Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 170

Hezi took it over, "Thank you so much."

The melodious music came from the music box and attracted the middle-aged man outside the door.

"Ah, this tune... spring is here!"

Tokoo Ogata, 53 years old, is the owner of this house and the husband of Kazuko. "This is a piece my mother played on the koto."

Maori said, "Is your mother? Is that the old woman next to the picture?"

Next to Qiu Wu's picture, there is a picture of an old lady.

Chang Xiong said, "Yes, next to my dad is Haruna, his mother who died three years ago."

Dongma said, "Is it called Haruna?"

Haruna was also surprised, "Three years ago?"

Shiro said, "My grandfather must have regarded you as a dead grandmother. Because he was happy to say to me that Haruna is back!"

Maori said, "But he still uses a call machine at his age. It's really fashionable!"

Hezi said, "No, it's because after my mother-in-law passed away, my father often walked outside in the middle of the night. We were worried, so we let him take it with us."

"By the way, are there other things in that music box?" Chang Xiong suddenly asked strange words, and at the same time, Touma Yinyin caught the Ogata family's reason for letting Haruna come over because of the contents of the music box. .

Chapter 0206 broken music box (three)

PS: Thank you "star117" for your monthly ticket support.

Haruna is inexplicable, "Other things?"

Chang Xiong said, "For example..."

A young man wearing glasses said, "Stamp!"

This man is called Minoru Ogata, 28 years old, the eldest son of the Ogata family.

"A set of four, hand-engraved stamps with a market price of 200 million yuan."

Zhirou said, "Big Brother..."

Minoru Ogata said, "You came to my house specially, didn't you just ask Grandpa, and then you want to find that set of stamps?"

Haruna hurriedly said, "I am not!"

Dongma said angrily, "Joke, the monthly net profit of labor-management companies is more than this, is 200 million yuan a lot?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and Minoru Ogata's expression was even more sullen, "Huh!"

Then he turned around and left, leaving everyone an uncomfortable back.

Chang Xiong was upset, "It's really rude, please don't mind, Miss Haruna! He is very upset because his company is not doing well."

"It's a rare visit for you today. Stay and have a meal together! By the way, I want to ask 24 more things about my father." In the face of Chang Xiong's hospitality, Haruna could only helplessly agree.

Conan whispered, "That person mentioned 200 million yuan worth of stamps, what is it?"

Dongma said, "I also want to see. If it is something that the older generation likes, I just bought it and gave it to Uncle Suzuki. He should like this collection."

"It's worthy of being the future son-in-law and heir of the Suzuki chaebol, so big..." Xiaolan teased.

"Don't say that, we rely on our own ability!" Dong Ma retorted, but Xiao Lan chuckled inexplicably.

From her eyes, Dongma read this message, "It depends on your ability on the tatami."

"That big mouth in the garden, talk to your girlfriends about this kind of thing." Dongma muttered in a low voice, making Xiaolan smile more mysteriously.

Conan said, "What does the pin in the music box mean?"

Dong Ma said, "Maybe it has nothing to do with this matter."

Conan said, "Don't make rash assertions. In short, the behavior of this family is very strange."

At night, the guest room, Maori, Dongma, and Conan are in the same room.

Conan said, "Don't you think it's weird?"

Maori said, "What's weird, this family is all weird people except Zhirou."

Conan took out the card w, "I'm not talking about this, you see, this is the back of Mr. Qiu Wu's tablet, he passed away on December 6."

Maori said, "Nothing strange!"

Dong Ma said, "Wait a minute, Miss Haruna said that the day when she got the music box was Christmas last year... That is to say, if Miss Haruna didn’t lie, it would not have been the one who gave the music box to her at Christmas. Mr. Qiu Wu, but someone else."

Maori was a little surprised, Dong Ma said, "Who would be the person who gave the music box? Judging from the attitude of their family, it seems that only Shi Lang is very friendly to Haruna..."

In the female room, Xiaolan and Chuncai are ready to go to bed after turning off the lights.

However, at this moment, the corridor outside suddenly lit up, and the light shone into the room through the windows, and Xiao Lan was so frightened that she almost cried out.

Xiao Lan turned her head and looked out through the window panes. In the corridor, the shadow of an old man passed quickly with a cane.


Hearing the sound, the three of Dongma rushed over, opened the door of the women's room, and saw Xiaolan and Chunca trembling together.

Maori asked, "What's wrong, Xiao Lan?"

Xiaolan pointed outside, "An old man with a cane just walked to the left from the corridor."

But when Maori opened the door, he found that there was nothing.

Xiao Lan said, "But it did appear just now."

Maori said, "But there is only our room on the left!"

While talking, the Ogata couple and Shiro ran over together, "What happened?"

Maori said, "Oh, my daughter said she saw a strange figure."

Dongma turned on the light, "Chuncai, have you seen the figure too?"

Haruna nodded, "Yes, what Xiaolan said is true."

Hezi said, "By the way, the guests who have stayed here before have also mentioned that there seems to be someone walking by the pillow-side and want to change the room."

Maori panicked a little, "Have you been there before?"