Conan's Gou to the destruction of the Black Organization

Chapter 123 Disappearing Photos (Part 1)

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"In other words, you already had the idea of ​​killing him."

At this time Fei Yingli cut in.

This made Uesugize frowned, how did he feel that this questioning method was a bit like the other party's defense lawyer.

"No, I yelled at him at the time and told him that I didn't even think about it, and even fisted with him, but I was kicked to the ground."

"It's Tatsuno Kamoto who succeeded first, or you succeeded first."

Although what Ryuo Kimoto did is very irritating, there is no evidence for all of this. Fei Yingli calmly asked professional questions.

"It's me, it's my first hand."

Ichiro Kakimoto answered without thinking.

"After that, you were obviously kicked by him. If you continue to resist according to common sense, he won't relax his guard at this time. Why can you hurt him?"

Concubine Yingli asked.

This question is very critical, and Fei Yingli's inquiry was very fast, giving Ichiro no time to react.

"He thinks I have succumbed."

Kimoto Ichiro answered without hesitation.


Fei Yingli caught the word.

"That means you agree."

"Fart! I said earlier that it was the self-righteous wish of Kamoto Ryuki. I don't have this thought at all. I just want to protect the happiness of Xia **

Ichiro Kimoto's reaction was so great that he even bit out a trace of blood.

"Ms. Airi is enough. I know you wanted to verify whether Ichiro had the intention of killing Ryuo Hachimoto at the time. You don't need this skill. Ichiro told me if you were determined to kill him at that time."

Hearing Uesugize's words, Feihiko unconsciously squeezed her fist, and she was almost able to determine Ichiro's state at the time to determine whether her choice was correct, but what she didn't expect was Uesugizawa's notice.

As a result, Ichiro was prepared and would definitely not follow the facts.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Qiancang was so proficient in interrogation skills."

Fei Hideri learned this skill from Kogoro Mouri.

She didn’t expect Uesugi Sawa to be so keen on these, she could get the internal police autopsy report. Although it was a photocopy, she didn’t know the true or false, but this showed that Uesugi Sawa was definitely not that simple. He was also proficient in interrogation skills, Concubine. Hideri became more and more suspicious of Uesugi's identity as a killer.

It's just that Uesugi Sawa ignored Concubine Hideri, but stared at Ichiro Kamoto.

Just now he connected with another character, Fujiko of Witch Peak.

"Your friend's mood is too unstable. The killing intent on his body does not come from hatred of the target, but guard, so he will not lie at all in the next words.

It is precisely because of Feng Fujiko that Uesugiazawa interrupted Fei Yingri's inquiry. He wanted Fei Yingri to understand that I was not asking you to interrogate the prisoner, and at the same time, I also gave Fei Yingri a prestige, not to let her go too far.

Fei Yingli's interrogation is very rhythmic, and it is possible to ask the truth, but there is a little bit, once Ichiro is brought into this rhythm, it is very likely that he will question his decision and will not resist.

This concubine Yingli is completely standing on the opposite side, she still holds a trace of luck now.

"I want to kill him, Ichiro, calm down."

Uesugi Sawa asked the answer that made Fei Yingri feel that the other party was impossible to answer.


Unexpectedly, Ichiro Kimoto took a few deep breaths, looked at Uesugi Sawa with both eyes, and nodded heavily.

"Ichiro, although I oppose this choice of yours, from your eyes, I am definitely not regretful. You made this choice after careful consideration. Is it to protect Xiajiang or Qiujiang?"

Originally, Coniki was stunned when I heard Ichiro Kamoto admitted that he had the idea to kill Ryuo Kamoto, but when he heard Uesugizawa's words, she lost her thinking even more.

Seeing Fei Hideri's appearance, Uesugi Sawa said lightly: "Attorney Fei Hideri, I said before that I let you be Ichiro's defense lawyer to give you the opportunity to pay for the mistakes made by Maori. I will naturally prove that Ichiro is innocent. of."

Hearing Uesugi's words, Fei Yingli decided not to quarrel with Uesugize, but continued to ask: "So after Ryuo Kamoto relaxed his vigilance, you killed him with that steel tube!"


Uesugi Sawa called to stop, and then stared at Hieiri with a serious face: "If you continue to ask questions like this next, I will advise Ichiro to refuse your defense. Of course, you can start counting days for Kogoro Mouri."

When he said this, Uesugize exuded a trace of murderous aura, which made Feiyingri unconsciously tight.

"Well, I admit that it was too much, but I also have my own rules."

Fei Yingli insisted that this is also Fei Yingli's test of agents, and she will not give any criminal agents.

"Your test has ended since just now, and now Ichiro has admitted that he intends to kill Ryuo Hamoto, you can decide for yourself, but the moment you walk out of this door, I also have killing intent on Kogoro Mouri. "

Uesugi Sawa said lightly, it was not Uesugi's threatening words that made Fei Hideri afraid, but the tone of voice, like killing a cat or a mouse on the side of the road, understatement, this man really didn't have the slightest intention to kill. Scruples.

"What you said, won't..."

Facing the words of Eiri, Uesugi Sawa directly interrupted and said, "I said, that you can start from Ichiro's point of view, rather than start the interrogation without the judge and the police."

"Lawyer Fei Yingri, this is the last warning I give you. Please show your professional attitude and ability. Don't skip the key sequence. I believe that your ability is not so unbearable. Being known as a lawyer queen should not commit This kind of error."

Uesugi Sawa's words, let Princess Hideri take a few deep breaths and calm down. Just now, she had obviously changed her mind. When she heard Ichiro's answer that he killed Ryuo Kamoto, she did subconsciously shift to her husband, Kogoro Mori. Reasoning.

"Sorry, I was wrong just now, and I can guarantee that the subconscious behavior will never happen again. I have used my lawyer's name as a bet."

At this moment, Fei Yingli finally abandoned all distractions and thoughts.

"Well, this is the concubine Yingli in my impression."

Uesugiazawa's words stunned Consort Hideri, did this guy know her before.

But now Eiri's energy is concentrated on Ichiro, so irrelevant content is ignored.

"Ichiro, first of all I admit that there was a mistake in the question I asked you just now. Now I am changing the order of asking questions. What is it that made you murderous to Ryuo Habmoto? Although Ryuo Habmoto said too much, you You can refuse it completely. It can make you want to kill him and touch the engine. Can you sue me."

His performance this time made Uesugi Sawa close his eyes. He believed that the current Fei Hideri had fully entered the identity of Ichiro's defender.

"It's a threat, what else should he threaten you?"

Fei Yingli looked at Ichiro's silence, and suddenly asked.

"Yes...but it wasn't me he threatened."