Conan Super Detective

Detective City Super/Detective Conan Super Chapter 286

"And in terms of time, we don't have that many people at all, and there are no special personnel such as intelligence agents, even if Kira wants to kill them, no one will kill him!" Ye God laughed excitedly.

"So now the key question is here, what do you think of the progress of the Kira incident?" Dong Ma asked with a smile.

"Views?" Ye God asked in confusion, in his opinion 1 should be about the same as theirs.

But in fact, 1 because of the FBI's intelligence network, the actual intelligence we have is more comprehensive than the search headquarters.

Moreover, Dongma felt that this guy had only called them here specially now, and the situation was so pressing that he had to do so. There should be some discovery in this area.

Then, 1 did not disappoint him.

"Then I will talk about my current reasoning about the Kira incident..."

"First of all, Kira committed the crime alone. And based on the fact that he had stolen and searched the headquarter's intelligence before, it should be related to the police. Of course, it is also likely because he himself has strong hacking capabilities..."

"About this, I don't think it's possible, because the team on my side can't break through 350 even with the most cutting-edge power from Lanli, let alone do it without leaving a trace." Dongma said confidently. .

It is this ability that Xiuzi awakened through the inheritance of dead followers. It is impossible for ordinary humans to be able to match her, even a supercomputer made with the help of black technology.

Because she is the most advanced super brain.

1 Hearing the words, he glanced at Dong Ma differently, and then nodded his head to confirm his words.

"So next, Kira's characteristics are also that killing requires a name and appearance, and can control the time of death and the actions of the deceased to a certain extent. After remembering the above characteristics, carefully listen to my next analysis... "

Having said that, 1 took out a marker pen, and then began to write changes on the white coffee table.

And his unconventional way of holding the pen made Aoyama Xiang couldn't help but move forward.

Because for her, in this whole room, only there is the most disorderly place.

Regardless of the dress of 1, or his way of writing with only three fingers holding the end of a marker pen.

1 said unwaveringly: "First of all, the FBI entered Japan on December 14th..."

Chapter 0358 The famous detective who finally sees true (5)

"First of all, the FBI entered Japan on December 14th..."

"Then on December 19, Kira began to obviously use the prisoners to do some experiments to control the behavior before death..."

"That is to say, in these short five days, Kira felt threats from the FBI, and of course it may be from other places. However, in order to relieve these threats, we can speculate that Kira could not know her face or name. The enemy of ”is found out of the vast crowd and killed. It is necessary to confirm the degree of behavior control before death, which is the experiment I just mentioned."

"However, on December 27, all FBI agents were killed, and the head of the branch was also killed..."

"In other words, between December 14th and December 27th, Kira’s actions started to be abnormal. During this time, there were 23 known deaths, and they were all dead. Yu's cardioplegia felons, former criminals, and suspects who have not yet been convicted, this is another evidence of his abnormal behavior during this period."

After listening to 1’s reasoning, almost everyone in the room reacted.

"In other words, to get rid of the FBI, Kira needs to use these people to test the extent and scope of their abilities?" Yucheng Cui said suddenly.

1 nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes! Of course, there may not be so many subjects that need to be tested, even five or six people are enough, so most of the prisoners inside are illusions created to confuse our sight."

"That's why it took so long to start, but also to confuse our sight..." Dongma said affirmatively.

"Yes, the extra eight days are illusions. The real situation is that this guy is likely to be the subject that the FBI tracked between the 14th and the 19th."

Having said that, 1 picked up a thick pile of materials from the low table next to it.

"This is the information obtained from the FBI. Of course it contains some necessary data and other content, but it is prohibited to take it out..." 1 emphasized.

"Relax, as long as you read it once, most people here will not forget it." Liergen said confidently.

Of course, he didn't have any confidence in himself, but because he knew his team members were almost all Dobel Prize-level super schoolmasters, and shorthand was no difficulty for them.

And Dongma is even more famous in the Metropolitan Police Department for not forgetting. It can be said that, except for himself and the head of the night god, everyone here does not need external materials, and can be remembered instantly.

"So, is there any problem?" 1 asked after a sip of coffee.

"No more..." Ye God seemed to want to ask some questions, but Dong Ma interrupted directly.

Because he knew very well what Yashen section chief wanted to ask. When 1 mentioned that he was also a personality that refused to admit defeat, Yashen's expression was obviously moved, so Dongma knew it with his toes. This guy wanted to ask. After he lost this time, is there any nonsense about victory.

'This kind of problem may be a little motivating for ordinary police officers. Everyone fights for ridiculous reasons such as justice... But for the elites here who are almost all rationalists, that kind of vagueness is not as good as those. The unknowns in their field interest them even more.'

To put it simply, except for Lily Root and Night God, almost everyone else came to this place with their own interests rather than a sense of justice.

"Then first, I will have a separate conversation with each of you to further confirm that none of you is Kira..."

After a pause, 1 then said: "Of course, two psychologists, you can also be sure if I am Kira..."

"Of course there is no problem. After all, the source of intelligence obtained by Kira may have flowed out of our police. And if Kira is among us, then he will definitely not miss this opportunity to see 1 directly."

While Dongma said so, 1 had walked to the window without knowing when, as if he had seen something outside through the window.

'Then it's time to decide the outcome... As long as a slight flaw is revealed, Kira may be killed by one at any time. Although it seems that one loses by one, in fact the second round of the victory and defeat is very Kira is obviously more disadvantaged.'

"M, doesn't this mean that Kira will be caught soon?" Yuuki, who was alone with Dongma, asked suspiciously after leaving the new search headquarters.

"Indeed, but in order to make the game more interesting, we must first find out and eliminate the off-court player that affects the outcome..."

Dongma lay in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Mihua Hotel, with a tired Yucheng in his arms, enjoying the hearty breakfast prepared by the sisters.

Obviously, the twin sisters who had been with him for a long time were much stronger than Yucheng's new body.

"How can I find it?"

"If that woman is really as powerful as the rumors, then he must be able to judge from what his fiancé said to her before leaving the house that day, he is going to Shinjuku, maybe even Ray did not hide the fact that he was going to Shinjuku. Then according to the day From the four heart attacks in Shinjuku, it can be inferred that Kira was near Shinjuku at the time and was probably on the same train with the dead Ray..."

"Combined with the weird situation at the time of the bus hijacking, a smart person can definitely infer that Kira is the passenger in that car..."

In other words, once 1 knew about this, it meant that Ye Shenyue was caught.

"So the premise is that this matter must be known to 1!" Yuki suddenly said.

"Yes, so I have notified the front desk at the Metropolitan Police Department. If anyone wants to search the headquarters, notify me immediately..."

After the Kira incident has been fermented for a while, the people who have lost their enthusiasm will rarely go to the Metropolitan Police Department to provide clues because of some unconfirmed things.

The facts also proved that his speculation was very accurate, and the person he was looking for had already come.

Chapter 0359 a link that affects balance (1)

PS: Thank you "lhlmlx123001" for your monthly ticket support.

"You said, someone has already come to you? What kind of person is it?" Dong Ma asked curiously.

"A few people have been here the other day. We have already reported to you. Today this is a woman who looks very classical..." The front desk reported as usual.