course, is to share information about this case.
Gazelle's study at the Marquis Anderson residence was surrounded by unusual tensions.
"... well. Verse..."
Gazelle, who heard everything from me depending on the matter, has a depressing face.
"... I'm sorry, but I can't get the National Army out on this one. Of course I will refrain from taking part in the battle when it looks bad... but if you make a big deal out of it, it's not just about Verse."
"... the neck of Nong et al., he said he would give it to the country early. Rather, otherwise, it doesn't make sense."
"Are you serious?
"Oh.... Non can't face everyone in the National Army anymore. When I think of my men scattered to protect this country, how could they be in the rank of generals?"
"I'm sure of what your father says, but it's an immediate battle first. Before you make things bigger, you should avoid massive movements of the National Army… because it will give the Twill nation a clearance to enter. That's not weird whenever you move out, either, if you know there's been a civil conflict at the Marquis Anderson house. Considering that, the National Army will naturally not be able to move from border security and will have to move the troops residing in King's Capital... if this is also to move significantly, there is a risk of leakage of information. For this reason, it is still ideal that we wear pieces only at the Marquis Anderson and the escort."
To Parks' words, I nodded in a throwing mood.
"Oh, especially what the Lord is saying, Parks. I'll clean this up with Nona. Well, it's only natural that you should be held accountable for what you've done. Romel, Lord Louis. Do you have any information on where that iron is?
"Oh, oh... well, of course"
To my affirmation, Gazelle turns her gaze toward Parks.
"I understand. So long, Lord Romel, Lord Louis.... over there, can you tell me about that information? In the meantime, we would like to discuss supplies."
"Oh, oh... then, Louis. You go."
And Parks and Louis left the room.
"... hey, gazelle"
"Maybe... no, I can imagine the answer, but I'll let you know just in case. What are you gonna do, Merlis?
"What do you... do you mean let them take part in this operation? Or does that mean you want your engagement broken?
To gazelle's inquiry, he turns a cold gaze, though not exorbitant.
That reaction would have represented my anger.
"Don't be silly.... Louis doesn't want that. Instead, he says he's moving if he doesn't want to lose that kid."
Gazelle leaks a breath of relief into my answer.
"Really, it's something that had a good righteous breath. … naturally do not participate in whether or not to participate."
"... is that good?
"It must be natural.... He is a dear daughter of Nong, but he should not be allowed to participate in this case. He's already with the Duke of Almeria. If he joins us, the firepowder will extend to the Duke of Almeria's house, won't it?
"So I'm not calling him."
"... right"
I never overlapped any more words.
That's because Gazelle realized, in an atmosphere emanating from him, that he was rejecting it without words.
"That being so, is your Lord's time okay? And Lord Louis' too."
"It's time, time.... Perhaps we'll have a long talk about Parks. Whatever, now he's planning an operation listening to Lord Louis. I can't even read how long it takes to finish."
"... then I'll go home first. Let Louis stay here. That's the chance to see an operation planned... it'll be a good experience."
"Right.... Sorry."
That's how I left Louis and left first.