Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 66

Tanaka took the sign and was very annoyed. "Hey, didn't you switch over?"

Hamano smiled and said, "How is it possible? Didn't you see it all just now? I haven't even touched the paper."

Tanaka had no choice but to say, "I see, you can boil hot water when you boil hot water." So he shook his head and went out.

Hamano smiled, "The remaining party minister, Doi Takaki, is you."

Doi Tower sweats, "No way?"

But what surprised Doi Tower and Hamano was that the name on the lottery was Hamano.Hamano was very surprised, a little disbelieved, and accepted the lottery, "It's really strange!"

Dongma shook his head and smiled, "Go to the room and think about it. Remember to think more closely, but don't be like this time..."

Doi Tower then smiled, "Don't make any mistakes!"

Hamano had no choice but to walk upstairs with doubts.

When dinner was ready, Dongma and the others began to eat while talking about the Shadow Mage and the King of Escape. They quarreled constantly because of a magician. This in itself made Dongma feel very strange, but what kind of people in this world There are both, so he didn't continue to study it until Conan came downstairs when his fever subsided and woke up.

"Why are you still having a leisurely dinner here?! Get out of here, it's dangerous!" Conan shouted weakly.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, while Xiao Lan was concerned: "Conan, are you better?"

"This cold isn't a big deal, don't you know? The man named Xishanwu who is going to join your party and the net name Escape King has been killed at home!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

"Who did it?!" Ran Yi asked.

"It was reported in the news just now that there was a line of messages in front of the deceased's computer, and the inscription was Shadow Mage!"

"No, we are just netizens. No matter how they have conflicts, they are just quarrels on the Internet. Why would the Shadow Master kill the King of Escape?!" Kuroda shouted.

"I don't know this, the police are also investigating... But there is another sentence in the message on the spot, [The first one is resolved]."

After hearing this, everyone finally became scared.

"No way?"

"We haven't offended him..."

Tanaka said suddenly, "I remember Mr. Hamano also interrupted when the two of them quarreled."

Yuanzi said, "That should be okay, Mr. Hamano just commented casually, but in fact there is not much contradiction with the Shadow Mage. This is different from the King of Escape."

Doi Pagoda said, "It's better to be more careful, in case the Shadow Master angers others, it is not impossible."

Aragoshi agreed, "Anyway, I must inform Hamano of this soon."

Everyone went into Room 302 in Hamano and found that the door was unlocked and there was no one in the room.

Dongma walked straight to the window, and the open window was filled with cold wind, blowing the curtains wildly.

Conan also came to the balcony and looked down, and no one fell, but just when he wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

Dongma suddenly pointed away, "Hamano is there..."

Conan yelled in shock, "How is it possible?!"

Everyone hurried downstairs, but was blocked by Dongma in front of the snowy ground without any traces, "You stay here and leave it to this professional."

Soon, Touma confirmed the death of Hamano.

"how could be?"

"Obviously before, I performed magic tricks..."

Along with screaming, Tanaka wanted to pass, but was stopped by Doi Tuckshu and Conan.

"Don't destroy the scene, otherwise I will be accused of obstructing official duties. Please go to the Metropolitan Police Department for tea!"

Famine was surprised, "Site?"

"Have you not seen it? The corpse is more than ten meters away from the villa. Except for the footprints of Dongma, there are no other footprints around." Conan explained.

Dongma sighed, "It is impossible for humans to leave no traces on this kind of snow, let alone bring another adult."

Huangyi reacted, "Then that means..."

"In theory, this is a crime that humans without wings can never do!"

"It is impossible to commit a crime!" Everyone was shocked.

Chapter 0082 magic lover gathering (five)

PS: Thank you "Li Dong" for your monthly ticket support.

Tanaka meditated, "Indeed, in such a wide courtyard, it is impossible to move the body without leaving footprints."

Yuanzi hid behind Xiaolan, "but why would Mr. Hamano..."

Kuroda also said, "He just said a few words, and there is no hatred with the Shadow Mage!"

Doi Tower said, "The reason is unclear."

Dongma checked the body and found a blue mark on the deceased's neck. "From the current situation, he should have been strangled to death. He should have used something like string. Then he moved the body here. The murderer was someone near this villa!"

Fang Yi said, "Hey, do you think the murderer is among us?"

Tanaka said, "But there are only us here!"

Sukama suddenly said, "There is another person, have you forgotten? That person came here beforehand, and after killing Hamano, he is now hiding somewhere."

Kuroda asked, "Who?"

Xu Kama sneered, "Shadow Mage!"

"According to this kid, Mr. Nishiyama who was killed left a similar message. In other words, Mr. Hamano is the second one..."

Kuroda became more timid, "So, is he still hiding somewhere in 473 waiting to take our lives?"

Tanaka said angrily, "What a joke!"

Talking, she walked to the villa.

"Where are you going?"

Tanaka said angrily, "I'm going back! There is a murderer hiding near the villa, and now he must leave this ominous villa immediately."