Conan's Gou to the destruction of the Black Organization

Chapter 120 Concubine Yingli's Surprise

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"Killer, stop joking, okay..."

Even the calm Fei Yingri couldn't believe that Uesugiazawa would be a killer.

"So, Ms. Fei Yingri, as I said just now, not everything is the same as it seems."

Upon hearing Uesugi's words, Fei Yingri felt a murderous aura on Uesugi's body.

Reminiscent of the strange state in the coffee shop Temple Hill before, Fei Yingli couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

"This is on the street, you will definitely be spotted if you shoot like this."

Fei Yingli said calmly.

"Really, lawyer concubine, do you know that this road leads to the financial building behind? The people who appear on the opposite side of the road at this point are the ones who have the fastest time, and the green light will open soon. When I am silent No one will pay attention when the bullet enters your body. You may not be found until I follow the crowd and disappear to the other end. The police will not have the slightest clue then."

Hearing Uesugize's words, the tension on Fei Yingli's face became more and more obvious. This man is a master of using the environment. Unlike other murders, the humans he used are psychological blind spots.

This is the case that makes it the most difficult for the police to detect.

"You also appeared in the coffee shop today, and there were homicides, two homicides a day, the police will definitely investigate everyone I met today, and you will also be suspected."

Fei Yingli tried to make Uesugize hesitate, as long as there was a trace of hesitation, she would not give up the chance to survive.

"Fei Yingli, is this your last last word?"

Uesugi Sawa said indifferently.

"and many more……"

Fei Yingli saw the green light turned on, and the crowd on the opposite side had already begun to walk over. Uesugize, who was facing away from them, had already blocked the gun with his body, and aimed at him.

"Goodbye, Ms. Fei Yingli..."

Uesugi Sawa showed a graceful smile.


Fei Yingli's brain was blank.


The passers-by around were taken aback.

Fei Yingli was the same, and then watched several flowers spout from the muzzle.

"To you, Attorney Concubine, I will introduce myself again, Ichiro Kakimoto's friend, Asa Cazawa, someone who wants to invite you to defend my friend."

Fei Yingli stayed on the spot in a daze. In the past countless years, she has seen countless clients begging for herself or seeking her own defense in the lawyer industry, but she has never been so thrilling today.


Fei Yingli was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Uesugi Sawa was very satisfied with the effect he had made. As for this flower gun, it was just a prop from the bronze treasure chest of the system.

According to the meaning of the system, people who mainly break the news cannot leave evidence even if they threaten people, and can use this magic gun to scare people.

The problem is that if you have a real gun, you can still use the abilities of the yakuza. Uesugize feels that the only function of this item is to scare people.

Now it seems that the effect is good, at least Fei Yingli has been shocked by herself.

"Qian, Mr. Qian Cangze, I, I don't need to call the police, but I hope you don't have another time."

Fei Yingli calmed down her desperate heart. She would never forgive Uesugi Sawa for such behavior.

Just now she definitely felt the threat of death.

"Attorney Fei Hideri feels angry too, and so is my friend Ichiro. He clearly did not commit things, but was reasoned by your husband to be a murderer. Do you think such anger should be more."

Hearing Uesugize's words, Fei Yingri was taken aback, frowned, and then said, "You are talking about the case of the Kimoto Group."

"It turns out that Lawyer Fei Yingri has been paying attention to your husband Kogoro Mouri, so you should know that there is no key evidence or murder weapon in that case."

Uesugazawa said.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that no murder weapon can prove your friend Ichiro's innocence. On the contrary, I just think that his motive for committing the crime has been fully established."

Having said this, Fei Yingli paused and said, "I will not accept this commission."

"Even if your husband made a wrong reasoning."

Uesugi Sawa asked.

"If you think your friend Ichiro is wronged, then you can collect clues and hand them to the police."

Fei Yingli can still stand here and talk to Uesugi Sawa so much, she feels polite enough.

"Ms. Eiri, I think you have misunderstood. I am not asking you to become Ichiro's lawyer. I am asking."

Uesugi Sawa and Concubine Hideri are sent together.

"Forgot to tell you something. Although it was a joke just now, I am a killer and I did not lie to you."

Uesugize glanced in the distance, and there was a bullshit diagonally across from them. Because a student accidentally touched him, he kicked it and didn't care about it. The student had no choice but to accept it.

"Did you see it? Twelve seconds later, the gangster should pass by the flower shop. If my target is him, then I only need to let the next pot of flowers fall and hit him on top of his head when he is passing by. Say this should be an accident..."

Fei Yingli stopped, she didn't know whether Uesugize's words were true or false.

Then she saw Uesugi Sawa take out the gun and put the silencer on.

"Are you using this prop gun again?"

"Prop gun?"

Uesugize smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"You can see clearly, this is a real gun, and it's a unique killer gun."


When Uesugi Sawa spoke, he had already used the abilities of Yayu Hao to shoot.


The flower pots placed on the balcony of the flower shop were forced to fly down.


Fei Yingli was about to shout at this time, but Uesugize covered her mouth: "Don't worry, it will fall behind that kid, and it will only splash in mud."


The loud voice shocked the youth just now.

"This, this is impossible..."

Fei Yingri's husband is Kogoro Mori. Although she doesn't need to rob him, she understands that because of her husband, she knows that the so-called shooters in the world are actually based on the ability of the gun.

Take the pistol, for example, beyond the range of 20 meters, no master can hit a hundred shots. There is too much involved.

She even read an article specifically saying that the well-trained police M has a very low hit rate at 8 meters. Even if the husband is specially trained, he can maintain 70% at 15 meters. Is a master.

Even Olympic athletes who specialize in this aspect of training cannot keep hits in all the most exciting 10-meter events.

Not to mention that the effective distance was almost fifty meters.

This is not just the ability of a person with a gun, but also the ability of a pistol.

"Looking at the look of Ms. Yingri, you should also know a little about firearms. Didn't I just say that my gun is specially made. It is the production of machinery that produces guns with extremely high precision. His guns are those guns that even advanced craftsmen can’t make. Do you think a man who owns this kind of gun would be joking, or one day when Mori Goro went to see a horse race, a horse accidentally rushed towards him ,or……"


At this time, Hideri stopped Uesugiazawa's words, and said seriously and seriously: "Follow me to the office!"

Uesugi Sawa breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Even if he used the abilities of Yayu Li, he could only keep a 100% hit at 50 meters, otherwise he would have killed all the snipers on the opposite side at the professor's house.