Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 290

But in fact, the command is still in the hands of Dongma, because most of the people who search the headquarters are acting in accordance with Dongma's orders.

The only person who doesn't need to listen to Dongma's command is the father of Yagami Yue, the head of Soichiro Yagami.

"Well, I think so too..."

It seems that the situation of the domestic police organization in Japan is not very clear. Maki is still using the experience of the FBI or ICPO to judge the current situation, which has caused a small misunderstanding.

"1 is suffering from insufficient manpower to search the headquarters. After all, many police officers have resigned because of fear of Kira. Although I am only a high school student, I have helped the police solve crimes in the past..."

Maki said in surprise: "Then, are you appreciated by 1 because of this?!"

This is another misunderstanding that does not understand the recent situation in Japan. You must know that even the man known as the sleeping Kogoro did not receive an invitation from the Metropolitan Police Department to participate in this search. Yagamiyuki is hidden in Kudo. Under the shadow of Xinyi, at best can only be regarded as a small role of half a high school student detective, how could it be seen by 1?

Not to mention that Ye Shenyue is the son of the head of the investigation section. In particular, even the son of the head of Osaka and the son of the superintendent of police have not been recruited into the team. One can imagine how well this confidential work has been done. It is absolutely impossible for Ye Shenyue to get so much detailed information, let alone join it.

"They allowed me to enter the search headquarters at will and conduct searches in my own way."

This is even more nonsense, because such an imprudent search method will reveal the secrets of the secret search headquarters. It is impossible to be allowed by 1, but Maki seems to have some belief.

So Ye Shenyue also hit the railroad while it was hot: "That is to say, the people who are left now are all elites who have been carefully selected, who are believed to be trustworthy and capable of participating in the search! And the search headquarters is now among the few selected. A search group of people."

"However, if I can, I still want to have a direct interview with 1..." Mamu then said what made Ye Shenyue flustered, "Because I used to work under 1's, although I only received instructions through the computer. That's it."

"Have you worked in 1 first?!" Ye God asked in shock.

"Well, because just six months ago, I was an FBI agent!"

'This is it……'

'Exposed, girl...'

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder your reasoning method is so professional!" Ye Shenyue praised without hesitation.

"Regarding this incident, I think the police and even the people who searched Kibe are suspected, but 1 can definitely be trusted!" Maki said firmly.

"But, why did you tell me so many clues and details just now?" Ye Shenyue asked curiously.

"To be honest, I think you are very similar to 1, a person very close to him." Ma Mu said softly.

"...Do you want to join us?" After a moment of silence, Ye Shenyue spoke again.

"Are you willing to be a member of the search headquarters?!" Dongma asked with a smile, just like the star Sanae who had just been imprisoned in the Metropolitan Police Department, as if suddenly turned into a certain sect-leader-sleeve.

'This guy, it is a pity not to join the Shangri-La Crusade.'Tong Ma slandered maliciously.

"Of course, not everyone can. But we just need someone like you!"

"You shouldn't just be an intelligence provider! Not only do you have FBI experience, but the quality is higher than most current FBI agents! I have also been trusted by 1 in the past... The conditions for entering the search headquarters, as long as there is a definite identity certificate , Plus the recommendation of the internal staff! Of course, it must be approved by 1."

Maki was said in a daze, "May I enter the search headquarters?"

"I will recommend you!"

Suddenly, Ye Shenyue smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was a little too excited. Although I can choose to search at any time, everyone has a different situation, let alone you still live in the United States..."

"I was planning to settle in the United States, but now I don't have any special plans..." Ma Mu said with his head down and a little confused.

'well!Push forward...'

"But, you are so young and beautiful, and you participate in such a dangerous search..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mamu who had made up his mind at this time: "No! I don't have anything to give up now! I want to catch Kira, nothing else. Please! Please let me participate in the survey!"

"Great... can you show me your credentials then?"

"That...actually what I just said was not my real name..."

Ye Shenyue pretended to be taken aback, and then said with admiration on her face: "It doesn't matter, it's okay to think so thoughtfully, but it can prove that your ability is beyond imagination!"

So Maki took out her driver's license and handed it to Ye Shenyue.

Yue silently took out the paper again and copied it, until the woman whose real name was Nankong Naomi finally found something was wrong.

"Why have you been looking at your watch since just now?"

"Because..." Yue put down the pen and stared at the pointer on the watch.

"I'm Kira!"

"..." The huge impact of reality made Nan Kong seem to be gagged by something for a while, unable to make any meaningful sound.

He could only open his pupils wide, staring at Yue with despair of the whole world.

Chapter 0364 Nan Ji Baibin (a)

Naturally, Nankong Naomi's line-of-sight attack didn't have any effect. Soon she lost her eyes and turned away in a daze.

As for what to do, the three creatures who witnessed the entire incident are very clear that this woman is about to find a suicide method that suits her and will not be discovered.

Ye Shen was very satisfied with this, so he just left from the opposite direction after watching Nan Kong go far.

But Dongma continued to move forward. After passing by Ye Shenyue, he blocked the lifeless southern sky in a secluded corner.

"Who are you?" The mechanical question, like a background NPC in an RPG game, without emotional fluctuations.

"My name is Shangjo Dongma, I remember it clearly, this is the name of your future master..." Without talking nonsense, he directly embraced this black classical beauty.

After a full meal, she put her arms around the woman with two fresh blood holes in her neck and quietly waited for her body to change.

"I want to see if the Death Note can be useful to my family..."

Of course, in fact, the result is already clear, and he just wants to prove one thing now.

If he wants to save someone, can he get rid of the constraints of the death note after the death note is activated?

Obviously, the effect is very gratifying.

After a while, Nan Kong finally woke up quietly.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

"Did you forget it so soon?" Dongma said while disarming her black arms, exposing her whole body to the biting cold wind.

"I am your master!" Dongma emphasized again.

"Master..." Nan Kong greeted Dongma's attack in a daze, and soon began to cater instinctively.

"Remember what happened just now?" Dong Ma asked while enjoying.