Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/ Conan Super Detective Chapter 407

But Maori suddenly realized a strange thing at this moment, and then backed away a bit later to see more clearly, "Well, where did I meet you?"

"Don't divert the subject, do you think you can get rid of your suspicion by getting close to me?!"

Xiaolan also said immediately: "I also seem to have seen this face somewhere..."

"Impossible, I only saw you on the news and TV!" The monk shook his head.

At this moment, a police officer next to him suddenly said, "Henggou Police Department, please come over."

"what's up?"

As for the name of the police officer, Kogoro suddenly reacted, "Henggou? That's right! It's Henggou!"

Then he smiled with an expression that I knew you very well: "But it’s really strange. You were still the coral head when I saw you in the morning. Why did you change your haircut if you didn’t see you in the afternoon? Is it because of a work error, so Shave your head Mingzhi?"

As if he recognized his reasoning, Kogoro kept nodding his head and said: "Yun, I must be afraid of being recognized by our acquaintances, so I pretended to have a cold attitude, right? Right! Right!!!"

He continued to pat Henggou's back as he spoke, making the monk's head Henggou suddenly show an expression that might explode at any time.

"But compared to your original hairstyle, it's still more refreshing!"

"Ahem...!" Henggou coughed vigorously.

And Dongma smiled and explained: "If I remember correctly, this should be the Yokozo Shigego Police Department in Kanagawa Prefecture, and what we met in the afternoon was the Yokozo Sango Police Department in Shizuoka Prefecture. According to the Metropolitan Police Department The two of them are brothers, and the one in Shizuoka Prefecture is the older brother."

"No?!" The Maori father and daughter were shocked.

And Dongma amusedly explained: "After all, it's impossible for Kanagawa Prefecture to see Henggou at the scene of the crime."

At this time, the police department also nodded and said: "Your Excellency Jingshizheng is right, but my easygoing brother seems to admire Mr. Mori very much, but I am different! A detective, I have always been I don't believe it!"

At this time, the assistant policeman said again: "Police Department!"

"Ah, sorry, what's the matter?" Zhongwu said embarrassedly.

"What do you think is this trace on the deceased's jeans?" the police officer asked.

After hearing the words, Re-enlightenment immediately leaned forward and saw the smudge-like thing.

"Ah, that was Mr. Kawabata's soup, accidentally knocked over by me sitting next to him." Xiaolan explained immediately.

"Next?" Reawakened for a moment, and then asked Dong Ma, "Keep your eyes on you, what's going on right now?! Isn't the detective and that kid sitting next to him?"

"Before Kawabata's death, he asked to change positions, to be between me and Ran who were sitting together... After that, Conan got in between Kawabata and Xiaolan." Touma explained.

"Then who was sitting next to the dead before changing positions?" Zhongwu asked again.

"It's me and the young lady..." the Kitaura writer said suddenly, "but that was the order of seats that happened by accident after Mr. Kawabata called Mr. Mori and them."

"By the way," Isogami followed, "Before the detectives came over, Kitaura and I were sitting next to Kawabata, but at that time, the seats were very far apart."

Ito seized the opportunity and hurriedly separated himself, "I sat across from Mr. Kawabata from beginning to end, so the case should have nothing to do with me!"

"Then we have to investigate in detail before we can reach a conclusion!"

"Check the soup stains on the pants, too." Touma suggested at this time, "Kawabata changed the position after the soup was stuffed on the jeans, and he wiped the stains on the pants with a towel. If you check there, At least it allows us to determine when to apply the poison."

However, the result of the inspection is indeed that there is no poison on the pants.

"Hello, do you really have a good inspection?" Kogoro questioned dissatisfiedly.

"Of course I checked carefully..." Zhongwu replied equally unhappy, "Also, the service student said that the bowls and chopsticks fell on the floor when the soup was overturned, so he changed the pair of chopsticks to the victim. No poison was found on those chopsticks."

"That is to say, the poisonous towel was dropped after changing positions, and then you sitting on the right of the deceased became the most suspicious!" Shigeo said to Kogoro with a sneer.

"Haha..." Kogoro laughed disdainfully, "Then you told me, the first time I came to this store, and the first time I saw people like them, why did I kill him?!"

Chapter 0516 Murder trap in Chinese restaurant (five)

"It's weird because of that!" Zhongwu said with a skeptical expression on his face. "The first time I came to the restaurant, I met a filmmaker who wanted to dig your daughter into a star when I first met. How could there be such a good one? What?!"

"Anyway! The prisoner dropped the poisonous towel after Kawabata changed positions..."

At this time, the assistant police officer suddenly ran over and said, "Henggou Police Department, we found a container that used to contain poison in the toilet!"

"That's it, when I went to the toilet, I put poison on the towel, right?!" Chongwu asked immediately.

"No, Mr. Henggou, if you follow this statement, the prisoner can't be Uncle Maori." Dongma smiled and denied the inference of re-enlightenment, "right, Conan?"

Conan nodded immediately after hearing this, "Yes, because my uncle has never been to the toilet since he came to this restaurant."

"Hey 11, that's it, Police Department!" Maori immediately became proud.

And Dongma went on to say: "And after Kawabata wiped the spilled soup stains, he took the towel and changed positions directly. I don't think anyone has the opportunity to change the towel."

"No, there is definitely a way!" Chongwu frowned, thinking hard, "How can you drop the towel without being discovered!"

"Ah! I see!" Kogoro suddenly yelled, then walked to the table, "The prisoner used the turntable of this table to complete the package adjustment!"

"Put the poisonous towel on the edge of the turntable. If the strength is right, you can bring the towel to the victim!" Maori explained triumphantly.

However, Zhongwu said with a look of disgust: "This method, no matter who it is, will doubt it? A towel suddenly appeared on the disc, and it happened to fall next to him! And even if it is not found, that kind of The speed at which the towel turns and falls, won’t the things on the other discs also be thrown out? Finally, I clearly have my own towel on hand, who would use that kind of towel of unknown origin!"

"So, it seems right..." Kogoro said with an embarrassed expression.

However, although Maori's reasoning is full of loopholes, it is like a key that opens the door to the final truth for Dongma.

"Hey, Conan..." Dongma asked Conan next to him quietly.

"What's the matter?" Conan seemed to be thinking about something.

"When you had soy sauce and chili oil just now, did someone always turn that disc to its original position?" Dong Ma asked the question he wanted to know the answer.

"That's right..." Conan affirmed because he didn't know.

"I remember the location of the dishes at that time, sorted by Kawabata's location clockwise one by one. They should be twice-cooked pork, shredded pork with green pepper, scrambled eggs with crab yolk, preserved egg, soy sauce, sweet and sour pork loin, steamer lid of steamer buns and spicy oil... …"

"And as the order is, Kawabata, Conan, Oran, I, Kitaura, Ito, Isogami, and Kogoro..."

According to Conan’s description, soy sauce is always in front of Maori, chili oil always appears in front of Kitaura, and Kawabata is allergic to egg dishes, and even feels sick when he sees it.

"That's right!" Dong Ma nodded with satisfaction.

Then I found an forensic person in the forensic class, "Since you checked the dishes for poisons, you must have checked the disc too?"

"Yes." The forensic officer nodded.

"Then go and report to me... the test results of the poison reaction in these places." Dong Ma said.