Conan Super Detective

Detective Super in the City/Detective Conan in Super Chapter 430

Dongma sneered when he heard the words, "but only if you have to grab the fishing rod with bare hands like Yamazaki!"

"What do you mean? You are here!" Sakurai hurriedly asked.

"Sakurai-kun, go and search the things in Kawai's pocket, you must know what I mean." Touma smiled.

So Sakurai found a cigarette, a lighter, and a pair of rubber gloves close to the color of his skin in his pocket.

"Mr. Kawai, fishing with something like this is enough to make you look suspicious." Dongma smiled.

"What kind of gloves I am willing to wear is my freedom!" Kawai retorted immediately, "And it just happened to be in the pocket, and I forgot to put it in my home and brought it out. I was fishing with bare hands when I was fishing! And the knife and the fish The line is too, and I didn’t see that I did it, right?!"

"So Yamazaki's death was just an accident!" Kawai sneered proudly.

However, Dongma's smile was even more proud than him, "This is not an accident, Mr. Kawai, but a deliberate murder with obvious murderous intent!"

"What did you say?!" Kawai asked furiously.

Dongma calmly said: "Please think about the scene at that time. Since the fishing line has been pulled to the point where the buoy can be seen, the pulling direction should be perpendicular to the ship's rail, and it should naturally be when it falls. It’s only right to fall down in the vertical direction, but it’s impossible to touch the wires in that direction!"

Chapter 0549 Khanmen Strait incident (1)

Hearing this, Xiao Ye suddenly said: "Yes, the wire is on the side of their fishing place. It is impossible to touch the wire when it falls naturally!"

"Yes, in order for the fishing rod to touch the wire, you have to think about falling parallel to the ship’s rail. In other words, you must have pushed Yamazaki to change the direction of the fall at the moment the fishing line was broken, and let you When the two of them fell sideways, they hit the fishing rod on the wire. Therefore, you have an obvious killing intent!" Dongma said flatly.

Kawai yelled without rubbing, "You are talking nonsense! These are all you imagined out of thin air! You will show me evidence!"

"Of course there is evidence..." Looking at Kawai who was uncertain, Touma said with a sneer, "Sakurai-kun, try Kawai's lighter to light a fire."

"Oh, I understand..." Sakurai turned on the lighter suspiciously, but found that there was no response at all.

"Mr. Kawai, before sailing, you seem to have used this lighter to light a cigarette? Then why are you suddenly unable to light it now?" Dongma asked with a smile.

At this time, Sakurai, who was studying the lighter by himself, suddenly shouted, "Huh? The fire core of the lighter seems to be stained with burnt plastic! What is it at this time?"

"He got it when he burned the wire 113!" Touma said coldly, "Kawai used a lighter to burn the plastic sheath of the wire, and then the melted plastic dripped on the ignition core, and he might put it on. I took off the boots on the deck, then put on plastic gloves to insulate, and then let Yamazaki get electrocuted! After that, just take off the boots, hide the gloves in my pocket, and pretend to faint to disrupt the investigation ."

"Mr. Kawai, did I make a mistake just now?"

Being forced into desperation, Kawai could only sit down on the tatami mats, and said in a heavy tone: "Yamazaki borrowed a large loan from usury, and wants to use it to swallow my company. Not only that, he wanted I was able to have enough money for him, and also bought me a huge life insurance whose beneficiary was him. If I don't kill him now, he will kill me someday! Sooner or later!"

However, despite this seemingly compelling reason, the law will not care about you. He was soon taken back by Sakurai, and the Ubihara Izakaya also escaped.

For this, Yasuo and Xiaoye are naturally very grateful to Dongma who solved the case, but they thanked them in a slightly different way.

On the second day, Touma was invited again to this izakaya boat.

"Kamijo-kun, please eat more!" Yasuo laughed enthusiastically, while Xiao Ye on one side seemed a little shy.

"Then I would be more respectful than smart!" Dongma didn't say anything, so naturally he enjoyed the hearty seafood dishes again.

Halfway through the meal, suddenly something happened to another izakaya boat, which seemed to be an acquaintance of Yasuo Ubihara.

"Sorry, a colleague has some trouble and needs me to help..." Yasuo said with an embarrassed expression.

Dongma shook his head and said: "It's okay, you can go, if there is anything I can help, just say."

"It's just a small matter..." Yasuo seemed unwilling to say more. "If you don't entertain me well, please ask Kamijou-kun, Dahaihan, and let the little girl continue to entertain you."

"It's okay..." Although Dongma said so, he did not refuse to come over and feed her the little night.

Soon, after Yasuo left, only Dongma and Xiaoye were left in the boat.

"What is your father doing?" Dongma asked casually.

"I don't know, maybe something went wrong on other ships." Xiao Ye shook his head.

Hearing that Dongma didn’t care anymore. He ate the sushi that Xiaoye brought to his mouth, and then hugged Xiaoye. The youthful and sea-scented body made Dongma feel extremely fresh, which was as vast as the sea. Majestic made Dongma couldn't help but kiss her again, covering her pale red lips, and at the same time, his hands passed through her loose sleeves, and he had a thorough grasp of all her physical information.

Whether it’s mountains, lakes, or plain forests, Dongma’s handprints are left. The girl who keeps breathing can no longer bear such painful and beautiful torture. She twisted her body and said to Dongma: "Master Dongma, please Enjoy!"

"I will enjoy it..." Dong Ma said with a smile.

"Please hurry up and satisfy your servant!" Xiao Ye urged, but he did not speed up Dongma's progress. As time passed, Xiao Ye's body reaction became more and more obvious.

"Please hurry up, Master Dongma...ah..." The fascinating voice called for Dongma to go deeper, but Dongma still hovered outside the door without hurling, until the girl who was constantly disturbed spewed out At the time of the huge torrent, Dong Ma was officially fully armed and ready to launch an official attack.

"Ah...ah...Daddy is coming back...please hurry...!" Xiao Ye yelled softly, not daring to call out loudly so as not to be heard by people passing by, but the uncontrollable mood was anxious. vent.

Therefore, the things that cannot come out from above can naturally only come out one after another from below.

Although Dongma has tried to be as fast as possible, he still allows the young girl who has just passed through human affairs, both body and soul, to ascend to heaven, but she can't wake up for a while.

At this time, Yasuo seemed to be tripped by things outside, and he returned to the boat with a look of embarrassment until late in the night.

"Sorry, the matter over there is a bit troublesome, and the processing time has been a little longer, please go to your Excellency Haihan." Yasuo continued apologizing embarrassedly.

But Dongma hurriedly said that he didn't mind, "It's okay, I'm very happy for you to treat me so warmly."

"Then please come and play often in the future!" Yasuo who sent Dongma off the boat said loudly.

"I will come often, after all, it is such a warm hospitality..." Dongma replied with a smile.

From the beginning to the end, Yasuo didn't seem to notice the strange look of his daughter.

Chapter 0550 The Guanmen Strait Incident (2)

Speaking of autumn, nature is the season of travel.

At this time, some shopping streets and hypermarkets in order to expand customers will hold some lottery activities, and most of the first prizes are family trips to some famous attractions.

Of course, it is not easy to win such awards, and it is not easy to make people think that the organizer is cheating.

But in fact, the'great' sleeping Detective Kogoro was very responsible and told everyone that this is definitely a real thing, and in fact, some people have won such awards, and some have even won more than once.

As for why an adjective like'great' is added here...

Because our'great' Kogoro Mouri is the lucky draw genius who has won a big prize and has been drawn more than once!

And this time is no exception, he got a family travel package to travel to Shimonoseki.

"As expected, uncle, even if there is no travel plan at all, but in this season, you can continue to draw a variety of travel vouchers." Dongma, who accompanied Xiaolan and the others at their own expense, sincerely complimented that this lottery level is fast. Catch up with Xiaolan's gambling luck.

"Ahahaha..." Hearing that Maori was naturally an exaggerated laugh, and at the same time drank the canned beer in his hand, and this was already his third bottle after he got on the Shinkansen.

"Then only commit suicide!"

When everyone was chatting, suddenly there was a voice that made people feel annoying at first, and the content of the words was even more disgusting.