Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 352

"That's right!" Dongma snapped his fingers. "Actually, the legend was born after someone planned what happened this time before taking a walk on the Internet!"

Chapter 0440 Goblins in the snow (eleven)

"Ah... I don't feel appetite at all!"

After discussing the relationship between this incident and the snow ghost legend, Xiaolan and the three quickly prepared a buffet lunch. However, looking at the dazzling array of rich food, the originally picky Tsubaki Red Lake experienced possible evolution. After the event that became a terrible legend happened around him, he lost his appetite.

"Are there anything sweet?" Tsubakihara asked.

"There are cakes for dinner dessert..." Chef Matsushima said hesitantly.

However, Tsubakihara didn't seem to notice this, "Give me one!"

"But..." That is the meal prepared for dinner.

"It's okay. Give her one, Chef Matsushima." Yue Jian said to the chef. To Dongma, this is a relatively normal method. After all, it meets the requirements of customers, especially at the beginning of this kind of panic. At this time, we must try our best to meet customer requirements.

For a businessman, this is a relatively basic method.

But Mackerel Xian 730, who has never officially entered the workplace, doesn't think so. It's even possible that he knows this very well, but just wants to find fault.

"There is a way to please women, CEO!"

"What do you want to say?" Yuejian asked with a smile.

Sabaki Yin smiled and replied: "Your negative news on the Internet is very famous. You spend a lot of money in Roppongi, messing up the relationship between men and women, and it's written on news posts everywhere!"

"It's so noisy! I want you to take care of it! You disgusting dead otaku!" Yuejian exclaimed furiously.

The strong role contrast immediately surprised everyone, and seemed to realize that they were out of shape, so they immediately turned around and ran out of the restaurant, "Sorry, everyone, I am lost..."

After a small episode, everyone seemed to lose their appetite even more. After eating hastily, the other six guests finished eating and left.

But Dongma is still here in the main house, looking at the three women busy in the kitchen, always feeling relaxed and happy.

However, at this moment, Mackerel suddenly returned in anguish.

"The heating in my wooden house was broken! And the lights that were still running this morning did not turn on!"

The loud yelling seems to have caused the squat to play with the eyes and legs. 

"Hurry up! I want to write on the Internet!" Makoki shouted and slammed the door angrily.

Back to his cabin, Mako directly took out his mobile phone and used the camera function on it to take pictures of the cabin's heating system.

"Take a photo for evidence! As expected, the impact effect is not enough for the text alone! Ahahaha..."

Mackerel gave a grinning and disgusting smile.

"The level of my fault finding is professional! The number of shops and unemployed artists that have closed down because of my criticism is beyond count! There are even people who committed suicide!"

"This kind of bastard resort, I can destroy it in an instant!" But then he seemed to find something, staring closely at the cabin in front of him.

But before he got the crucial answer, suddenly a strange ballad rang behind him.

"Whether anyone is jealous of others... Is anyone speaking bad words... Is anyone bullying others...!"

"Snow... Snow Ghost?!" He didn't understand what was going on at all, so he was hit by the sharp weapon in the hands of Snow Ghost, ending his life in confusion.

When it was time for dinner, the crowd gathered in the main house again watched the snow getting bigger and bigger outside the window.

"Let’s have fun, everyone! Although the skiing project is impossible to continue, please rest assured that our staff will definitely come to rescue everyone, and our reserves of fuel and food are enough for us to live for more than a week!" Moonlight held. Wine glasses and karaoke microphones loudly ease the atmosphere.

However, very few people responded to him. Obviously, his gaffe just now made everyone recognize his true face a little bit.

"Speaking of which, is this room a bit hot?" Moriichiro asked suddenly in confusion.

As if to prove his feeling, the snow on the eaves slipped down in large chunks.


Accompanied by the sound of snow sliding down, suddenly a window of the main house was broken by something unknown.

"Ah..." Xiaolan Chunyuan and the other girls immediately screamed, but Dongma turned his head instantly and saw something.

"It seems that something is flying in!" Eagle Mountain was shocked.

However, Dongma did not hesitate to block the three of Xiaolan behind him, and then hurried to the window...

That is a hatchet covered with blood!

"Yeah...!" A louder scream erupted from the women's mouth.

"Damn it, where's mackerel?!" Dongma asked hurriedly.

"As for the dead otaku, there was no reply when I notified everyone for dinner just now!" Yuanzi said nonchalantly, "I won't be eaten by the terrifying snow ghost in his mouth, haha..."

"Yuan Zijun!"  Jiucheng  slow testimony and shallow badger collapse   white yo even wandering

"Then everyone, look for it, I hope my hunch is wrong." Dongma suggested.

However, in fact, his hunch has never missed in this regard.

So everyone ran out to look for it, but there was no one in the main house or his own cabin, until Eagle Mountain seemed to find something at the back door of the main house.

Everyone rushed to take a look, only to find that it was blood stains in one place!

"This is the trace of blood and something being dragged!" Dong Ma looked at it carefully and made a judgment, then raised his head and followed the trace, "Extending to that old warehouse?"

Kuroki explained: "There are the relics of the abandoned village, which are now used by us to store your luggage."

"From the traces of the scene, it should be that the corpse was dragged into that warehouse..." Dong Ma said as he raised his foot and walked there, slowly, without any fear of facing the corpse.

Chapter 0441 Goblins in the snow (twelve)

PS: Thanks to "asd112223333", "Waste Chai Jia", "Purple Sky", "Counterclockwise Memory", "Silver Spear of Heaven", "Who is crying", "Situ Yunche", "zdcx520", " Monthly ticket support from everyone like "nihao two", "a good dream" and "lin1996lin".

Coming to the door of the warehouse, Dongma opened the door without hesitation...


The unpleasant sound made Eagle Mountain startled, but Dongma seemed to ignore the darkness in front of him and directly found the only lamp in the warehouse.

"En? There is a box there?" Yingshan stunned, as if he wanted to make himself less scared.

However, Dongma was quite sure that what he was looking for was that thing.

"Um, it's actually... a coffin!"