Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 181

Maria's hysterical scream resounded throughout the lounge.

"I obviously heard Ranbu say Maria's name before he died, and Shi Dong and Kamijiao also heard it."

Watson said stiffly, emphasizing the identity of East Malaysia.

"No! I only heard the word'Ma', but didn't hear the word Maria." Dongma shook his head and came to Maria.

And Maria smiled at him gratefully, although this smile was really ugly.

Shi Dong also nodded and said: "Me too, I should say that I didn't hear clearly, but it looks like'Ma'..."

"But who else does the name beginning with the word "Ma" other than Maria? And the one who called us...ah! By the way, didn't Maria bring a "voice changer"? Okay, she just used that..."

Watson's nostrils swelled with excitement.

"You can't talk nonsense about this! You can buy that kind of kid's stuff everywhere, and besides, I have an alibi."

Maria rushed to Watson nervously to defend herself.

"Okay!" Dongma yelled flatly, preventing this baseless malicious slander, this kind of meaningless quarrel did not help the case at all.

"When Maria appeared in the break room, it was two or three minutes after Ayako and I arrived, but the chaotic step was stabbed several times. I think both the kidney and spleen have been seriously injured, plus a lot of bleeding. You can die within. And Maria, has appeared in the lounge twenty minutes ago."

"Then Kamijou is paying attention, who is the murderer?" Watson asked disappointedly.

Chapter 0218 Trojan Villa (nine)

"Now, let us confirm everyone's alibi first?"

Dongma said to himself, apparently there was no intention to solicit opinions this time, and the others did not object again.

"Well, first of all, the alibi of the'Sengzheng Murder Case'. Except for Ayako and I who have been together, everyone present has an alibi."

"What are you talking about? Can you explain it more clearly?"

Maria said.

Dongma nodded and said: "Well, to put it simply, Ranbu and Arthur were in this lounge when the monk was being killed; and Watson, Stone and Maria were also on the Internet during that time. communicate with."

Shi Dong interrupted suspiciously when he heard the words, "Wait a minute, how do you know when the monk is being killed? Besides, the stiffness of the body after death will also change due to temperature or other factors..."

"Because at that time, Sengzheng finally left a sentence, "It seems someone is coming, wait for me." But after that, he didn't come back and continue to leave a message. Obviously he saw the murderer. So I want to ask, who is here. Went to Sengzheng's cabin for a while?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one answered.

Dongma nodded and said: "No one has been there, so the person who went to the Sengzheng Cabin must be the murderer, but everyone present did not admit it. In addition, when the murderer called us, he used a voice changer to change The voice has changed, that is to say, the murderer is afraid of being recognized by us. From this point of view, the murderer must be one of the six people present. Combining these two ideas, the murderer is the six of us,'Hidden in the early morning It took forty-three minutes to go to Sengzheng's cabin."

"Wow! It's amazing, worthy of the gods!"

Watson clapped his hands and praised Dongma, but the expression on his face was full of unhappiness.

"But, who is the so-called'that person'? Everyone has an alibi! Are you saying that no one killed the monk at all? Ah! Is it possible that the monk committed suicide? 'In fact, he directed and acted by himself at all?"

"All of this is false evidence. The murderer has cleverly created some false impressions so that he has an alibi."

"False alibi, wow! This is like a suspense novel!" Watson snorted and sneered.

Dongma just glared at the clown coldly, and then said, "Then, let's sort out the alibi of the'Ranbu Homicide'! Me, Ayako and Maria are just like what we said earlier. , And Stone only appeared five or six minutes after Maria came, right?"

"Probably!" Shi Dong answered impatiently without even looking at Dongma's face.

"If this is the case, Shi Dong came here ten minutes before Ranbu was discovered. Um... Although it is a bit far-fetched, the alibi can be considered valid! Next is Arthur, you are more than Shi Dong. It took four minutes to show up, so you don’t have an alibi, how about it?"

"Well, yes... yes!" Arthur answered nervously.

"In the end, it was Watson. You came two minutes later than Arthur. And four minutes later, we found bloody steps, so you didn't prove it alibi."

"You, why do you say that... You didn't mean to say that I was the murderer? Stop joking!" Watson waved wildly, and said very upset.

Dongma looked at Watson with cold eyes: "The situation is obvious. Although the people present have an alibi, it does not mean that he is not the murderer. So this whole incident has to be considered from another angle, otherwise , I cannot guarantee your safety..."

"That's it! It must be related to that..." Maria murmured, shaking her chin.

In an instant, the faces of Shi Dong, Watson, and Arthur also became serious.

Watson first broke the silence: "Forget it, let's stop here! Judging from the conditions under this heavy snow, we can't go back for the time being. Now everyone will go back to their cabins. Open the door. Also, early tomorrow morning, everyone will contact each other by internal phone, and make sure all the staff are there before meeting here. How about?"


After speaking, he picked up his jacket from the sofa and prepared to leave.

"Well, maybe this is the best way."

Shi Dongda agreed, and Arthur silently prepared to return to the room.

At this time, Dongma suddenly saw Arthur's ring finger wearing a gold ring studded with rubies.

And from his point of view, it was definitely a genuine high-end ruby, definitely not something that a high school student could afford.

'Sure enough, this guy also concealed her identity. Either she is not a high school girl at all, or she is very rich in the family, even if she is a wealthy family who allows high school students to go out with this kind of precious ring...'

of course……

Dongma looked at Arthur with a perfect figure and a pretty face, and thought of a possibility, and this "possibility" is actually not uncommon in Japan.

Ayako brought a cup of tea and asked, "Tongma, why don't they tell their real names? Then they have to tell the police."

Dongma explained: "The police will indeed investigate the true identity of everyone, but that is only limited to talking to the police. Then they will not know each other's identities because the police are obliged to protect their personal privacy."

"That said, they want to interrupt their relationship and don't want to have anything to do with anyone..."


"But why must we sever the relationship?"

"Maybe those people did a terrible thing in the past..."

"A terrible thing?"

"Well, and if it is known to the police, it might be troublesome, so it keeps it secret. As long as it ends like this, what they have done before will be forever fallen into the sea."


"And obviously, the thing they concealed is the cause of this incident!"

Chapter 0219 Wooden Horse Villa (ten)

In everyone's room, everyone was thinking about the two murders that happened tonight. Panic, panic, and nervous emotions filled everyone's mind...