Conan's Mori Kogoro

Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 234

Because the angle taken from the photo happens to have a small field of view outside the car window.

Looking at the picture of Eri Airi, with a building next to a green shade, Kogoro Moori knew that her car was driving on the road beside Daikyo Park in Shinjuku.

However, Xiaolan's location was easily determined. There were monitoring nano-cameras on Huiyuan and Conan, and naturally there were nano-cameras attached to the gold medal in her daughter's chest.

However, Fei Yingli did not attach a nano camera to her because the last time she saw her was more than a month ago. At that time, she was short of points and did not attach a nano-camera to her. After that, she went to the UK without a chance.

After turning on the nano camera, Mouri Kogoro instantly saw the scene of Xiaolan being hung in the sky. His heart tightened, and he immediately spent a thousand points to turn on the second form of the camera for comprehensive monitoring.

On the death-free gold medal, this black-technology nano-camera was continuously splitting, and then eight clone cameras were ejected from the body, and following the will of Kogoro Mouri, they explored in different directions.

There were eight scenes in Mouri Kogoro's mind instantly. His brain was fully functioning and distracted, and bloodshot immediately appeared in the white of his eyes.

Eight avatar cameras are capturing information everywhere in the Dream Island Building, not only confirming the location of Xiaolan, but also seeing that in the lower floors where Xiaolan is suspended, there are organs on the ceiling next to the patio, one by one. Untriggered big net device.

After seeing the device, Kogoro Maori reacted instantly. If he was a member of the dark organization, he would do this. The only one who didn't want to hurt Xiaolan was the woman with many faces, Belmode.

If the mastermind was Belmode, then Xiaolan's safety would not be a problem.

The avatar camera explored the entire abandoned Dream Island Building with Moori Kogoro's mind, and Moori Kogoro was surprised to find that there were no dark organizations in the entire building.

In the end, Chianti, the sniper lying lying on the ground, was only found on the roof of the building next door.

Chianti was too easy to recognize. Kogoro Mouri, who knew all the characters, saw the swallowtail tattoo on her left eye and instantly recognized her.

Because Xiaolan has a death-free gold medal presented by Kogoro Mori, and it is speculated that the black hand this time is most likely Belmode.

So Maori Kogoro inferred that Xiaolan might retreat all over, but because of seeing Chianti, Maori Kogoro felt a little drumming in his heart. This woman was a little crazy.

He drove a nano-clone camera to the front of the sight of the sniper rifle, and took the aiming picture. Chianti naturally couldn't see the existence of this nano-level black technology.

Seeing that Chianti was aiming at the rope above Xiaolan instead of him, Kogoro Mouri was relieved again.

But just in case, he still called and asked Akemi Miyano to come out and help. In this case, Akemi Miyano, who is also well-trained in the organization, can come in handy.

After hearing this, Akemi Miyano closed the flower shop without hesitation. After driving out, after meeting with Kogoro Mouri on the road, there was a handful of gold Gatling in her car, and then Miyano Akemi turned around and drove to the direction of Yumeshima Building in Koto District according to Kogoro Moori's phone instructions.

I also know that one is in the Koto district and the other is in the Shinjuku district, separated into two directions, and then I know that Aoyama 1-chome is the middle point.

The intelligence of 49 o'clock played a miraculous effect, and Mouri Kogoro had a faint speculation in his heart, so he called Yukiko, let Yukiko change his appearance, and come to Aoyama 1-chome!

Yukiko has a superb car skill, and when she heard such an emergency, she drove to meet Kogoro Mouri while changing her appearance in the car.

In Aoyama Ichome, the red Alfa Romeo GT and the black Lexus are parked together, and two Kogoro Mori wearing suits are standing together.

One is holding the phone in his hand to power up Belmode, while the other is switching the screen of the Nikkei TV station. It is Kogoro Mori, who has Kiko Yirongcheng.

"I'm here!" Maori Kogoro stretched his brows, and a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth. It was really Belmode, and his heart was lost.


"Did you know? After the coin is tossed, only one side will always appear on it. It is impossible for both sides to appear at the same time, so this game is: two lives, choose one."

Belmode's pretending to be cruel words sounded like a laugh at Moori Kogoro, all of which was expected by him.


"Choose! To save your favorite woman, to be with your childhood sweetheart, and to give birth to your children! She is also a gentle, considerate and well-behaved daughter! I will wait and see, Maori detective!"

Belmode's voice fell, and the phone hung up after Fei Yingli's and Xiaolan's calls.

Mouri Kogoro handed Yukiko a gold medal for avoiding death with one hundred thousand points. Although she felt that what Belmode said was true, she could take it away without hindrance if she chose one, but she was afraid of it in case.

So let Yukiko go to the safe side of Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro also worried that Chianti would go crazy and hurt Yukiko, so he put on a death-free gold medal for Yukiko.

Then he put the voice changer of Dr. A Li, which had been modified by the small V, a voice changer the size of a mole on Yukiko's neck.

Mouri Kogoro and Yukiko hugged tightly and said, "Thank you, Yukiko, go to Jiangdong District to rescue Xiaolan, and I'll rescue Yingli."

This scene is really weird. Two Moori Kogoro, who look exactly the same, hugged each other, and their eyes were full of affection. It was so weird and terrifying.

The roar of the car engine sounded, and Alfa Romeo GT and Lexus galloped away in one direction.


Lexus sparks with lightning all the way and constantly collides and rubs with passing vehicles, passing through countless alleys. This newly-purchased car is constantly peeling paint, and Moori Kogoro doesn't feel distressed at all.

He is not worried about Xiaolan's safety at the moment, but he is absolutely worried about the safety of Fei Yingli.

You must know that Fei Yingli has no immunity in the eyes of Belmode.

In fact, in the cruel two-choice one or two options that Belmode said, one of the options can be happily chosen two, and the two can be saved together.

That is when Kogoro Mouri appeared on Fei Hideri's side and in front of Belmode.

Because Belmode will not kill Xiaolan, as long as Kogoro Moori appears in front of Eiri, Belmode, who keeps his promise, will most likely let the two leave. Although Xiaolan will experience a high-altitude speed drop, But there is no danger.

This can also explain why Belmode guards Fei Yingri instead of guarding Xiaolan, who is of great significance to her. In fact, she also wants to witness with her own eyes whether Maori Kogoro can make the right choice.

In the galloping Lexus, Moori Kogoro flashed this series of speculations in his heart, but his eyes were awe-inspiring: But!How can the decision-making power be in your hands?Belmode!I am the only one who can determine their fate.

Because I am Kogoro Mouri!!!

Chapter 0074

The Lexus smashed like a roaring tiger, biting at 2502 Boulevard, Shinjuku, within 16 minutes.

The car came near this area. With strong eyesight, he spotted the stalker in an instant. He immediately abandoned the car, because the stalker did not see the car because of the distance.

In my mind, Xiao V has been helping to play Xiaolan's monitoring scene, but You Xizi has not arrived yet.

Very well, the speed of Kogoro Mouri exploded, as if a gust of wind passed by, and he began to explore the whole site. Soon Kogoro Moori who was sneaking explored everything clearly. Belmode, there are 20 strong men in suits around. Subordinate.

He saw Belmode and his men in the room of Building 2501. Belmode was staring at the surveillance screen while calling Chianti in Jiangdong District.


There are two buildings next to the Dream Island Building in Jiangdong District, one named Dongyun and the other named Cloud Bird.The three buildings are triangular in shape. The Dongyun Building where Chianti is located is the shortest, followed by Xiaolan’s Dream Island Building, and the tallest is the Cloud Bird Building. All three buildings belong to the Dongyun Group.

Chianti was chewing gum in her mouth, blowing big bubbles, her mobile phone rang, and she answered the call.

"I know, I'm aiming at the rope above her. Are you annoying, do you need three phone calls to talk about this? It's easier to get a headshot. It's really abnormal. Why do you have to make the little girl fall? Muddy flesh!"

"Well, well, you are a superior, I listen to you, if you fall into mashed flesh, you will fall into mashed flesh!"

"Annoying!" Chianti hung up, shook his head and chewed on bubble gum again.