Conan's Gou to the destruction of the Black Organization

Chapter 124 Disappearing Photos (Part 2)

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Hearing Ichiro's words, Ki Hideri was stunned.

It was not Ichiro that threatened, and it made her unresponsive for a while.

However, Uesugi Sawa showed a clear look, and even thought that this reason should have been guessed long ago. I am afraid that it is the next reason that made Ichiro Kamoto keep silent, unwilling to open the conflict with Kamoto Ryuo.

"Yes, if Kamoto Tatsuno threatens me, I am not afraid at all, but he threatened me with my cousin. At the time, I didn't believe my two sisters were such a person, and hated this scumbag even more."

When he said this, Ichiro Kimoto's face became more gloomy.

"This guy probably also saw my thoughts. He took out the pictures of Qiujiang's cousin and Caicheng Takehiko, and then asked me frivolously, if one day he asked Caicheng Takehiko to change his taste, and asked me if Caicheng Takehiko would promise……"

When I said this, Ichiro raised his head and his throat became hoarse: "I can't bet on this probability. I don't believe in Toijo Takehiko, so from that time I decided to get back the photos in his hand and not give him a chance."

"So you started pre-murdering him?"

Concubine Yingli asked.

"No, I just wanted to get the photos back at that time."

Kamoto Ichiro shook his head: "I only had this idea at the time, so I pretended to agree to him first."

"Should this Ryuo wouldn't believe you so easily, should there be other conditions?"

Uesugizawa asked.


Ichiro Kimoto looked at Uesugi Sawa abruptly.

"Big Brother Qiancang, you are really amazing. Yes, next he told me that he will arrange everything else. Anyway, everyone will not care about Grandpa’s life or death. As long as the extra size is suitable, they will hide it for me. Everyone will have a unified caliber. Grandpa committed suicide because of his sins. As for those who cannot be bought, he will find a solution."

"Solved, how to solve?"

Fei Yingri asked eagerly. According to Ichiro's intention, it was her husband and daughter who could not be bought.

"This is what Tatsuo Kimoto wants me to do. If he is not dead, your daughter will be his tool to threaten Mr. Maori. Not only that, I must also take Xiao Lan's body."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli stood up directly: "He damn!"

So far, although only Ichiro is saying that Ryuo is dead and unable to argue with him, the pictures Uesugi Sawa just showed to her by Mei Hideri made her completely believe that this scum had done it.

"But even so, if you kill him, it is still a crime, but please believe me, I will use all my abilities to help you defend."

Fei Hideri solemnly said to Ichiro Kimoto.

"Go on, there should be more."

Uesugi Sawa got a reminder from Mine Fujiko. She told Uesugi Sawa that Ichiro Kamoto in front of her was still uneasy, and there was a fire in the tone of her speech, and there should be more terrifying things.


Kamoto Ichiro raised his head: "Big Brother Asacang, did you even investigate this?"

Uesugi Sawa did not speak, but Ichiro Kimoto felt that the secret had also been discovered.

"Yes, and also, that guy told me with a smile that if I like that kind of sister-in-law plot, after the family property is divided equally, I can give Qiujiang to me. Anyway, he is tired of playing. A bottomless pit, the reason why he could marry Qiujiang's cousin was because he had contaminated Qiu** with things that shouldn't be contaminated.

And he even told me that in the future, he can use this method to help me get Xia Jiang, as long as I give him the property that belongs to me. Since he said that, I lost my mind and I told myself that I must With that photo, you must not let this person hurt Xia**, I want to protect Xia** and Qiu**.

I just caught a glimpse of an old steel pipe, and my brain was just taking the photo from him, but what I didn't expect was that I hit too badly."

"What about the photo, where did you get the photo from Gao Longnan, or did you tear it up?"

Uesugizawa asked.

This is a key issue.

"On the boat, after I found out the photos from his pocket, I wanted to destroy them directly, but..."

Speaking of this, Ichiro Keimoto hesitated: "I want to take this photo to threaten Toijo Takehiko, let him leave Xia ** and stop showing up in front of Cousin Xia Jiang, so I stayed in the end."

From the beginning to the end, Ichiro Kakimoto did not deny the possibility of killing Ichiro himself, which is why the police still arrested him when he could not find a murder weapon.

But Ichiro has always denied that he killed Haozo Haozo.

Hideri Kiyori is almost convinced that Haozo Kimoto was not killed by Ichiro Kimoto. The reason why I still have some doubts is that I haven't seen the autopsy report yet, but if everything is true, Ryuo Kimoto is more likely. some.

Walking out of the Metropolitan Police Department, Uesugi Sawa asked the Concubine Hideri next to him.

"See the original?"


Fei Yingli nodded.

Fei Yingli's eyes were full of anger.

It is absolutely unforgivable for Qimoto Ryuo to play with women, but also hit his own daughter.

Next, Fei Yingli immediately applied for a search of the luxury ship, which was also shelved because of a life case.

Only when she and Uesugi Sawa found the place where Ichiro Hajimoto said the photo was hidden on the ship, they found that the photo was missing.

"Could it be that Ichiro remembered it wrong or lied?"

Fei Yingli questioned.

"Ichiro will not lie about such an important matter. Without this photo, what he said would not be true."

Hearing Uesugi's words, Fei Yingri also felt that the subsequent speculation was a bit ridiculous. After all, the photos she got from Uesugizawa could confirm Ichiro's words.

"That is a wrong memory?"

Fei Yingli hesitated and said.

"He can't remember such an important thing. There is only one possibility. It is taken away. This place is very secret. It is impossible for people on the boat to come in casually. When the police were looking for the murder weapon, they also searched through Ichiro's room. , So this may be that this person took the photo before the police searched."

Uesugi Sawa looked at Concubine Hideri.

"According to this reasoning, when Ichiro and Ryuoo were in conflict, someone was watching silently behind him. After Ichiro lost his mind and injured Ryuoo, this talent came out. Maybe he killed Ryuoo and knew the photo. This secret matter, take the photo away before the police search."

Fei Yingli quickly reacted. Doesn't this mean that the murderer who assassinated Kibmoto Hao Zang had other people.

"Taicheng Takehiko is the most likely, but his confession came out after hearing Xia Jiang's yelling..."

After Fei Yingli returned, she focused all her attention on this case, so she had already memorized all the confessions.

"Easy, just reverse the order. If it was Ryuo who released him, it could be explained."

Uesugazawa said.

"But we have no evidence..."

Fei Yingli told Uesugi Sawa from a legal perspective.