You can search for "Conan's Gou to Black Organization Destruction Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

"It turns out that I owed so much money, and the date of repayment happened to be paid off after the Takeda family kidnapping case happened. It's confirmed. Butler Suzuki should have been one of the kidnappers."

From the revelations that Akemi found, Uesugi Sawa solved the truth about the Takeda family kidnapping case.

"But here, what role does Kazumi Kazuo play?"

Uesugizawa touched his chin, lost in thought.

Akemi also followed Uesugi's prompts, and the more she investigated, the more she was frightened.

"This Hagmoto Hozo is not a human being at all. When he was young, he used a lot of despicable means and won a lot of business, and from this record, Yamagata's father and this Hagmoto Hozo were dating. Quite a lot, no, it should have been a lot of contact with this Suzuki butler, but many of you can see the shadow of Haozo Haozo."

Akemi took out a lot of Yamagata's father hired to make troubles, threatening the money transactions of the opponents.

"No wonder Mr. Kimoto Sakaji didn't feel sad about his father's death at all. This kind of person is extremely selfish. This kind of person commits suicide and atonement is simply absurd, but he finally got terminal illness because God finally opened his eyes."

Mingmei took out a piece of information that she had investigated from the hospital.

"It was obtained by Bai Cang from the hospital."

It turned out that Hao Zang Hao Zang had symptoms.

"Hey, is the doctor in charge of examining him a doctor named Ninoho? Did you ask him for confirmation?"

"Unfortunately, this doctor committed suicide a few months ago."


How could Uesugi Sawa hear Akemi's words so coincidence.

"Speaking of which you may not believe it, it may be God's own arrangement. The doctor who committed suicide took the wrong report of Kibmoto Haozo..."

When Akemi handed a report to Uesugize, Uesugizawa flipped through it and almost dropped the report in her hands to the ground in surprise.

"In other words..."

"Yes, Kimoto Haozo didn't have a terminal illness. It was another person who got the terminal illness."

Mingmei's eyes showed regret.


Suddenly Uesugi Sawa took the report again and looked carefully.

"Since I got the wrong report, Kibmoto Kozo knows that he will not die, how can he set up a will? Isn't there anyone who hasn't notified Kibmoto Kozo during this time?"

Uesugi Sawa asked in surprise.

"Who knows, maybe this doctor is worried about his career, so he deliberately concealed it."

Mingmei guessed.

But Uesugi Sawa disagrees with this speculation.

It is normal for a doctor to worry that his profession will be affected, but keep hiding it. In case it is discovered by the patient, especially if people like Hao Zang know, it is more troublesome. I am afraid that it is not the profession that is affected. Life is over.

So after the discovery, the first response should be to remedy it in time and come to the house to confess the crime.

But during this period, he kept hiding it, which was too abnormal.

"Aze, what did you mean by saying that Butler Suzuki is a kidnapper?"

Hearing Akemi's words, Uesugiazawa gave the revelations he had obtained to Akemi.

"Unexpectedly, there is so much hidden here. So, this is for revenge for his sister, but shouldn't the revenge be aimed at the Takeda family?"

According to Uesugi Sawa’s information, Suzuki’s butler’s sister shouldn’t have been persecuted by the Takeda family and the police began to target Suzuki’s butler’s sister. In the end, Suzuki butler’s sister committed suicide to show her innocence. It’s right to be caught.

"There is no one in the Takeda family anymore. Where will the butler Suzuki go for revenge? And what is the relationship between the ghost Mrs. Takeda's name and Butler Suzuki? There must be something we don't know about."

Uesugize never thought that this ordinary case in Conan would hide so many things in front of him.

In this way, even in the original work, I am afraid Conan has made a mistake in reasoning. Maybe Ichiro is not the real murderer, but was just used by the murderer.

"I really didn’t expect that Xia Jiang’s mother, Mr. Xianger’s fiancée, Caicheng Takehiko, Qimoto Ryuo, and Hontang actually had so many people who had antagonisms with the Qiben family entered the Qiben Group. It seemed that someone deliberately adopted them. To get revenge on the Qiben family one day."

After reading all the information that Uesugize brought, even people like Mingmei can see what's wrong with it.

"But we still have many places that cannot be connected together."

Mingmei said.

"Yeah, I know too, so there must be something behind this case that I haven't dug up, but I have figured out a way to force this person out, and he will tell me himself."

Uesugizawa said lightly.

In fact, Uesugi Sawa still has a doubt. Even if Ichiro Kamoto is acquitted, who can be targeted by the police without evidence.

Fortune Takehiko?

Yes, he has the biggest suspicion, but it is more difficult for Toijo Takehiko to prosecute Ichiro Kamoto.

Suzuki Butler?

All the evidence now lacks key evidence, these are at most revelations, there is no way to identify him as a murderer.

Why do you want to do this extra, especially when you crash into Fei Yingli, don't you tell the police that there are other murderers?

Unless they were lucky enough to make the police think it was an accident.

"There must be something else..."

Uesugi Sawa stared at the information in front of him and muttered.

Inside a warehouse.

Caicheng Takehiko said to the person on the opposite side: "Why did you crash into Fei Yingri, I didn't tell you, I can tell Ichiro to shut up? He has already admitted, and even committed suicide, why, why did he do extra moves? Now Xia Jiang has already begun to suspect me. Only I went to look for him in those few days, and I did not ask him to commit suicide."

"Stupid, he has pleaded guilty, but haven't you thought about why he committed suicide."

Said the person hiding in the dark.


Caicheng Takehiko was asked inexplicably.

"What do you know, not just you, but the police also asked me for questioning, which shows that the police have begun to doubt the case again."

Looking at Fortune Takehiko, who was still confused about the situation, the figure in the dark finally came out.

"Xiaowu, I'm really disappointed in you. If Ichiro only pleaded guilty, then even Fei Yingri would not be able to help him defend, and the police can quickly close the case, but he committed suicide. A person who could have been exonerated would not only admit guilt Suicide, or after you entered, this is Xiao Wu using another method to warn you, threaten you, but also to protect them."

When the figure of Butler Suzuki walked out of the darkness, Xiao Wu still stood on the spot blankly.

After being prompted by the butler from Suzuki, he finally understood why Xiaowu did this.

"Unexpectedly, he actually has such courage?"

Caicheng Takehiko murmured.

"Don't neglect a determination to protect the most important person in his heart, willing to do everything."

When the butler Suzuki said here, his voice trembled and his face became very complicated.

"Master Ichiro Kamoto, you made me look at you with admiration."

The Suzuki butler muttered to himself.

"Butler Suzuki, I don't understand why you instructed to hit Concubine Yingri again. Wouldn't it be a fire."

Caicheng Takehiko said curiously.

"What do you know, that woman is too powerful, she actually found that, and I had to ask her to withdraw, at least not to let her interfere before we finished the plan, otherwise I would be the first to expose."

Butler Suzuki's face started to look bad.