Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 160

Xiao Lan's hand was still on the knight's shoulder, her face was peach blossom, "Please...write your proof on my lips!"

Maori in the audience was shocked, "It's too messy, Xiao Lan, what are you talking about?"

But he was dragged by He Ye desperately.

On the stage, the lips of the knight and the princess were getting closer.

People in the audience are looking forward to it, especially the girls.

However, just as the knight and princess were about to embrace Wen, a harsh scream interrupted everyone's thoughts.

The black knight subconsciously turned to protect the princess, obviously he was also very puzzled.

Only Dongma, who was invited as an alumnus, happened to see what happened in the back row at this time.

Urada Koping fell to the ground, his pupils dilated, his eyes were dull, and there were still cold drink cups on the ground.

Maori came over immediately, assisted and greeted Dongma and nervously began to maintain the scene, keeping everyone present at a distance.

Naturally, the performance had to be stopped, and the academy festival ended without a problem, leaving the second lady of Yuanzi depressed.

Meguro Sato led the team and made a preliminary investigation. "The deceased was Urada Kohei, 27 years old. Is he a doctor at the Mihua General Hospital?"

Mumu asked three colleagues in the hospital, "Then why did he suddenly fall down halfway through the theater?"

Noda Yumemi said, "I thought he was just uncomfortable suddenly, who knew he fell to the ground all of a sudden."

Sato picked up the cup on the ground, "Could it be that he fell to the ground after drinking a drink that fell beside him?"

Noda said, "This, I've been watching a movie, I'm too fascinated, I don't know."

"There are almost no drinks left in it!"

Megure asked, "So, when you found Mr. Urada down, about what time was it?"

Noda looked at his watch, "The play started at two o'clock..."

Xiao Lan walked over, "I think it should be around 2:40...because when we heard the scream, it happened to be the highest time of this drama."

Chapter 0195 Desperate Resurrection (4)

Miwako smiled and asked, "By the way, this academy festival is held by your high school Xiaolan, no wonder the police is here."

"After all, it was an invitation from my alma mater, and I happened to be fine anyway." Dongma said boredly.

Miwako, Mugure and the others rolled their eyes. This guy is just lazy. As the Minister of Criminal Affairs, he needs to do some work.

Seeing these people are here, Mumu suddenly had a bad feeling, "If you say that, is that guy also here?"

Maori walked over from the front, "Who are you looking for, Mumu Police Department!"

Mumu choked out angrily, "It's you, it's you! You, the plague god, really are here, and you brought the unfortunate tragedy to his daughter's school!"

Miwako asked, "Has the cause of death been found out?"

Forensic said, "Yes, I think it might be..."

The boy with the blue hat interrupted, "Potassium cyanide! I think this man, 80% of them died of poisoning after drinking potassium cyanide."

Several people were taken aback and angry, "Hey, Maori, didn't you just say that no one had touched the corpse?"

Maori Khan, "Yes, it should be like this, it's not wrong..."

Dong Ma said, "This is obvious, even if you don't touch the corpse, you can tell by the look."

The hat boy said, "Yes! Most people lose their blood color when they die, but the color of this man's lips and nails is not only purple, but also pink. This is obvious evidence of cyanide poisoning."

Hat boy said, "The difference between potassium cyanide and other drugs is that after taking it, the electron transmission system in the cell starts to operate, and it can circulate through the blood without using oxygen in the blood. This way The complexion has improved. If the smell of almonds will be detected in this man's mouth later, it must be potassium cyanide."

Mumu asked, "Is it like this, coroner?"

The autopsy forensic doctor affirmed, "Yes, the deceased's mouth does smell of almonds. As the teenager said, this is a symptom of potassium cyanide poisoning. I also infer that the deceased was poisoned by potassium cyanide and died."

Everyone thought this strange boy was familiar, and Maori asked, "How come you know this kind of thing so clearly? Didn't you sit next to Mr. Urada at the time of the case?" The boy stood up, "No. No, my position is separated from the deceased by an aisle, the other side is the first, the eighth column." Maori was taken aback, "The other side is the front?" The boy laughed, "Just counting from the position of the uncle. Four positions." Mumu asked, "Is that so, Maori?" Maori caught blindly, "Well, I've been focusing on the theater just I didn't pay attention to who was sitting around." Mumu asked. "Then can anyone prove your argument?"

The boy thought for a while, and pointed to Conan, "That kid with glasses is fine, I was sitting next to him." Xiaolan asked, "Is that right, Conan?" Conan didn't cooperate at all, "Oh, no. See." The boy almost fell, "What? Hey, think about it..."

Maori said, "But then again, why do I always feel as if I have seen you somewhere?"

Officer Mumu felt the same way, "Who are you anyway?"

The boy was dissatisfied, "What, did you forget me so soon? I only came back so long, you are really ruthless!" "I'm Kudo Shinichi, a famous high school detective in Kanto!" The boy was proud of it. Said, it seems that I can be fooled by my style, but obviously everyone here is very familiar with Kudo Shinichi's mission and will not be deceived by this degree of disguise.

The boy walked in front of Xiaolan and Conan and put his hands on Xiaolan's shoulders, "This kid with glasses called me and asked me to watch Xiaolan's play. By the way, let's take a look at the performance of the classmates, right, kid ?"

Conan just looked at him coldly, and didn't like him at all.

At this moment, Kazu Ye suddenly came in from behind, "What are you doing, Heiji?"

Seeing He Ye appear, the boy was shocked, "Uh, He Ye! Oops, didn't you tell her not to come?"

He Ye walked forward and touched off the powder on his face, revealing his dark skin, "With so much foundation on his face, my hairstyle has changed...Are you here to perform a song and dance show?"

Heiji is still struggling, "No! You can see clearly, I am not Hattori Heiji, I am the famous Shinichi Kudo!"

Mumu and Maori roared, "Smelly boy, what kind of a bad joke are you talking about!"

Seeing that he couldn't pretend, he could only wipe off the powder from his face, and then laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, just kidding! I just want to pretend to be Kudo and give everyone a surprise..."

"Please, you have to dress up as a new one, and learn how to change your face from Kaito Kidd! Also, change your Osaka accent!" Dongma is also speechless to this guy, although it is relatively new Entertainment show, but it's really not funny...

Maori blamed unceremoniously, "Really, how come there are people like you?"

Mumu complained, "We have enough Maori idiots here!"

Maori's expression was bad, and Mumu quickly changed his words, "Ah, no, I'm just kidding!"

Mugure coughed 2.4 times and changed the subject, "Excuse me, Mr. Urada bought this drink himself?"

Hongshang Wuyi said, "I bought it. I bought 4 drinks at the drink stand over there, gave the drinks to Sangu, and then went to the bathroom."

Mugure asked, "Mr. Mitani, did you hand the drink to the deceased's hand just now?"

Sanguyangtai said, "No, it was passed on one by one. I only left my own Wulong tea and iced coffee in Wuyi. So strictly speaking, it was Mengmei who gave the iced coffee to Urada. "

Noda was angry, "What are you talking about? Mitani gave me my orange juice and Urada's iced coffee, and I will give Urata the iced coffee. But the person who helped Urada choose iced coffee before is obviously you! "

Chapter 0196 Deadly Resurrection (Mysterious Knight)