You can search for "Conan's Gou to Black Organization Destroy Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Xiao Cang, why are you still here? The police department of Mumu is already angry. Let us cancel all off duty and investigate clues about this case. I am so anxious that I have not even written the autopsy report. Alas, the dead child is too. I'm innocent, who can bear the heart to carve such a cute child!"

As soon as Uesugize came out, he met a detective.

"Officer Kobayashi, are you saying that the autopsy reports of Haozo Kimoto and Ryuo Kimoto have not been completed yet?"


Officer Kobayashi is also a part-time forensic doctor of the Metropolitan Police Department. Although he can get a portion of the money according to the subsidy, many people in the Metropolitan Police Department are evasive about this job, and no one wants to deal with those who work more, even if it is better. Friends of, after a few days after the autopsy, they dare not come into contact with Xiaolin. In their words, what to do if you are possessed by an evil spirit, so Xiaolin can drag it.

Isn't it under review anyway? If Ichiro Kimoto confessed, it would save him trouble. Besides, people in the Kimoto group might not want them to dissect the corpse.

"In fact, there are two corpses inside, as long as professionals can quickly see them."

Upon hearing this, Officer Xiaolin stared at Ogura in amazement, and suddenly remembered something and said: "Yes, you have applied for this part-time job before, just now you..."

Hearing this, Uesugize didn't expect that his disguised identity would have this level, but it would be easier to handle this.

"Yes, I just went to practice hands."

"Then you should also be able to write a report?"


Uesugi Sawa nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and write it for me."

Xiao Lin said anxiously.

After finally getting a free laborer, if he didn't speak, would he still have an autopsy himself?

"But I didn't get permission after all, I can say, you write."

Uesugizawa can't write.

"That's natural."

"Also, don't tell me about this. Even if you are in my presence, I won't admit it."

"That's, that's..."

Kobayashi said.

He naturally understood what Ogura was worried about, after all, the legends of those evil spirits had been haunting people's hearts.

"Then the Mumu Police Department asked us to go over immediately."

Uesugizawa asked.

"I'm afraid it's already overcrowded, and we won't find it in the police department later."

Kobayashi quickly grabbed Uesugi Sawa to write the autopsy report.

"The deceased's body has many scars, but the color is old. It is presumed to be an injury from a long time ago. In addition, there are traces of secondary application on the wound. It can be clearly concluded that it was the result of death caused by two stabbings."

When Uesugize said here, Kobayashi asked in surprise, "Isn't it, two stabbings?"

"Did you not make a careful investigation during the autopsy before?"

Uesugize said grimly: "The wounds vary in degree of superficiality, and there are two obvious wound trends. You wouldn't even notice this."

Hearing this, Kobayashi said embarrassedly: "Don't blame me. If this kind of wound is not dissected, no one will notice."

Having said this, Xiaolin paused slightly, and his tone became a little complicated: "Then say that, isn't it because the reasoning of the murderer was a little bit off."

"You can print an extra copy. I'll show it to the Megumi Police Department. You can sort it out and submit it to the Shiratori Police Department to make up."


Xiao Lin immediately began to organize.

It's just that although there are deviations, Kobayashi still thinks that this may also be the reason why Ichiro Kamoto concealed it.

But with this report, Uesugi Sawa has the opportunity to help Ichiro apply for a new investigation.Little Snail Chinese Website

At the same time, Uesugize also thought about who to help in this lawsuit.

"It will be fun then..."

Uesugize left the Metropolitan Police Department just like that.

But the next moment he stopped.

"Children, are you lost?"

From stepping out of the police station, he noticed that he didn't know when he was following a child behind him.


The little girl shook her head silently.

Uesugize scratched his hair, which looked like a lost child.

By the way, she just came out of the Metropolitan Police Department. It was probably because passers-by saw that the child was lost and sent to the Metropolitan Police Department to wait for his parents. However, the child followed herself while everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department was handling the case. Out.

This is not easy.

"Little sister, you heard from your elder brother that you have to go back and wait for your parents to pick you up..."

Just as Uesugiazawa finished speaking, the little girl ran away and walked onto the road.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the little girl running on the road, Uesugize felt like another disobedient bear boy, otherwise he would not get lost.

Just when Uesugiazawa wanted to grab the little girl's hand and send her back to the Metropolitan Police Department, he caught nothing.

Uesugize watched his hand pass through the little girl's body...


Car horns sounded behind him, and for a while, passers-by shouted everywhere on the road.

Everyone looked at Uesugi Sawa standing alone on the road.

"What's the matter with this person?"

Everyone stopped in doubt, unable to restrain themselves.

One of the drivers patted Uesugize on the shoulder vigorously.

"Are you looking for death? Didn't you see the red light? You are standing on the road, and if you commit suicide, choose another way."

After all, Japan’s suicide rate is the highest in the world, and its suicidal methods of death are also bizarre. It is not uncommon to have the choice to crush the street.

Just don't let your own driver become a tool, he doesn't want to share such things.

It's just that Uesugazawa was completely indifferent.

Just as the driver became more and more convinced that Uesugize was going to commit suicide, he was about to take him to the Metropolitan Police Department but found that Uesugi's face was extremely terrifying. His cold eyes and murderous aura made the driver who wanted to teach Uesugize a good lesson. , Back again and again.

In particular, Uesugize's eyes were glowing with purple light just now, which made him think he had encountered a legendary evil spirit possessed.

Uesugize just followed the "little sister" to leave, and tears suddenly flowed from those unsentimental eyes.

Even Uesugize didn't wipe it, staring blankly at the little girl in front of him, or the kind, sensible and cute little girl he could only see.

Uesugi Sawa didn't understand why this is obviously Conan's world, why there is such a strange and non-existent phenomenon of soul.

Although there has been a product that breaks the setting in Conan's world, it is not as surprising as the soul.

Could there be souls after death?

Uesugize didn't understand, but he only knew one thing. Under the eyes of the psychic, he saw this little girl who had died.

The reason why his psychic eyes were activated before was not because of Hao Zang and Ryuki Hamoto, but because of the energy in this little girl.

At the same time, he also saw a lot of information, which was uploaded to his mind from the little girl.

These messages made Uesugize's murderous aggression more and more serious, and even the places he passed by, even the road beside him took two steps back and hurriedly avoided.