Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 52

"Laughable question..." Dongma snorted lazily, and then said with a look of contempt, "Do you think you are hiding secretly?"

Ignoring the frightened Hiruta, Touma seemed to approach Hiruta casually step by step, but it was like a beast wandering before hunting. As the prey, Hiruta wanted to escape, but his feet could not move even one step. .

"Although this idea is really good, pretending to be a photographer hiding in the on-site photography team, using the equipment of Daily TV 2.4 to monitor the police and the audience, and the audience, the players or the staff will not pay attention to the cameraman... "

"But unfortunately, I always like to find places that others don't like..."

"Of course, you are not the only photographer, but I am very good at observing the subtle habits of humans, so I paid attention to you just now when you started calling. Your body language tells me that you are talking to someone, not a person. People work silently."

"So... before you touch the gun, I have every legitimate reason to kill you on the spot!"

"You won, police officer..." Seeing Dongma's death-like eyes, Hiruta couldn't raise the thought of resistance.

Can only throw away the gun, bow down and surrender.

Chapter 0066 New Year...Fifth on the shelf

"As expected of Kamijou Jingshi, another major case has been solved!" Mumu praised from the side.

"How about the other gangster?" Dongma asked. After all, fifty million is still in the hands of another gangster. This is the key question now.

"Don't worry, Jingshi, Hiruta has already recruited all of them. Takagi has taken people there. I believe there will be results soon." Mumu said with a smile.

"That's fine..."

At the same time, Takagi and others have followed the clues provided by Hiruta and found his accomplice. The 50 million yuan was brought back intact and returned to Nisima TV.

"It's fine if there are no casualties. I'll go back first." Dongma waved his hand and said. The next thing does not need to be taken care of by him. It is nothing more than communicating with all parties, and there are specialized personnel to do it.

Miwako still drove, and Dongma sat in the back seat.

The only thing that is different from usual is probably Hui Yuan Ai who is also sitting there.

"You found the gangster in that way. You don't really have superpowers, right?" Xiao Ai asked suspiciously.

"Guess what?" Dongma asked with a smile, without even intending to say it.

"Humph!" Xiao Sorrow was itchy, but he was helpless to this man.

This expression, to be honest, is one of Dongma's favorite expressions.

Only soon, Xiao Ai's expression became less pleasing.

'Don't say yes, let you know how good this lady is!'Thinking about this, Xiao Ai began to twist and move her petite body gently.

"En..." Because Xiao Ai was sitting in her arms, Dongma immediately felt the strange change.

Although he wanted to say that he was not Lo Likon, as long as he thought that the girl in front of him could change at any time. As an eighteen-year-old super beautiful girl, Dong Ma couldn't help but change his body.

"You have to think about the consequences, when the time comes, the fire will rise, you are responsible for extinguishing it!" Dong Ma stared at Xiao Ai fiercely and said.

"I'm still a child!" Xiao Ai said softly, and Dongma seemed to see the smile of the little devil hidden in it.

Xiao Ai looked like she was about to cry at any time, and Meihezi in front looked at Dongma with a look that you are a beast.

"Damn kid! When are you going to change back!"

Dongma looked at this guy with a delicate body and an extremely weak body, but a mature adult in his heart. There was really no way he could do anything with her.

Xiao Ai's face changed when she heard that, and a small devilish smile appeared from her face instantly.

"Sa~~Who knows... it may be a few months, or it may be ten years later, I'm not sure~" After speaking, he opened the car door and hopped to Dr. A Li's house.

He looked back at him from time to time, and Dongma tickled his teeth with hatred with that meaningful smile.

"Damn, sooner or later I will make that little demon pay the price! Don't think it's a legitimate loli, I can't do anything with her, I can do everything if I get anxious!" Dongma said fiercely.

At this time, Miwako in the front row blushed and said, "Unexpectedly, manager. You actually reacted to a minor girl..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a "chuckle" mockery, but in those beautiful eyes, they were full of thirsty.

Dongma can see that Miheko is getting sao.

After being tuned and taught by himself for so long, Dongma knew very well that Miwako could no longer bear it.

"You want to rebel too, don't you!" Dongma pretended to growl viciously, put his hands across the seat and hugged Miwako directly, and put the chair down to form a piece.

"I didn't hit the house for three days. I think I have been too indulgent/indulgent to you recently! I dare to challenge the master's majesty!" The big hand fell on Miwako's buttocks.

Even with the beautiful hips, Dongma could feel the perfect touch even with a skirt in it, and couldn't help but hit a few hard times.

The immense power caused Miwako to cry out in pain, but in this painful voice, there were some strange feelings similar to excitement.

But Mihezi naturally refused to ask for mercy.

"You bad guy! How can you do this?! I'm a detective from the Metropolitan Police Department! I am a noble Metropolitan Police Flower! You dare to do such a thing to me in a police car!"

Sternly scolded as if behind her was not the manager, but an enemy gangster of the police.

However, it seems that our beauty and child police are very fond of being invaded by the gangster behind him. The unusual red cloud on his face and the expression of bliss at any time make Dongma look excited.

It seems that Miwako likes to play, so I'll cooperate.

Occasionally such a peculiar dinner seems to be a good spice for daily boring.

So Dong Ma immediately made a vicious expression, "Damn the stinky policewoman! I like to see the expression of the police flower that hates me, but is helpless to me."

"You... asshole!" Miwako screamed, shaking her body.

And Dongma's hands have also passed through the police uniform at this time, exploring the wonderful and warm mountains, plains and forest canyons.

Therefore, although Miwako refused to obey the evil attitude, her expression was already indulging in it.

"You dare to say that I am an asshole?!" Dongma said with a feigned anger, "Then I will let you see how unhuman I am as an asshole!"


The strong police uniform made of special materials instantly turned into fragments in the sky, and the black cover and fat times made Dongma look even better.

"Let's get down! I want to see how the police flower is held by his own handcuffs!" Dong Ma yelled with his belt.

Miwako still kept screaming, but her hands were honestly behind her back.


There was a crisp sound.

A picture of a black'clothed' policewoman being'tied' appeared in front of Dongma.