Conan's Mori Kogoro

Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 1808

They turned around and ran toward the screams.

After a few minutes, everyone came to the railroad track, and saw the Kuroda soldier who had just been separated standing here.

In front of him, a coke-like body was thrown on fire, and Kuroda seemed to be the first person at the scene of the crime.

Everyone hurried forward, and flames were still burning on the corpses beside the railroad tracks.

Head Hutian walked only a few steps, recognizing that the corpse was really his only son, his feet immediately softened, and tears filled his eyes.It looks like a white-haired person is sending a black-haired person.

"Many times, many times!"

With a cry of sorrow and blood, his wife quickly reached out to support him.

It seems that although the head of Hutian always beats and scolds his son and dislikes him, he still regards him as his own son in his heart.

Heiji and Conan also had extremely ugly faces, and the atmosphere around them was very depressed.

Kuroda Biebei said: "Hei boy, you said'Fenghushanlin', the last fire has been enough. It seems that the serial murder case is over."

"But didn't this guy go back with you? How could he suddenly come here?"

"I don't know too well. When he went back, he quietly left the team by himself, no one noticed."

Conan on the side pretended to be innocent, and asked Kuroda Hebei: "Old man, aren't you investigating the hanging case? How did you get to this railroad track?"

Kuroda Hiebe laughed: "Why, doubt me, I also heard the scream just now, and then ran over following the sound."

"It's just a bit faster than you, and it's just closer, so I arrived first, but what about the Maori detective?"

Conan replied, "Uncle and Mrs. Yui don't know where they went, but there should be no problem with the uncle."

At this moment, Kogoro Mori and Yui Uehara were still kissing, and they didn't care about another incident.Uehara Yui didn't hear the screams, but Mouri Kogoro, who has excellent ears, heard the screams but ignored them.What kind of girl is fun to solve the case?

Chapter 0270: What Are You Doing In The Grove?

Unexpectedly, Uehara Yui's capital is quite rich, almost like Mira!

Although it is still a young child, this year is not a long one. It is only one year old to thirty. A properly light mature female model is naturally extremely mature.


The former policewoman was almost crying, her face flushed, she felt dizzy after eating such a big loss and being taken advantage of.

His light blue eyes glared at Maori Kogoro, his eyes were a bit scarlet, but he was deceiving himself and muttering to himself: If you didn't want to ask the truth about Senior Jaffe, it would be impossible for you to be like this!

The conscience of heaven and earth, Kogoro Mouri has already let go of her hands.

This woman put her hand on Mouri Kogoro's shoulder, she couldn't bear to let it go.

After another intense kiss, Yui Uehara couldn't help but said, "Asshole, you can't tell me about Senior Jaffe, believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you!"

This sentence has appeared for the fourth time. Kogoro Mouri didn't care at all. She had already reported it if she wanted to call the police.

But I can't kiss anymore, it's been a long time, and Xiao Lan will definitely have to think about it again if this continues.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to tell you."

Mouri Kogoro took her little hand and pulled her out of the woods.

"The Jafee Patrolman you respect is the cause of a series of recent cases."

"According to my investigation, the Jia Fei Xuan people should be the elites of Takeda Shingen during the Warring States Period, the descendants of the Koshu Army."

"The Koshu Army is the army that buried Shingen's 100,000 gold. Most of them died in the fight against Dekang Kagawa and Oda Nobunaga with Shingen, but there is still a small group left behind in Koshu."

"After Shingen's death, no one in the Takeda family had the prestige to order this left-behind army, and this army disbanded itself and lived in Koshu."

"And Jia Feixuan is the descendant of the commander of this army. In other words, his family has clues about'hundred thousand gold'."

"The clue is in Jia Fei's house, but after the death of Jia Fei Xuan, Torada said that he found the relics of Xin Xuan from his home, and set up a treasure hunt team, saying that he would look for the treasure buried by Xin Xuan."

"You said, how could an ordinary Hutian family have these clues?"

Hearing this, Uehara Yui's face changed slightly: "You mean, they did it?"

Kogoro Mouri chuckled lightly: "This is still uncertain, but it is indeed inseparable from them."

"And among the people who died this time, Yoshiro, Yasuji, Ayaka, and all of them were members of the treasure hunting squad. Obviously, what the murderer wants to deal with next is the complicated times and Ajing. I don’t know which one is unlucky first. Up."

Having said that, Kogoro Moori just got out of the forest with Yui Uehara and returned to the road.

It happened to meet Yamato who was waiting on crutches for help.

Yamato dared to help the one-eyed eye shrink sharply, and its one-eyed eye was deflected everywhere, very obvious.

He first glanced at the slightly messy clothes of his childhood sweetheart, then at the red and sweaty face, and finally at the interlocking hands of the two of them, and the whole person was instantly stunned.

This posture is clearly to come back after drilling the grove!

Two of them, what are they going to do in the grove?

Anger was burning in Yamato's chest.

He would wait here because of the two horses grazing obediently by the road. He went back to investigate the rider. He didn't expect to wait for the first lover and Kogoro Moori to arrive.

Yamato dared to help clenched the crutch in his hand and said nothing.

But Uehara Yui paled, trying to get rid of Mouri Kogoro's big hands.

Mouri Kogoro didn't want to force her too tight, so he let go of her hand, and stepped forward with his right foot to protect Yui Uehara.Just this physical movement illustrates his attitude!

Yamato dared to help his body tremble, and his normal right leg bent slightly, as if he was about to attack.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Sir, why wait beforehand, I have to teach others!"

"...What, someone died again, or was burned to death in front of the railroad tracks, suspected Hutian Fanji, okay, I'm here."

After hanging up the phone, he crossed the two with one eye, ignored them without saying a word, and ran over the two towards the track.

Still smart, not from asking for trouble!

When Kogoro Moori held Uehara's left shoulder with a big hand, she found her whole body stiff.

Such a scene, when Yamato dared to help break through, her whole mind was completely confused.

"Hey, Yui, someone else died!"

Seeing that Yui Uehara still didn't return to his senses, Kogoro Mouri knocked on his head, and he called the person back to his soul.

"Didn't you hear what the little one-eyed said? Hu Tian Shigeji died on the railroad track. Let's go and take a look."

"Oh, oh!"

Uehara Yui wanted to run, but Mouri Kogoro lifted his butt on the horse.

Immediately after he turned over, he sat behind the beautiful young woman.

Before Yui could say her refusal, the brown horse underneath rushed like a joyous "drive!"The horse quickly caught up with Yamato, who was running wild on one-legged crutches.

Yamato dares to help see the two people who rode a horse together, their faces turned black instantly.

What is going on with them both?Didn’t you meet on the first day?

Uehara Yui bent down, his head completely lowered, and he didn't dare to look at each other with Yamato.

However, this posture became more and more like snuggling in the arms of Kogoro Moori, seeing Yamato dare to cheer.The horse had run far away, and Moori Kogoro's fluttering sentence dropped back.

"There is another horse behind, you can ride up to catch up, we will go first, drive!"

The two of them disappeared from their sight, and Yamato dare to throw his cane in anxious manner behind him.


It didn't take long for the two to appear beside the railroad tracks alone.

With a beautiful dismounting action, Yui Uehara fainted and landed.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan immediately narrowed their beautiful eyes, as if flashing cold light.

Heibe Kuroda spoke, "I met the Maori detective again, but you two didn't go back with everyone. What did you do?"

Kogoro Mouri said righteously: "Of course it's an investigation. I'm not very familiar with this forest. I need help from clothes to lead the way. What's the matter, is it dead again?"

Seeing the bald head of the Hutian family sitting on the ground in distress, Maori Kogoro raised his brows.

"Yes, it was Shiruji Torada who died, and he recognized him from the personal belongings around him."

"Furthermore, this Torada Hanji seems to have committed suicide by lying on the rails. The case seems to be closed."

Item 0271

Immediately afterwards, Yamato, who was riding a single-legged horse, dared to help with difficulty, and his one-eyed look at Mouri Kogoro's direction contained anger.

And Kuroda shook the diary in his hand, and said, "This is Torada's exchange diary. It contains detailed information about their treasure hunt, and more importantly, it also states the incident. cause."

"Yirou, Yasuji, Fanji, Ayaka, and Ajing are all members of the treasure hunt team."

Master Hutian couldn't help but yelled: "Asshole, there are so many people who follow the repeated mischief!"

Hearing this, Longweijing couldn't help but retort: ​​"We found out the treasure of Xinxuan, also to better build the village."

But Kuroda was stern, and interrupted: "Don't make any noise, listen to me."

"After the trial between Longweijing and Jia Fei Xuanren six years ago, Ajing went home to rest, and instead of the rest of the treasure hunt team who had played well, he slipped in so that he could successfully defeat the role of Yasuma. In the mountains and forests, look for the Jia Feixuan patrolman who is practicing in the mountains."

"The four of them set up traps on the way home from Jia Fei Xuan, causing Jia Fei Xuan and his horse to fall into the cliff, and thus they were killed."

"Today, this case seems to be the responsibility of Shiruji Torada."

"Kangji and Ayaka were killed by wind forest fire, and finally committed suicide, to apologize to Patrol Jaffe of heaven!"

Everyone immediately looked shocked, and Yamato Dare to help jumped one-legged towards the direction of Kuroda Hebei and snatched the diary.

And Uehara Yui looked at Mouri Kogoro suspiciously. The chief's statement was different from what Kogoro said. Isn't it for the'hundred thousand gold' treasure?

And A Jing's body directly collapsed: "How is it possible? How is it possible? For me to serve as Yabusame in the sacrifice to kill people, this is not true, it is not true!"

His wife Hutian Darong said: "How impossible, maybe they just wanted to hurt Mr. Jaffe's horse. They didn't expect to make such a big noise, and they would not dare to surrender after hurting people. This is not normal! "

"Unexpectedly, our Hutian family has so many scumbags!" The old woman licked her head heartily.

When her husband heard this, he immediately quarreled with him angrily!

Longweijing was alone in tears with chagrin!

And this sentient being Moori Kogoro didn't care, his eyes fell on the wires above the tram tracks, and instead fell on the charred corpses.What kind of fire is so powerful that it can burn people completely unrecognizable within a few minutes after the screams begin.

Beside the corpse, Heiji and Conan squatted and communicated, and they both found clues when they wanted to come.

However, more than one person found clues, but when they saw that Kogoro Mouri hadn't spoken, they all concealed it tacitly.Hebei Kuroda also pretended to say: "Everyone, let's go home first. Since the case is closed, I will send someone to take a confession at night." Hearing the police say this, the noisy, crying dragon Both the tail family and the Hutian family left for the village.

Kogoro Mori wanted to go back with Yui and the others, but he was stopped by Kuroda.

Heibe Kuroda led Kogoro Mouri aside, and Kogoro Mouri took the lead and said, "It's a good idea to draw a snake out of the hole."

"Hehe, I can't hide the insight of the Maori detective."

"But I heard Gao Ming say that before the two murders here, Maori detectives went to Jaffexuan’s house to investigate. It seems that you already knew that this matter was related to Patrol Jaffe? I don’t know what the Maori detective found what?"

Kogoro Mouri chuckled lightly: "There is nothing to notice, just to confirm some thoughts."

Hearing this, Kuroda Hebei had a faint smile.

He didn't care too much about this, so he easily exposed it and asked other questions instead.

"I heard that Maori detectives are making a lot of noise in Tokyo. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Can I have a chance to have a drink? I have a lot to ask!"

This blatant temptation just said it?

On the other hand, Kogoro Mouri expressed doubts: "What is Officer Kuroda talking about? What's such a big move? I have gone to the hot springs in Karuizawa for the past few days. How can I have time to do anything? "

"Sergeant Kuroda misunderstood me, right?"

"Hahaha, my head, getting older, is always easy to remember."

Mouri Kogoro turned to a chuckle: "I'm too old to accept the old, but drinking at night is fine."

"Find a bar, I invite you to a bourbon bar."