Conan Super Detective

Metropolitan Detective Super / Conan Super Detective Chapter 185

"But if you say,'I didn't put the vaccination on the left hand', it would appear to be a violation. What's more, Chaobu also specifically raised the question of'why the vaccination should be shot on the left hand', so Arthur deliberately used'conventional The word'hand' makes me less uncomfortable."

Everyone admired Dongma's coherent inferences, and only Arthur wanted to refute it.

Dongma waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I still have one question, it's the conversation about Arthur on the latter point."

Chapter 0223 Trojan Villa (fourteen)

This time, Dongma read the content of the dialogue by himself.

'So this is ah!Doctor, your eyes are not so good!How many degrees did you stare naked?'

'Not even 1.0!'Watson.

"Although Watson answered very smoothly, I found the word'naked sight' a bit strange. Although literally speaking, there is nothing wrong, and naked sight means the situation without glasses or contact lenses. Eyesight."

Speaking of this, Dong Ma suddenly asked Watson: "Is this word more commonly used in eyewear shops or hospital ophthalmology?"

"Well...that's right...

When Watson answered, he looked at Arthur who was silent from time to time.

"This is what makes me strange. To me, although the word'naked sight' can be understood, I hardly use this uncommon word. Arthur, your vision in both eyes is 1.5, I think Your situation should be the same as mine, right?"

"It's different." Arthur answered immediately this time.

"My parents wear glasses, so I often hear the term'naked sight'."

"Your reason is too far-fetched. As long as we investigate this kind of thing, we will know the truth." Dong Ma said calmly.

Arthur replied to Dongma with a pair of angry eyes: "I have had enough, and can no longer bear you to condemn me with this kind of provocation... Anyway, I am the one who joined from the beginning. Arthur of Computer Villa. If you must say that I am a replacement, I will ask you, where is the original Arthur?"

"Dead." Dongma answered without hesitation.

Arthur couldn't help but stop breathing, unable to speak a word.

Dongma continued: "You killed the real Arthur a long time ago."

Others couldn't help trembling when they heard it. Shi Dong was even more scared to cover his mouth with his hand, and Ayako's eyes were as big as a copper bell.

"Wh, how come... Dongma, are you true?"

Arthur sneered, "You have no basis for this speculation. Don't forget, when the monk was being killed, I kept walking in this lounge."

"When the monk was being killed, we each came out of the wooden house, and Ranbu did indeed say:'I have been with Arthur, and Arthur cannot be the murderer.

"How is it? Kamijou is watching, what else do you have to say?" Arthur said triumphantly.

Dongma said disdainfully, "I'll just pick it out. Of course you are the one who killed Sengzheng, but when you killed Sengzheng, it was not you who was with Ranbu, but the one called'Fan. Tian Wenjiang's deceased was Spencer."

"You..." Arthur said flustered and angry.

"He did say things like,'Arthur is with me'. But the person with Ranbu is not you Arthur, but Arthur, who Spencer pretended."

At this moment, Arthur's original relaxed expression completely disappeared.

"That is indeed a very cleverly arranged alibi, using the blind spot of the human heart, like walking a tightrope, you must catch the time very well. You have already noticed that between Luanbu and the original Arthur The relationship is close, so you think this should be used. And the opportunity to take advantage of this should be brought to you by Spencer..."

"Spencer is usually like a buddy on the computer and chaotic steps... right?" Dong Ma turned his head and asked Shi Dong.

"" Stone.

"But to everyone's surprise, Spencer is a woman. I guess that at first Spencer deliberately participated in your computer communication as a boy, but in the end he secretly liked Ranbu with a girl's mentality. "

"But there is a problem with meeting offline. Names and personal experiences can be fabricated, but gender can't deceive people. Spencer is troubled by this, but on the other hand, she really wants to see Ranbu..."

"At this moment, Spencer found you. In short, he was discussing similar issues and asked you to exchange names with you. Naturally, you agreed with pleasure..."

"You mean...they exchange names?" Watson exclaimed in surprise.


Dongma nodded and continued to stare at Arthur.

"In the name of creating opportunities for Spencer, you want her to come back to the lounge late that night. Then you will make an appointment as Arthur and ask him to go to the villa a little later and meet in the lounge."

"So last night you said that you were waiting for Ranbu and Spencer in the lounge, but you were actually waiting for Ranbu and Spencer to appear, right?"

Arthur did not answer, but silently resisted with his head down.

"During this period, we all thought Arthur was you, and Ranbu thought that Spencer who was with him was Arthur, so that you have an impeccable alibi."

"After you killed Sengzheng and left enough evidence to prove your alibi, then go back to the lounge to see Ranbu and Spencer."

"Naturally, the two are chatting and have made a sufficient alibi for you. Then you pretend to be Maria, call the lounge to chaotic step, find a proper reason for them to go back to the wooden house, When I walked back to the scene where the monk was being killed, in order to prove that I had an alibi, I told the Big 5.8:'I stayed in the lounge with Arthur from around 1:30 in the middle of the night until I received a call from Maria. .'"

"But this morning, I asked Maria about this phone call, but Maria said she hadn't called it. From this point of view, that phone call can only be made by you. The main thing is to get the two of Ranbu and Spencer. separate."

"Lanbu and Spencer ended their conversation because of your phone call and went back to the wooden house. You took this opportunity to act again, which is the second case you committed: the killing of Spencer."

"But why did the murderer want to bury Spencer's body so that no one can find it? And the other corpses didn't deliberately cover it up?" Watson stared at Arthur with the corner of his eye.

"I think that's probably the case..."

Chapter 0224 Trojan Villa (fifteen)

Dongma went on to say: "The murderer hopes that the sooner everyone discovers that Spencer is a female, the better. If after Ranbu gave Arthur an alibi, he immediately found out that the female body was originally Spencer. After scrutinizing, someone might notice that they exchanged names. So she originally planned to put the body rashly under the snowdrift, and then the snow would cover the whole body. In this way, the body may have to wait until the police do the carpet. It will only be discovered during a type search or when the snow melts next spring. By that time, even if the body is found, no one will see through the layout of her alibi. The murderer's mind is so careful!"

"Unfortunately, we found Spencer's body in advance."

Dongma looked at Arthur and said this amazing insight.

Arthur replied to Dong Ma with a hostile expression: "Your imagination is so rich! No matter what you reasoned out, it is still full of loopholes for us!"

Arthur said impatiently: "First of all, if things are really like what Dongma had assumed, Chaobu is not with me, but with Spencer, then Chaobu will not necessarily affect the incident. Say it as a proof of my absence!"

"Also, what evidence do you have that insists that Spencer and I exchange names?"

"And you also said that Spencer likes walking, why do you know these things? This is just your own guess..."

"Also, no matter how I layout or make an alibi, you must always show evidence to prove it!"

Arthur asked four sharp questions in a row, and then looked at Dong Ma triumphantly, as if he didn't believe Dong Ma could explain it.

But the fact is, how can our gods purify the demons without being sure?

So Dongma had a calm expression, answering Arthur's questions one by one.

"First of all, at that time, Ranbu would say'I'm with Arthur', not just casually, but according to your plan."