Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 325

"I'll show you the criminals, Detective!"

"How is it?" Dongma smiled and glanced at everyone.

"Although the famous detective and the vampire overlap, it sounds like a skip, but it's pretty good for beginners." Ando replied after a daze.

Then he lifted his pen, because she was next.

Soon, she wrote the sentence, "The purpose of this trip is to discover God's secret."

"It's worthy of being an assistant in Chinese liberal arts, admiration." Dong Ma said with a smile.

"The spirit of the famous detective was swept away." Shiina also applauded gently.

'However, it's as simple as a pass, but it won't work.'

Then it was Shiina's turn, "Ape, with a similar face, the neighbor's child."

The humorous sentence made Xiaolan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Very interesting, isn't it?" Shiina said with a smile listening to Xiaolan's laughter. "The seventh word'o' is the point."

Dongma's eyes flashed, but there was no way to determine what he wanted to express.

So the continuation of sentences will continue until the third to last sentence, Conan and the others still have nothing to discover.

The Anlai police department who was watching nearby couldn't help but walk over and asked, "Maori detective, have you found anything?"

Although he wanted to ask Dongma more, but obviously this kind of presumptuous and distrustful question of others, he didn't dare to directly raise it to a police officer, so he could only ask the detective Maori.

However, the famous detective Kogoro Mouri obviously could only give him a speechless answer, "Nothing was found!"

Conan couldn't help it, and asked Dongma in a low voice: "There are three remaining sentences, Dongma, shall we take the initiative to attack?"

Dongma, who almost knew what the prisoner was going to do, just wanted to object, but after another thought, it seemed that there was no problem with doing a little trial, so he nodded and agreed with Conan's proposal.

"Then, let me open up the situation first!" Conan thought seriously.

Chapter 0408 Songjiang City in a sentence travel (six)

"Miss Misugi, the sentence about red leaves you made at the beginning, you said you did it based on the scenery you saw while sitting in the lounge of the former residence of the Wu family, right?" Conan asked suddenly.

"Yes..." Misugi replied.

"That's weird. I also went to the former residence of the Wu family yesterday. From the lounge, you can't see the red leaves!"

"Ah..." Mizugi was startled, and then explained in a flustered manner: "Maybe it may have been seen from other places!"

"Other places?" Maori questioned.

"Please tell me where it is!" Anlai Police Department also asked pressingly step by step.

"Is Misugi a prisoner?" Conan asked Dongma suspiciously. Seeing his old god was there, Conan was sure that this guy must know something.

But what made Conan tickled with hatred is that no matter how he asks, Dongma always looks like I know, but I won't tell you.

"I don't think so..." Dongma said lightly.

"Then why would she lie like this?"

"Sa...but I suggest you look at the 14-sentence notebook of Teacher Ando. It should have the answers you want." Dongma's expression of everything under control made Conan upset at the same time. He could only run to Mr. Ando as he said.

"Could it be that..." Conan understood what the tenth haiku was made by Kawaguchi, "Is it because of that man?"

"But in this case, it can't explain the death message left by Mr. Niuwa."

But when he saw another sentence next to him and the pile of books next to the notebook, Conan immediately understood what.

"As expected of Sherlock Holmes, what I understand is fast." Dong Ma lowly praised.

"Huh! You guy, I'll know tomorrow morning!" Conan said dissatisfied.

At this moment, Maori seemed to understand something, and suddenly shouted: "Ah! I know!"

"Know what?!" An Lai asked immediately.

"This is the death message Niuwa wants to tell!" Maori said triumphantly, "What he wants to express is not the bamboo, but the thing in front of the bamboo!"

Hearing this, Dongma knew that Maori was about to turn into a brick to inspire.

However, An Lai obviously did not know that this was the wrong answer, and continued to ask: "What is in front of the bamboo?"

"Cross the trail and point directly to the place opposite Horikawa... That's right! It's the former residence of the Wu family where Ms. Kawaguchi went! So, the prisoner is Ms. Misugi!" Maori said loudly.

"How could...?!" Misugi was shocked, and the others looked at Misugi with surprised expressions, obviously not believing that she would be a prisoner.

At this moment, Conan, who saw Maori talking nonsense again, immediately took the notebook and said, "Sister Misugi, this tenth sentence is a haiku with the theme of love? And it's still unrequited love!"

"Unrequited love?" Shiina thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something and said: "So, Ms. Misugi's unrequited love is Mr. Yagizawa, no wonder I always feel the feeling between you is weird!"

"That's it! So Ms. Misugi only yesterday..." Conan said.

"Yesterday?" Maori asked suspiciously.

"After eating last night, Mr. Niukubo said too much to Mr. Yagizawa, and Miss Misugi who saw this scene next to him looked very worried."

Maori was surprised when he heard this, "Wait! That is to say, Ms. Misugi, are you kidding Mr. Yagizawa?!"

"Ah..." Misugi was startled like a frightened little rabbit, and then lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Mr. Maori, what's the matter?" Anlai police department asked.

"In other words, Misugi heard the quarrel between Niuwa and Yagizawa yesterday, so she temporarily decided to change the destination to Matsue Castle today, but unexpectedly, she saw the scene where Yagizawa killed Niuwa!"

"No, it's not like that!" Misugi retorted weakly, "I didn't see such a scene at all, I just..."

"Just, what?" An Lai asked in a deep voice...

"Misugi-kun, tell the truth!" Ando also took out the majesty of the teacher and said seriously.

After some struggle, Misugi could only tell the truth in the end: "I didn't want to go to Matsue Castle, but to Wolsho-ji Temple, because I was worried about Mr. Yagizawa. However, I ran into a bus to Matsue Castle on the way, and there was still something inside. Sitting Mr. Yagizawa!"

"So I followed to Songjiang City, but when I arrived on the trail, Mr. Niuwa was already dead. And in the direction of his finger, there was Mr. Yagizawa's eye drop bottle!"

"After that, I immediately returned to the lounge of the Wu family's former residence to calm my mind. When it was time to gather, I returned to the hotel."

After Mizugi finished speaking, she buried her head deeply as if she had done something wrong.

"Wait!" Yagizawa immediately defended, "I did go to Matsue City, but I didn't kill anyone, and I didn't even go to the trail!"