Conan Super Detective

Metropolitan Detective Super / Conan Super Detective Chapter 351

"It sounds like this Miss Yunze ran away in a panic like trying to escape something?" Dongma said to herself after listening.

"But, what are you going to escape from?"  pulls, real feedback.

"Anyway, Secretary Kuroki, please go and see if our skis are still there. Although the current situation seems that Miss Yunze’s skis are definitely missing, according to my usual predictions of this kind of things, In this case, our skis should not be there anymore..."

"Nani?!" Yuejian looked at Dongma inexplicably in astonishment, and then immediately anxiously ordered to save the foundation.

However, the net is rough, the toad, the thumb, the blessing, the fat, etc., the file which is the eggplant.

"Damn it! Are there 850 out of a pair of skis?" Yuejian shouted.

"That's right..."

"No, you can't sit and wait like this!" Yuejian seemed very excited, "Go and contact me with the helicopter and let them send enough skis!"


Looking at the distant locusts, the locusts shook their corpses and swayed fiercely. ㄖ Barium  Hinging Jun.

"Miss Yunze might just go out to relax..." Yuejian smiled embarrassedly.

"Relieve..." Dongma sneered and shook his head. How could this situation be going out to relax?

But he also understands this person's difficulties. After all, if something really happened, let alone the ski resort can't be opened, even their main "network thread" would be greatly affected.

However, what happened next directly proved that Dongma's guess was completely correct.

"Yuejian CEO... and everyone... I'm very sorry, I may not be able to let you ski to your heart's content for the time being!"

"Huh? What's going on!" Tsubakihara asked in surprise.

"Because... the radio we used to communicate is gone!"

Chapter 0439 Goblins in the snow (ten)

"All three are gone?!" Yuejian said in surprise.

"That's right..."  Mirror room gaps

"Hello! What should I do?" Tsubaki was shocked.

And she was not the only one who panicked this time, Tong Senyilang also shouted: "We can't get down the mountain without a sled!"

And the mackerel on one side yelled, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Shen Yin! This is the real Shen Yin!"

Obviously, it is more appropriate to say that he is full of excitement rather than panicking.

"In this land where there has been a precedent, a female high school student mysteriously disappeared! Is there a curse of complete destruction? Is it a tragic killing?"

Sabaki frantically talked about the title that had been constructed in his mind, and seemed impatient to find a place with internet to send it out.

"Enough of you! We don't talk, you are really getting better and better!" Yuejian furiously said.

However, the beauty of the jumbo is in the past, the lamella peptide is Ju Ren, the salt is chun, and the brown tomb is suitable and the rate is broken. My nephew is in danger.

"After all, Miss Yunze just didn't come for breakfast. Is it too sloppy to conclude now?"

"Cut, it's really upset!" Makoto curled his lips without noticing that he was the source of the most unpleasantness here.

"But I still want to remind everyone that even if no conclusion can be drawn now, I don't think the final result will change..."

Dongma said lightly, but because of his vigilant identity, he suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Ms. Yunze must be caught in some kind of predicament or incident, because Yuanzi told me just now that she didn't feel any heat on the chuang! But the air conditioner was obviously turned on there, so she should have started when she left. Before chuang!"

Listening to Dongma’s words, Eagle Mountain also had a heavy expression, "That’s really bad, because I just measured it with the built-in temperature in the watch and found that the outside temperature is now minus ten degrees, so I stay outside at this temperature. If it takes too long, it will freeze to death!"

"Is it, suicide?!" Axe Temple seemed to ask completely outside the state.

However, her cute tone of voice at this time was particularly creepy.

"It can't be suicide..." Dongma shook his head, "Last night, Yuanzi and the three temporary employees left the main house and returned to our room at about eleven. And when we came out today, I saw those footprints, but did not see the footprints of Yunze who returned to the wooden house around nine o'clock."

"Because of the heavy snow last night!" Yuanzi said suddenly.

"Yes, because at that time, the reason everyone went back to their wooden houses was that it was about to snow! And when we left after 11 o'clock, the snow basically stopped. So our footprints stayed, and Miss Yunze The reason why no footprints were left is that she didn't leave her wooden house at all last night..."

"Is it possible that she went straight down the mountain?" someone asked.

But then he was denied by Yuanzi, "Because her luggage is gone, this is also impossible!"

"That should be the method used! There must be some way to leave without leaving a trace on the snow!" Wen Kong said with certainty.

"But what is the method?" Yuanzi asked with his chin in doubt, "Also, why did she suddenly disappear from the house with her luggage in the middle of the night, the unknown method? "

"?" Dongma suddenly noticed a sense of disobedience. Everything that happened just now made him feel very strange.

But what was strange about it, he hadn't figured it out for a while.

"So let's go out and look for it?" Yuejian suggested.

But the weather outside seems to have become bad again. Kuroki and the others, who had just left for a while, came back again, "CEO, if you insist on looking for this kind of weather, we may also have people killed here."

"Damn it!" Yue Jian called.

"Then the garden, are there really no traces around the second wooden house?" Dongma asked while looking at the garden.

"M really didn't. When I was judging what incident she might have been involved in, I deliberately checked around before coming back. I didn't find any strange phenomena, as if I had never lived there as clean as before." Said half-jokingly, but now apparently no one can laugh.

"So, is it really eaten?" Makoki smiled with "Hey" Diyin, "Actually, I checked the legend of the snow ghost before and downloaded it to my notebook. I took a closer look just now. What’s interesting is that the police at the scene felt that apart from the footprints of the escaped girl, they did not find any other people's footprints!"

"Judging from the fact that the snow stopped on the second day at the time of the incident, is it very similar to this incident?" Sabaki asked excitedly.It seems that everyone is looking forward to the approval, but obviously no one is in the mood to care about him.

And, the chrysanthemum, the bijiao, the kiss, the Kangyang, the apologize for the invasion of the emperor, the peptide, and the peptide Ju Ren.

However, Dongma sneered in his heart...

"If it's a rumor, it would be a bit too coincidental..."

Yuanzi said with a frown when there were only three of them who were preparing the lunch buffet and Dongma.

"Sure enough, did you find out?" Dongma smiled.

"I also think it's a bit strange..." On Xiaolan's side, it was obvious that he judged by intuition.

"Oh? Lan, what do you think?" Yuanzi asked with interest.

"It always feels like someone has deliberately reversed the order..." Xiaolan said uncertainly.