Conan's Mori Kogoro

Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 353

Mouri Kogoro's movements were extremely relaxed and comfortable, pulling Sumitumi Tsukamoto slowly into the depths of the sea.

However, Sumitsu Tsukamoto, who was getting stronger in fighting spirit, didn't even notice that the surrounding sea water was getting deeper and deeper, and soon it was nowhere near her waist.

At the moment, her heroic little face is confident, and there is no expression of fear just now.

Seeing that the position was almost the same, Mouri Kogoro saw that Tsukamoto was attacking again, he locked her shoulders with one hand, and locked her with one hand, and then lifted it up, bursting with speed, and ran deeper. go with.

He immediately threw out Tsukamoto Sumi and set up a puddle.

Sumitsu Tsukamoto was completely submerged, but she quickly struggled to get up. At this time, the sea water had already covered her head. She could only float out of the sea, screaming, "Come again!"

Kogoro Mouri smiled and said, "Okay, the warm-up is over, it's time to learn to swim, can you see where you are now?"

Sumitumi Tsukamoto was stunned when she heard this, and then reacted, she was almost submerged by the sea.

The fear of childhood broke out again and drove her to rush towards Kogoro Mouri.

As soon as he approached Mouri Kogoro, Tsukamoto Sumi was like an octopus, using his hands and feet together, he held Mouri Kogoro tightly.

She took Moori Kogoro as a pillar and climbed up.

A pair of big breasts wrapped Moori Kogoro's head!

A dull voice came from Tsukamoto's chest: "What are you afraid of? You just hit here all the way to this place, so why do you become like this as soon as I said to stop."

"Face the fear in your heart, and believe that you won't be in danger, naturally you won't be afraid, don't worry, I am here to guard you, the sea will not drown you!"

Hearing Moori Kogoro said this, Tsukamoto Sumi's face gradually recovered, and after that period of fear passed, it seemed that she was no longer afraid.

Immediately afterwards, Tsukamoto Sumi saw the contemptuous eyes of the swimmer beside her, and her face turned red.

Mouri Kogoro was holding Tsukamoto's plump buttocks, his body sank, and he immediately heard an exclamation.

Tsukamoto Sumi's arms swayed wildly, and Kogoro Mouri took advantage of the trend to press him down, and then he got out of the big chest. He panted heavily and said, "I almost suffocated me!"

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Relying on his height advantage, the sea water that could surpass Tsukamoto's head was just as good as Kogoro Moori's chest.

Mouri Kogoro supported the slender waist of Tsukamoto Sumi and watched her face gradually return to normal. He couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Now you know? Isn't it as terrible as you thought? In fact, he scared himself and crossed that. One step, don’t you think it’s no big deal!"

The fear that had been haunting Sumi Tsukamoto's heart gradually faded like a tide, and the sea that had been scared as soon as he approached seemed nothing more than that.

With purple eyes looking at Kogoro Mouri’s face, Sumitumi Tsukamoto breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Teacher, thank you very much."

Maori Kogoro smiled: "Thank me, I don't have to. Next time you don't suffocate me with your breasts!"

Hearing this, Tsukamoto Sumi's face immediately blushed, and she didn't feel anything at all when she was nervous. At this moment, hearing Kogoro Mouri say this, she felt a little itchy on her chest.

Immediately afterwards, Tsukamoto Sumi exclaimed again.

Her body was controlled by Kogoro Moori, and she was quickly turned over and lay on the water.

She couldn't help being a little panicked, her limbs flapping the water in a panic.

Mouri Kogoro's big hands were holding Tsukamoto Sumi's belly under the water, and he said, "Don't be nervous, I'm going to learn to swim."

Hearing this gentle voice, Tsukamoto's nervousness slowly dissipated.

"To learn to relax the shoulders and hips, you have to know that as long as the human body is relaxed, it can float on the water, so there is no danger at all."

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mouri propped up Tsukamoto Sumi's waist with one hand, and the other hand reached for the smooth sloppy, grabbing the sloppy knee.

"I'll teach you the breaststroke movement, listen carefully."

"Bring your legs together, then shrink your abdomen, open your knees like a frog, then kick it out, and then close your legs back!"

Kogoro Mori's right hand controlled the movements of Tsukumi Sumimoto, and soon Sumi Tsukamoto could kick his legs smoothly.

"Very well, that's it, keep it, loop, don't cock your butt!"

He slapped the top buttocks that surfaced, which was wrapped in a yellow swimsuit. As soon as the shot was slapped, there were waves of ripples on the left and right, and the buttocks were also submerged in the water.

Sumi Tsukamoto hummed in front, her face turned a little red, as if she felt her hands become more and more hot!

However, Sumi Tsukamoto really has a good aptitude. Previously taught leg movements that Huihara hadn't mastered for a long time, Sumi Tsukamoto quickly became very fluent.

Soon, Kogoro Mori, who was supporting Sumi Tsukamoto, felt a forward thrust following the kick of Sumi Tsukamoto.

The movements of the hands are very simple. Tsukamoto Sumi sees others swimming, and learns how to learn, put his hands together and move forward, then spread out.

Seeing that this swimming posture looked like this, Kogoro Mori slowly let go of the palm of his lower abdomen.

As soon as Moori Kogoro's big hands left, Tsukamoto Sumitomo suddenly felt uneasy, fear struck again, and her movements instantly deformed.

Her hands under the water couldn't help but stretched out in the direction of Kogoro Mouri, and then hugged Kogoro Mouri's waist tightly, her soft chest pressed against Kogoro Mouri's shoulders.

Suomi Tsukamoto's head was still underwater, and she choked a few mouthfuls.

Mouri Kogoro quickly reached out and lifted her waist and abdomen, and she resurfaced.

Kogoro Mouri said, "Sumi, you have to be familiar with the floating feeling in the water, not relying on my hands, you know?"

After choking a few sips of water, Tsukamoto's eyes flushed, and she said, "But sir, as long as your hand leaves my body, I'm afraid, and I can't keep moving."

Kogoro Mori naturally didn't believe it. After trying several times, it was all the same.

Obviously, the movements of Sumei Tsukamoto are already very precise, and it's no problem to float on the water.

But as soon as she pulled her hand away, she seemed to have lost her backbone, and suddenly panicked.

Looking at Tsukamoto Sumi, who had choked on water many times, her little heroic face was very embarrassed, her short blue hair clung to her face, and even her purple eyes were bloodshot.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but stretched out his hand, smoothed his hair, and then frowned: "In this case, let's try again, this time my hand will not leave your body."

Sumi Tsukamoto, with a blushing face, naturally obeyed Mori Kogoro's words.

Soon, Tsukamoto Sumi floated on the water again, and Moori Kogoro could feel that his palm did not provide any leverage at all, but only gently touched her abdomen.

But as soon as she pulls it away, she will lose her movement, which is strange!

Mouri Kogoro had an idea, and the big hand began to climb from the waist of Tsukumi Sumi, and soon came to Tsukamoto's smooth back.

Because this one-piece swimsuit of hers is a backless swimsuit, the delicate touch of the underwater skin is instantly transferred to the palm of Kogoro Mouri.

It's also strange. The big hands didn't support her under her, but she stroked her back lightly. Tsukamoto Sumi can swim very well as well!