Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 171

Chang Xiong said, "Yes!"

Hezi walked inside and opened the pavilion door to the right to check, "But we are the only one in the house."

Zhirou said, "Speaking of which, where is Big Brother?"

Chang Xiong said, "Aren't you taking a shower?"

As soon as the voice fell, a dull voice of "Boom" came.

Maori said, "What's wrong this time?"

Conan said, "It seems to be the sound of a broken string."

Chang Xiong said, "Is it the room where my mother puts the guqin?"

Maori said, "Let's go and take a look first!"

Mori, Tsuneo, Touma, and Shiro came to 070 to the koto room, opened the door, and saw Minoru Ogata being knocked to the ground by the guqin, life and death uncertain.

Winter immediately checked, "It doesn't matter, there shouldn't be life-threatening, I just passed out."

At the same time, Haruna’s call rang, and after reading it, Haruna’s expression changed drastically, "How can this kind of thing..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Haruna!" Dongma saw a message on the pager at this time.

Xiaolan began to reverie meaninglessly, "Then, is that the strange old man's shadow just now...this incident is all...Mr. Qiu Wu who passed away last year..."

Maori reprimanded, "Nonsense! What else can people do if they die? If you have time, you might as well go to the police! This may be a murder case!"

Dongma complained, "Please, uncle, this man is not dead yet, and his injuries are not serious."

While speaking, Minoru Ogata sat up, "Don't talk about murder!"

Both Ogata and his son were relieved, Shiro asked, "Brother, what happened?"

Minoru Ogata put on the glasses, "How do I know? Suddenly, I was hit by a hard object."

Chang Xiong said, "Hard-things? Is this the piano?"

Minoru Ogata said, "Probably so."

Chapter 0207 broken music box (four)

Zhirou said, "Isn't this piano my grandma's favorite during her lifetime?"

Minoru Ogata said suddenly, "Miss Haruna, will it be you who beat me?"

Dong Ma said, "She has been with Xiao Lan, and when there is a loud noise, everyone is in the women's room."

Minoru Ogata said, "Who the hell is it?"

Dongma snorted coldly, "Who is the gangster, you should have seen it?"

Minoru Ogata said, "What?"

Dong Ma said, "Your injury is on the front forehead, which means you were hit from the front."

Minoru Ogata said, "It's too dark, how can I see it!"

Dongma wondered, "Is this room dark when you were attacked?"

Minoru Ogata said, "Yes, it was too late when we noticed a strange sound."

Conan said, "But it's still very strange!"

Minoru Ogata said, "What's weird?"

Dong Ma said, "What are you doing sneakily here alone?"

Minoru Ogata was taken aback, obviously a little guilty, "That..."

Zhirou said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Xiaolan agreed with Dongma, "So what about the old man's shadow we see?"

Zhi Lang said, "Speaking of Miss Lan, the old man's shadow they see, is it the gangster attacking my elder brother?"

Xiao Lan said, "But the old man with a cane can handle such a heavy piano?"

Maori said, "That is, even if the old man exists, it will not hurt Mr. Min. Moreover, Xiaolan saw the old man walking through the corridor, and then passing by my room. I, Dongma, and Conan are all there."

Xiao Lan is looking forward to it, "So what?"

Maori is not angry, "That is your illusion!"

Maori asked Xiang Dongma, "In this situation, I think someone has entered someone else's house illegally and needs to call the police!"

"Alright..." Although Dongma thought it was impossible, he still agreed with Maori's opinion just in case, because it seemed too compelling to disagree at this time.

"The problem now is that this room is not Mr. Min's room. It's hard to imagine what he did in this room so late. But when did the criminal commit the crime?"

Conan said, "There is also the Guqin as a murder weapon."

Dong Ma said, "Yes, why do prisoners have to use heavy Guqin as a murder weapon?"

Conan shook his head, "Damn it, I can't figure it out!"

Dong Ma said, "Xiao Lan said that seeing the old man's shadow should not be an illusion. Because Miss Haruna also said that she saw it. It is impossible for the two of them to have the same illusion at the same time."

Conan said, "The last doubt is the music box that lacks pins."

"Exactly. Remember Qiu Wu's message to Chuncai? Let her use the music box to subsidize her life. It turns out that the music box itself is not worth money, so this one is the only thing left..." Dongma nodded and said .

However, it turns out that no one has actually entered this mansion.

"Keep your eyes on you, the only suspicious point is the back door, which seems to be blown away by the wind because it is not strong."

Everyone came to the back door with their umbrellas, and Police Officer A lit with a flashlight, "If the prisoner enters from here, there must be his footprints here."

Dong Ma said, "Well, indeed, only the footprints when we came here."

Then the police officer, under the instruction of Touma, asked everyone in the Ogata family about the situation at the time. The Ogata family were in the kitchen, and Shiro complained about why they had to question the spring vegetables that came to the house for the first time at the table...

At this moment, Conan asked suddenly, "Brother, is your room next door?"

Shiro answered casually, "Yes."

Conan opened the door, "Whose is the front room?"