Conan's Mori Kogoro

Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 969

He stretched out his hand directly at the accused excitedly.

And Toshio Iwamatsu also yelled in excitement, "I didn't kill anyone, who are you talking about!"

The bailiff on the side quickly suppressed Toshio Iwamatsu.

The judges on the stage repeatedly beat their hammers: "Quiet! Quiet!"

Finally, the court was quiet. Kujo Reiko said, "Your Honor, I'm finished!"

Concubine Hideri on the side reached out and pinched Moori Kogoro's thigh, and asked in a low voice, "Kogoro, do you have any findings?"

Kogoro Mouri smirked and said, "Come and listen to my husband!"

Danfeng's eyes flashed under Yingri's glasses, and he directly grasped the key to Kogoro Mouri: "I haven't settled accounts with you about what happened last night. Do you want me to call your husband now?"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help oozing cold sweat from his back: "No need, no need!"

Yingli really became more and more unrestrained. Although there was a table behind him, he was still too bold to do such a thing in court.

Is this the concubine lawyer I know who takes his defense extremely noble?

He gently pushed Yingli's little hand away and began to guide in a low voice.

Soon, the lawyer concubine got up with a calm face, came to Tsukano Toru, and began to inquire.

"Mr. Tsukano, for the first question, the time of the crime was about 3:45 to 4 in the afternoon."

"According to the nanny's testimony, President Shi Huan will come back after dinner. How do you make sure that President Shi Huan is at home?"

"And have you seen the deceased before your death on the day of the crime?"

Tsukano said: "I called the president to make an appointment, and the president knew that I was coming, so he went home early."

"But I didn't meet the president that day. Only after entering the study did I see the president's body."

The corner of Fei Yingli's mouth evoked a chuckle: "Then what kind of important documents need to be signed by President Shi Huan on the rest day."

"I remember that I didn't see the document in all the exhibits. Can you submit that document as an exhibit and provide its importance and how you handled it after the death of the president that day?" Hearing this, the gentle general manager's face immediately turned pale, and he couldn't speak.

At this time, Kujo Reiko stood up: "No, the questions asked by the defense lawyer are not related to this case!"

Fei Yingli turned around and spoke uprightly: "In fact, we all know that the first and second discoverers in this case are suspected."

"The defendant was accused by the prosecution as a murderer because his clothes were stained with blood, but the second discoverer, Mr. Tsukano, also had blood stains on his palm."

"Although he said it was to determine the injury of the deceased, there are other possibilities."

"So this question is only to clarify all the circumstances on the day of the case, which is closely related to this case!"

After listening to these clear words, the judge on the stage whispered: "The objection is invalid, please answer the witness!"

Reiko Kujo sat weakly on the chair, sweat oozing from his forehead: Why did the lawyer concubine suddenly become so sharp, is it because of him?

She looked at Moori Kogoro with her slightly blue eyes, but saw that the great detective was flirting with a beautiful juror on the stage, and Qingjin jumped up.

How could I be defeated by this kind of guy, Kujo Reiko's eyes instantly ignited fighting spirit.

While the inquiries in the court continued, Tsukano Toru regained his composure.

He opened his mouth and said: "I don't remember anymore. I saw my brother-in-law died, the first responders of 120 came, and the police came, and I followed to the Metropolitan Police Department to record a statement."

"It's a mess. I don't know when I lost the files, and I can't remember it now, but there should be files on the company's computer. Wait for me to look for them."

"To be honest, after my brother-in-law died, I had no intention of being in the company. I was always busy with his funeral. I didn't know how to deal with the emergency documents later."

I don’t know if I ask three questions, this is not very convincing!

There was a bit of discussion in the jury and auditorium.

The judge once again whistled for silence.

Fei Yingri didn't care too much, and immediately started to ask the third question: "Mr. Tsukino, in your previous testimony, you said that you appeared in the study on the first floor after hearing the scream."

"Then, when did you enter the deceased's house? You shouldn't have the key to the deceased's house, right?"

"And according to your testimony, if you haven't seen the living President Shihuan, it's impossible for him to open the door for you, and the nanny didn't say that he saw you before entering the study."

"Then how did you find the corpse in the study while you moved outside the gate? Or did you never leave President Shi Huan's house?"

Hearing this, Tsukano's pupils shrank sharply.

And everyone present was lost in thought.

Indeed, this is very suspicious, Tsukano shouldn't show up in the study room, he should be at the door!

Sweat on Tsukano's forehead: "I, I, I don't know why, the door is not closed, I went in as soon as I pushed, and after hearing the scream, I immediately rushed to the study, so I found the body. ."

Fei Yingli shook her head slightly: "No, as the company president, how can you not lock the door when you enter with your belongings."

"Besides, the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu is a thief. Even the thief needs to smash the window to get in. How can you easily enter through the door?"

Toru Tsukano was dumb when he was asked directly by these two questions, and he became furious: "What's the matter with you lawyer? I'm here to testify. I'm not a suspect. Why do you always ask me like I am a suspect."

"You should ask the defendant!"

The judge hammered again: "Quiet!" "Quiet!"

Facing such a gloomy Tsukano Toru, Fei Hideri did not respond.

She said confidently: "Your Honor, I have no problem!"

Naturally, Fei Yingli had the upper hand this round!

The three judges above talked in a low voice before announcing: "Based on the fact that there are many doubts in this case, it is now announced that the court will be temporarily adjourned and will resume at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!"

Item 0128

After the adjournment, everyone left the court in an orderly manner.

After Kogoro Mouri came out, he saw Reiko Kujo still questioning the witness Tsukano Toru.

I wanted to solve the problem raised by Fei Yingli, if he could find the document he wanted the deceased to sign on the day of the case from the company.

The suspicion of Tsukano Toro will be reduced a lot, and the success rate of convicting the defendant for homicide will be relatively improved.

It seems that this prosecutor is Mou Zujin who wants to win this lawsuit.

And Xizi on the side chuckled softly and said: "Yingli, you really have you, and you've played the opposite side, and you will definitely win this time!"