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Hearing Uesugizawa's words, Zaicheng Takehiko was stunned. He had always looked down upon Ichiro's friends, especially he didn't have a lot of favor with him.

"This, I have given up because I am in love with Xia Jiang."

Hearing this, Uesugize smiled disdainfully: "That is, after all, your enemy Hamoto Kozo is dead, right?"

"Mr. Qiancang, what do you mean!"

Zaicheng Takehiko glared at Uesugiazawa.

"Okay, Xiaowu, Mr. Asacang is also here for Ichiro. He hopes to meet Ichiro. Please tell me, brother-in-law, so that Ichiro can add Mr. Asacang to the list of meetings."

Qimoto Shoji said this time.

Hearing this, Toicheng Takehiko's eyes flickered, and he rebuffed Qimoto Beilang in a serious manner: "I'm afraid it won't work. After all, we have entered the litigation stage. Our time is precious. There is no extra quota to give to others, Qian Cang. I can understand my husband’s desire to visit Ichiro, but please wait until the case is over."

"Oh, after the case is over, where, on the prison visitor list, I have always believed that Ichiro can't kill people, and you are a person who wants revenge to find a lawyer for the Kimoto family. I doubt you want Ichiro. To die."

Uesugizawa said deliberately.

"Mr. Qiancang, I don't think you understand the whole story at all. This is the family affair of our Qiben family. Don't bother you."

Saidori Takehiko said here, took a look at Kitaro Keimoto and said, "Uncle, let's go to discuss the issue of lawyer fees. I have some friendship with this lawyer, and there should be some reductions."

Said this, Caicheng Takehiko no longer looked at Uesugiazawa.

"Cut, I just heard your talk outside just now. What kind of rubbish lawyer is this? Not to mention the high fees, but he has to plead guilty for defense. He has a brain disease, or the person who invited him has a ghost in his heart. Why not invite Concubine Yingli? I also agree with Mrs. Keimoto. For such an important case, you should hire a real lawyer."

Uesugi Sawa once again questioned his decision, which made Toicheng Takehiko's face very ugly.

Before he could speak, Qimoto Mariko rushed out of the house.

"Yes, Beilang, you are still Ichiro's father, but not as good as Ichiro's friend."

Obviously Uesugi Sawa's words were said to the mother's heart.

But when he heard his wife's words, Kimoto Kitaro looked embarrassed, even more bitter.

In order not to worry Marizi, he didn't tell her, he went to invite him, but they refused.

Otherwise, even if Fei Yingli is asking for a high price, based on her record of filing a lawsuit in the country, Kibmoto Beilang is willing to ask for it.

What's more, when he got something from Xiaowu, he would never try to ask Concubine Yingli's mind.

"I can understand Mr. Asacang's desire to excuse his friends, but Ichiro is a crime, and you probably don't know it. The uncrowned king in your mouth, Concubine Hideri, originally reasoned that Ichiro was on the cruise ship. The wife of the murderer Mouri Kogoro."

Hearing from Choijo Takehiko that this concubine Hideri was actually the wife of Kogoro Mouri, Mariko Kakimoto couldn't help but stared: "She, she really is Kogoro Mouri's wife?!"

Kimoto Kitaro also comfortably patted his wife on the shoulder and said: "If it weren't for this relationship, how would I give up? Fortunately, she is not the lawyer who sued this time."

Zaicheng Takehiko walked up to Uesugi Sawa at this time and said in words that only two people could hear: "Mr. Asakura, we still have to help Ichiro get a lawyer. If you can't help, please leave."

"Don't draw conclusions so early, OK? Who says I can't help, in fact, I know lawyer Fei Yingli very well."

Hearing Uesugi Sawa's words, everyone in the Kimoto family was surprised.

"Mr. Asacang, didn't you hear clearly, Fei Yingri is the wife of Kogoro Moori, do you think she will take this lawsuit against her husband?"

Zaicheng Takehiko was very dissatisfied with Uesugiazawa's repeatedly disrupting his plan.

"Hehe, I also ask you to go deeper when investigating. Don't you know that she and Maori have separated long ago? Their relationship is not as good as you thought. Besides, if there is a chance, it can prove Maori Kogoro's reasoning. It’s wrong, I believe Fei Yingli will be happy to take it..."

Hearing this, Kimoto Kitaro and Kimoto Mariko squeezed Toijo Takehiko directly and stood in front of Uesugi Sawa and said, "Mr. Asakura, what are you saying is true? As long as you can let Fei Hideri act for Ichiro’s defense lawyer. We are willing to pay as much as possible."

Hearing the words of Kimoto Kitaro and Kimoto Mariko, Choijo Takehiko clenched his fists unconsciously.

Just now these two people begged themselves because they didn't have money. When they heard that Uesugiazawa could invite Concubine Yingli, he immediately became rich.

"But even if you can invite Fei Yingli, I am afraid you can't make a plea of ​​innocence."

Caicheng Takehiko said in shock at this time.

"I actually have some clues about this. Even if I can't defend my innocence, I can ask Ms. Hideri to help me fight for the most powerful plan for Ichiro."

Uesugize said deliberately.


Hearing Uesugi Sawa's words, Suishi Takehiko's heart suddenly choked.

Both Kimoto Kitaro and Kimoto Mariko were surprised to ask Uesugizawa what clues were.

Caicheng Takehiko also pretended to be caring, and came over.

"If there is a clue, can I help?"

Zaicheng Takehiko showed a look that he really wanted to contribute to this case.

"No, I can do it myself. Don't forget that I am a reporter and have my own channels."

Uesugi Sawa said confidently.

"You are waiting here, I'll go find Fei Yingli."

After speaking, Uesugi Sawa left without hesitation.

"Then we wait for your good news."

Said Kimoto Beilang and Kimoto Mariko.

"Please, Mr. Qiancang."

The nobleman is the one who believes in Uesugi Sawa the most. Uesugi Sawa helped solve the previous castle case.

Seeing Uesugi Sawa's departure, Tsuicheng Takehiko was a little worried.

However, he still has a trace of luck in his heart, that is, Fei Yingli will not represent this case.

"Inquire about Xia Jiang in the evening, isn't she very good with Maori Kogoro's daughter."

In fact, Uesugi Sawa did not go to see Concubine Hideri after he left, after all, she was not familiar with herself at all, and she never even met.

The reason why he would say those words is to make Fortune Takehiko nervous and start to act to see if he can collect some useful evidence.

Of course, Uesugi Sawa wants Fei Hideri to represent this case, but he needs some means. Although Uesugi Sawa is a little bit disdainful, he can only aggrieved him for Ichiro.

Who made Shinichi Kudo's reasoning wrong? Other things are okay, but this is a matter of life and death. How can you force the reasoning without evidence, so you have to pay the price for the mistake.

"Inference can be regarded as a game, but human life is not a game..."