Conan Super Detective

Detective Metropolis/Detective Conan Chapter 337

Chapter 0421 The horror legend of Xueye (two)

"Can we really go together?" Xiao Lan asked embarrassedly.

At this time, Dongma and the others were sitting in Kogoro's car, crossing the white road with the man who had invited them at the Requiem dance venue just now.

The man said: "It's better to say, but it's better if someone goes with you."

"Huh?" Xiaolan was surprised, and Dongma also looked at the man because his answer was very interesting.

The man explained, "Actually, the head of the Daemon family is the president of Daemon Industry!"

"Oh?!" Kogoro said in surprise, "It's the famous entrepreneur!"

"It's just that the president is a man who can do everything for money. He is very rude to his family. He often quarrels with the next president's heir. As a result, the wife of the eldest man often stays away at night, and divorce is only a matter of time."

The man's tone was a bit bitter, making Dongma a little bit concerned.

"Are you really clear about their family's situation?"

"Because I am the second son of that family, called Damen Lianglang. Today is the first time I have returned home after several years..."

After speaking, everyone came to the front door of the door.

This is an ancient Japanese-style mansion with a very large area, which looks very old.

Everyone entered the house, and at the huge entrance, they saw Kazuki, the eldest man of the Daemon family, Kayoko Daemon, the eldest daughter-in-law, and a young maid named Hojo Hatsue.

"Brother, I'm back! You look good!" Liang Lang greeted warmly.

However, it seems that the eldest man does not welcome Liang Lang's younger brother, and asks very coldly: "Yang Lang, what are you doing back now?"

"You don't have to be so indifferent to your brother who hasn't seen you in five years?" Liang Lang said dissatisfiedly.

The maid Hojo also persuaded: "Young Master, what are you going to say before entering the house?"

However, Kayoko scolded unceremoniously: "Hatsue, please don't talk!"

However, he turned his head to ask Liang Lang arrogantly: "Yang Lang Jun, who are these people?"

However, even so, the right makeup still made the future mistress of the door family look extremely gorgeous, and the hot figure made Dong Ma stare at the protruding part as soon as he entered the door.

"These are friends I met at the Xiuyu Festival. I just heard that they missed the place where they originally stayed tonight, so..." Liang Lang replied.

Hearing that Kazuki hummed coldly: "Suddenly came back after five years, not to mention this for the time being, but also with strangers!"

Upon seeing this, Maori knew he was about to speak, so he immediately pulled off his scarf and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I should say hello first. I'm from Tokyo..."

However, just halfway through his words, an impatient shout came from the room.

"What the hell is going on outside, why is it so noisy!"

"Dad..." Kazuki said awkwardly. It was obvious that this was the head of the Daemon family, Daemon Genichiro.

Genichiro, who came out from inside, saw Ryoro and immediately said in surprise, "Ryoro, you are finally willing to come back!"

"Dad..." Liang Lang called out, but he seemed a little reluctant to hear the voice.

At this time Genichiro suddenly saw Mori and Touma, and immediately said in surprise: "You two, aren't you the police officer of Kamijou Touma and the detective Mr. Kogoro Mori?!"

"It's under." Maori replied awkwardly.

But Dong Ma nodded calmly. Although he didn't have much contact with the northern industrial tycoon, the two still knew each other's existence.

Although the entertainment industry and traditional industries are not connected, their status in the Japanese business community is still similar.

"Famous detective? Police look right?"

However, Kazuki and Ryoro looked surprised and even panicked about the identity of the two.

On the contrary, Genichiro, the most difficult door in the legend, said to the two very enthusiastically: "I am a fan of Mr. Kogoro, and we have been with Dongma-kun for a long time."

"Since I saw the two of you so well today, then you must ask them to give me a face to live..."

Regardless of whether Dongma and others agreed or not, she directly instructed the maid Chuhui: "Go and prepare rooms for Mr. Mori and Dongma-kun, and also clean up Lianglang's room."

"Please go here." Maid Chuhui led everyone to the guest room.

"Mr. Maori's family will stay here tonight, while Mr. Dongma's room is next door, and Master Liang Lang is the back room."

After allocating the rooms, the maid continued to introduce to everyone: "Everyone can walk into the yard through this corridor. The snow scene in the yard is a rare beauty in this season. Please come out for a walk."

After thanking him, Liang Lang suddenly apologized and said, "I'm really sorry just now. The attitude of my elder brother and sister-in-law is really rude."

"Don't say that..." Kogoro said politely immediately, "After all, we visited suddenly."

"Sister Chuhui, where is the toilet?" Conan asked suddenly.

"Oh, you just walk down the corridor to the end." Chu Hui pointed to the other direction of the corridor.

After thinking about it, she went on to say, "The location of the light switch is a bit difficult to find, so let me go with you."

"Sorry to trouble you." Xiaolan thanked.

"4.1 Now I'm going to prepare tea, everyone, please take a break first." Chu Hui said, preparing to take Conan to the toilet.

"Thank you..." Maori said insincerely, "But in fact I don't want to drink tea at all..."

And Liang Lang seemed to see Maori's thoughts, so he said next to him: "I will accompany you later."

He said and made a drinking gesture.

Maori was stunned immediately, and then overjoyed: "Thank you so much!"

At this time, Dongma looked at Chuhui's back and suddenly said, "I just want to go to the toilet, so I'll go with them."

I just followed Chuhui...

PS: I still recommend the new book "Betta Fish Lord God System", and promise not to leave this book.

Chapter 0422 horror legend of Xueye (three)

"This is the bathroom..."

On the other side, the two of Dongma who followed Chuhui came to the bathroom.

"Thank you!" Conan thanked him loudly, and then ran in.

And Dongma quietly approached behind the beautiful maid, Chuhui, and whispered in her ear: "This house is really big..."