You can search for "Conan's Gou to Black Organization Destroy Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Belmod, you can withdraw quickly, I suspect Uesugi Sawa is still at the Rice Flower Hotel, be careful."

After pressing the detonated bomb button, Gin said to Belmode.

"Understood, I have already started walking towards the door, and I will bring back what the organization needs later."

At this moment, Belmod's disguised searcher was carrying Takeshita's box.

According to the analysis of the police department, the identity of the man in black may be inferred from the contents inside.

In particular, there was an explosion on the Dahei Building, which was located at the top cocktail bar.

So this evidence is very important.

But Belmode soon found that a "colleague" beside him was also with him.

"The police department asked me to protect the exhibits with you."

In fact, when the police officer received the evidence, Uesugi, who became a police officer, knew in his heart that this was not someone else, but Belmode.

The reason for the conclusion that the other party is Belmode is because the other party previously pointed out that the bomb came from the box and asked the police department to check the official box full of heaven.

Those are plots that didn't exist before, unless the other party knew about it early.

The most crucial point is the charm that exudes from the opponent's whole body, even if he changes his face, he still can't escape the search of the powerful gene of Yayu.

Walking out of the door, Belmode looked at the police officer next to him and rolled his eyes and said: "The whole street was blocked just after the explosion. Let's pass it through the alley. Let's go back to the police station as soon as possible."

"Okay, let me get the box."

Uesugazawa said.


Belmode didn't mind at all, he had to return to his hands anyway.

Coming to the alley, Belmode thought the time was right.

At this time, Belmode sprayed Uesugi Sawa with the faint spray he had prepared earlier.

It turned out that the opponent's hand hadn't been released, and then looking at the smile in the opponent's eyes, he instantly raised his alert.

"As expected of the Thousand Change Witch, Belmode."

Uesugize couldn't help but smiled coldly. The method was weird. Fortunately, he used the state of yayu li, and he shut his breath the moment Belmode used it, and then immediately retreated to a safe distance.

"I have long heard that Belmode, your disguise skills are very superb, when I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation,"

Seeing Ermod didn't expect Uesugi Sawa to find that he didn't say anything, and was just as easy to become a case handler at the scene, waiting for the opportunity.

"Retreat quickly!"

Even if the gin is not said in the earphones, Belmode has already acted and wanted to run into the crowd.

Uesugize will not let her leave this time, after all, she is her own experience value.

Besides, he couldn't live up to Belmode's kindness to bring himself here, just to prevent her from mixing into the crowd.

The chance to catch Belmode is only this time, and she must not let her escape from her eyes.


The flying knife flew by his ear, and Belmode couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Not because she was calculated, Uesugize called out her true identity, but because the environment was too unfavorable for her. The other party was not only a master with a gun, but also a master with a knife.

At such a close distance, even if he draws his gun, I am afraid that his odds of winning are less than 30%.

But Belmode will not give up.

Just as Belmode was about to draw his gun, a white light flashed, and the hand holding the gun began to bleed.

Uesugize’s throwing knife had flown over her wrist, and her gun fell to the ground.

Then Belmore looked at Uesugi Sawa's muzzle at her and raised his hands.

At such a close distance, she couldn't be escaping, unless they could arrive in time for Gin.

The key is whether he still has that time, maybe even if Gin finds himself, it is a corpse.

Thinking of Takila's end, she couldn't help but tremble!

"As expected of a man who is afraid of gin."

Belmode looked at the person in front of him carefully.

Although Belmode didn't show his true face, the color in his eyes had completely

It was the first time she encountered such a powerful opponent.

Powerful, high brain IQ, they can play around and disguise, sometimes this reminds Belmode of someone else.

How similar the two are, even she thinks Uesugi Sawa is better than that guy.

"When did you discover me?"

Belmode is very confident in his disguise, and this is the first time he has been seen through by someone other than gin.

"I didn't see through it, but I believe that the detectives at the scene have reminded you so much. If you want to get the box back, you will definitely become a police officer, so I just waited."

Uesugize chuckled lightly.

Looking at Bel Mod who was disguised in front of him, Uesugi Sawa had to compliment the other party's acting and disguise.

Of course, after all, he is a person who has won an Oscar for acting and has learned disguise from Kuaidou's father. Xizi's skills are simply not comparable to her.

"On-site reminder?!"

Belmode couldn't help but his eyes condensed.

Sure enough, just like Gin's analysis, Takeshita was his chosen chess piece.

At this moment, Belmode didn't continue to pretend, she tore her face to reveal her beauty, perhaps in her heart she would die in the most beautiful appearance even if she died.

"Belmod, hold on, I'll be here soon."

In the car, the gin had already grabbed the steering wheel of the vodka and rushed towards the rice flower hotel.

But because of the explosion, traffic control has started here.

"It's so beautiful, worthy of being my idol, I am your loyal fan."

"Then how do you, a loyal fan plan to let me die?"

Belmode asked calmly.

"Dead? I just said that I'm a loyal fan of yours. How to sign an idol for me."

Uesugazawa said.


Hearing Uesugize's words, Belmode couldn't help but condensed his eyes and asked subconsciously: "It's that simple."

"Almost? Of course, if I can learn more about idols, I am also very willing."

"Whether I signed you or answered some of your questions, you will let me go."

"Well, almost?"

Uesugi Sawa said uncertainly.

Who made the system prompt has not yet appeared.


Hearing Uesugi's insincere words, Belmode obviously felt that Uesugi was playing her.

But now she has no room for questioning, she can only trust him passively.

"Signature, where is the signature?"

Belmod was delaying time with Uesugi Sawa, buying more time for Gin, while thinking about the chance to escape.

"Just write it on my sleeve."

Uesugize stretched out his left arm indifferently, and at the same time took off the Belmode headset and crushed it under his feet.

"it is good."

Belmode didn't care about the destruction of communication equipment, but was thinking about whether he could create an opportunity if he stabbed it with a pen.

"I am very afraid of pain or you know that some killers face threats and their bodies are out of control. I don't want to kill you by accident."

Hearing this, Belmode gave up the idea

Sign his name on Uesugi Sawa's sleeve, Chris Wynyard.

"I think you signed the wrong name. I'm not a fan of Chrissy, I'm a fan of your Sharon Wynyard."


Belmode was stunned when he heard Uesugi's words.

At the same time, the system system sounded in Uesugi's mind...