Conan's Mori Kogoro

Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 1169

He didn't want to wait for a long time, so he said, "Reiko will wait for you to keep your voice down. Don't worry, Yu Mei will not be woken up."

After that, he arrogantly kissed Reiko again, and launched an offensive with fiery hands.

The Kujo Reiko underneath struggled constantly, but found that no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't beat the strange power of Kogoro Mouri's hands. In the end, Reiko could only admit her fate.

She glared at Mouri Kogoro with a blushing face, and then covered her mouth to avoid making a noise.

Not long after, a deliberately forbearing movement sounded from the living room.

(More than two thousand words are omitted here!)

On the other side, in the underground training base of Maoyan Cafe, the three women just got off the small plane and returned to the basement.

The second sister, Hitomi, called Kuroba Chikage and reported today's actions: "Master, today I failed in the action with the older sister."

"Daddy's painting was published first. It was made by a man. He is called'Gentleman. Master, do you know him..."

Kuroba Chikage on the other end of the phone was a little confused, "Gentleman Sir", she had never heard of the name.

The little girl holding a tiger-patterned orange cat loves to eat chocolate in her next life, and can't help but complain: "This name doesn't sound like a good person."

"But eldest sister and second elder sister, haven't you two teamed up to beat him? This is too ridiculous, if you call me, I will definitely get it."

Hearing this, the next life Tong stretched out his hand and twisted the third sister's ears, and the next life love suddenly began to beg for mercy.

The eldest sister beside her in tears was sitting beside the table, her cheeks in her small hands, she looked thoughtful.

She completely ignored the two noisy sisters!

The next life Hitomi who hung up the phone sighed. She could not get any useful information from the master.

But when she saw the appearance of the older sister, she couldn't help asking: "Elder sister, do you already know who that guy is?"

The next life was stunned in tears, and quickly panicked: "No, I don't know!"

The third sister on the side in the next life, Ai chuckled and interrupted: "I think 80% of the eldest sister is Sichun again, and she is thinking about that handsome detective, right?"

After tears rolled his eyes, he walked over and knocked on the head of the third sister, and pulled her up: "Xiao Ai, you still have classes tomorrow, go back to bed obediently, this is not something you should mix with as a kid. "

In the next life, Ai will not be convinced to hold up the small C cup on her chest: "I am not a kid."

"Hmm, when you use me, you will say that I am also a cat's eye. I don't need to say that I am a child. Okay, you guys, too bully!"

After tears in the next life, she hugged her chest with her hands, and the broad chest of the E cup was completely revealed. She glanced at the third sister's chest with disdain, and laughed: "At this level, I haven't developed yet. What an adult, go back to sleep. La!"

In the next life, Ai's face puffed up with anger, and she glanced at her big breasts bitterly: "It's really the next breast, huh, what a cat's eye, it's almost a big cow!"

After that, she picked up the big fat orange cat and walked up.

When the next life tears heard this, his brows jumped, and he kept talking to himself: This is my sister!biological!

The next life pupil sighed: "In this case, I will call Uncle Yongshi to see if he has any clues."

After saying this, Hitomi picked up the phone again and dialed the phone.

And the tears of the next life sat on the sofa again, holding his chin, and fell into contemplation again.

Yes, as smart as she already had doubts about that'gentleman'.

The most important thing is that on the rooftop, when she joined forces with Xiaotong and Meeko to fight against the man, the pressure on the man was the same as she felt when she confronted Kogoro Moori on the sky boat.

Moreover, the trick of the thief jumping off the building and disappearing is so similar to the "telemobile" magic show seen in Ginza last night;

In addition, the Maori detective suddenly appeared in the Maoyan Café at noon today, as if to predict that this scene would appear tonight.

Coupled with the woman's peculiar sixth sense, the tears in the next life are already 80% sure that the'gentleman' is pretending to be Kogoro Moori.

But for some inexplicable reason, she didn't want to tell her two sisters about her suspicion. Instead, she just wanted to ask Kogoro Mouri in person.

Item 0043

The next Wednesday, overcast, the sky outside was grey and groggy.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, the punctual biological clock made Kogoro Moori wake up from his sleep.

There are still a few strands of blue silk on his cheek, and his right hand is so soft that he can't help but grab it. It's really not a woman that can be grasped with one hand, this is Reiko Kujo.

Kogoro Mouri opened his eyes and saw nine prosecutors lying in his arms, and a smile immediately appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Lingzi's head was blue silk like a waterfall, her small face was full of luster, and her brows were stretched.

Kujo Reiko who was asleep at the moment was as gentle as a kitten.

It's hard to believe that she was as wild as a wild cat last night, and she was indomitable despite repeated defeats. Like a fighter, the battlefield moved from the living room to her bedroom.

The most pitiful is Guntian Yumi, who was dazed and slumbered, and was first boarded by her best friend.

But Reiko is a hina after all, so where is the rival of the old driver Mouri Kogoro.

Only more than two hours last night, she was completely cut off by Mouri Kogoro, and she could no longer get up.

Looking at Mei Jiao Niang beside him, Kogoro Maori stretched out his hand and stroked her little face, with tears still remaining at the corner of her eyes.

Reiko seemed to feel it, opened her dim eyes, and when she woke up, she saw the gentle face of Kogoro Mouri.

She immediately lifted the quilt shyly and covered her head.

Then Kogoro Mouri smirked, put his hands under the quilt, and began to behave again.

"Xiao Lingzi, why are you still so shy that you dare not see your husband anymore, how can this work?"

"If you don't come out, you will be punished!"

After that, the big hand that was in the quilt slapped and made a crisp sound.

But Reiko still refused to show her face. Instead, she turned around, lay on the pillow, and then pretended to be an ostrich.

The smile on Kogoro Mouri's face became more obvious, and he joked: "So disobedient, it seems I have to go to you!"

After saying that, Kogoro Mouri opened the quilt and got in.

Kujo Reiko inside immediately uttered an exclamation, and then there was only a nasal sound, which was kissed.

Spurring horses and whiplashes, this is not charming enough for outsiders.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

More than half an hour later, Kujo Reiko, who was cleaned up and docile, was cooking breakfast in the kitchen in her pajamas like a daughter-in-law.