You can search for "Conan's Gou to Black Organization Destroy Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!If Akemi was just a character that Uesugize felt sorry for before, after becoming his woman, it would have changed completely.

Seeing Akemi revealing her back unabashedly in front of her, Uesugi Sawa vowed that he would change Akemi's plot.

When Miyano saw Uesugi's silly expression, she laughed and laughed happily. In Akemi's view, it is a happy thing that she can attract Uesugize.

This is a person who can make her very safe. How long has this feeling been gone, besides, how long does she have left...

Uesugize tried his best to recall the memory in his mind, and finally handed the revelations behind the Yunfeixiao murder case to a woman named Gucci Maid, one of his sponsors.

In addition to paying enough money, there is another key reason for buying and breaking the news. They don't need to meet this woman. They will confirm everything by email.

Both parties didn't want to be known by the other side, but she underestimated the paparazzi.

Enter the password and send out some information that broke the news, and the other party quickly responded.


"Old rules."

Uesugi Sawa replies to the computer, he has no idea how the predecessor was priced.

Soon his phone vibrated, and he glanced at the text message: 200,000 yen.

Good price.

Uesugize was very satisfied with the price, and then sent out the news.

A few days later, newspapers and TV stations were broadcasting the revelations behind the killing on the roller coaster.

At the same time, Uesugi Sawa's mind once again sounded the voice of the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the news material of the roller coaster incident, grade bronze, has broken the news to the news person, and started to calculate the breaking news value. Congratulations for obtaining the two bronze box rewards, whether to open."

"What the hell?"

Hearing the system reminder in his mind, Uesugize remembered that this was a system he was about to forget.

The system had a reminder before, but because of the special scene before, Uesugiazawa ignored it at all.

Besides, there is no system that allows you to report yourself, and what good qualities can such a system have.

It's just that Uesugize didn't expect to get rewards for breaking the news on the roller coaster case.

Closed his eyes and looked at the two bronze boxes in his mind, Uesugize hesitated for a moment, and finally said softly, "Open."


With this sound, one of the boxes opened and the system prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for extracting the voice change technique. As a whistleblower, it is important to hide your identity. The voice change technique allows the host to imitate the voice of any person he has seen."

"There is such a surprise, it seems I blamed the system."

Uesugazawa had already learned this technique when he opened this box.

Compared to Conan's use of props, his skill is more convenient. If nothing else, he will report the call later, so he doesn't need to worry.

This world is not as developed as later generations. With AI voice, he can only have some skills, but it may be analyzed.

With this voice change, he doesn't need to worry.

As for the second bronze box, it is a bit weird. It is ten pieces of cardboard. Each piece of cardboard can be combined with what Uesugiazawa wants to write without leaving any clues.

This seems to be the best criminal tool for criminals.

"There is an escort car this afternoon. Kishii inside is ready. Where is Yamei?"

Still in Uesugi’s rental house, Ko Shinichiro has successfully bought out the hairpin and told the information.

"I am also ready here, and I will be ready at the Women's Association. Brother Yamagata will have enough time to evacuate as planned, then abandon the car, erase all traces, and take the money away."


Yamagata nodded.

It's just that when Yamagata was leaving, he and Uesugi Sawa looked at each other, and the two nodded tacitly.Nuwa Book Library

Time goes back to three days before the action.

"Yamagata, do you think the organization will let us go after the action."

"Uesugi, what do you mean by that?"

Yamagata asked with some doubts.

"I have been following you these few days and found that besides you, there is another car following you. Before we committed a crime, you and I were just ordinary people. Who would notice us unless..."

Hearing Uesugi Sawa's words, Yamagata's entire complexion turned bad.

"Yami knows?"

"Well, she also has speculation in this regard, but there is no evidence, so it's hard to talk nonsense."

"So, how did you plan."

Yamagata asked.

"We plan to revise the evacuation plan. This is a new evacuation plan. This is just in case, and we have a hole card in our hands if they are going to destroy it."

Seeing Yamagata, his new address, took it.

"Aren't you afraid of me swallowing it?"

Hearing this, Uesugiazawa looked at Yamagata earnestly and said, “Don’t underestimate the strength of the organization. We just want to complete the task better, but if you really swallow this money, can you spend it? If the channel is spent, you are running on the street with criminal evidence."

Upon hearing this, Yamagata had some thoughts to stop immediately.

As the oldest person here, Yamagata may only have the ability to drive, but he is definitely the person with the most experience.

In the billion-billion-dollar incident, it can be seen that something wrong can be found first and swallowed.

Believing Uesugi’s judgment, he nodded, put away the new retreat plan, and smiled: “Well, it’s good, I found that Yamei looks at you very differently these days.”

"Ahem, Mr. Yamagata didn't expect you to have this aspect of mind at your age."

"What is my age? What's wrong with my age."

Yamagata said dissatisfied, "I'm just over forty."

Hearing this, Uesugi Sawa glanced at Yamagata, who was the same as Sixty, and coughed violently.

Uncle, you are too mature.

On the day of the operation, Mihua Bank.

Uesugiazawa pretended to be handling business and walked into the bank. He heard an excitement as soon as he sat down.

"Haha, you can have a big meal now."

Hearing these strange and familiar words, Uesugi Sawa's expression turned bad.

"Really, we all acted in advance. Why is Kogoro Mouri showing up here? Maybe Kogoro still has a habit of saving money."

"Dad, now that the economy is down, the experts say that we must prepare for the next time. Don't just spend a little money. It's better to buy a new schoolbag for Conan, OK?"

Mao Lilan rubbed Conan's hair and said kindly.

"Ahem, white."

The moment Mao Lilan squatted down, Conan happened to see a beautiful scenery.

"Huh, this kid, the last time he played his schoolbag as a football, he broke it and he has to buy it."

Mouri Kogoro was very angry.

"Sister Xiaolan, in fact, Dr. A Li has already given me a new schoolbag, no need."

Conan saw Kogoro's look that hated him, and said quickly.

"Haha, that's great, let's go eat."

Hearing their conversation, Uesugi Sawa was also overjoyed. He left quickly, and left quickly. The appearance of this Reaper elementary school student was nothing good.