Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 451

"What is the cause of death?" Dongma asked directly after the inspection.

"Although the cause of death has not been determined, according to the deceased's corpse with no signs of trauma, and the deceased's regular use of coronary artery dilators during his lifetime, it should be due to heart attack caused by cardiac palsy..." Gunda looked at his hand while looking at his hand. Zhong Yao said, "And the time of death was two days ago."

On the other hand, Ono said: “After confirmation by the deceased’s attending doctor, the deceased’s heart condition has deteriorated recently and has begun to consider surgery.

"In that case, sure enough..." Miwako said, preparing to make the final conclusion.

Chapter 0580 The legacy of silent testimony (four)

Upon seeing this, Dong Ma suddenly asked: "But two days after his death, he still hasn't been found. Isn't this strange?"

However, none of the three clients seemed to find this strange.

"Because he hates being disturbed at work..." Naito.

"Yes, last time the information on his desk was just moved ten centimeters and he was furious!" Xu Bei.

In the end, Soma concluded: "Anyway, he is the kind of guy who rarely changes the sheets at home, so he probably refused the room service."

"Anyway, although the three people seem suspicious, they should have died naturally..." Miwako glanced at the three clients on one side, and then said.

However, Dongma shook his head and said, "So, don't jump to conclusions so quickly."

"Master Dongma, is there any problem here?" Miwako asked in surprise.

"Looking at this clean table, don't you find anything strange?" Dongma smiled and pointed to the table with only a few things such as a computer and pills.

"Clean? I was originally a person who loves cleanliness..." Ono guessed 11 in a doubt, and didn't seem to find anything wrong.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to explain to you..." Dongma suddenly smiled, "When we entered the room, this person had his face directly on the table and kept that posture!"

"That's really weird!" Ono immediately reacted, "If he kept that posture, his saliva should have been on the table, but in fact there is nothing on the table!"

"And if that's the case, the posture of the corpse looks very strange!" Gunfield stared at the corpse in doubt.

"What's weird?" Kogoro did not find anything wrong as usual.

So Qiangtian explained: "It's the shape of the hand!"

"Hands?" Kogoro looked at Xu's hand at the heart, as if he was holding something, but still didn't notice anything.

"If you stick it on the table according to the posture of Master Dongma, the deceased's hands will show signs of being caught between the table and the body, but there is actually no such pressure mark."

Listening to the analysis of the professional forensic doctor Gunda, Miwako asked in surprise, "Could it be that Mr. Itakura died somewhere else?"

"But, Sato Police Department, aren't all the hands and feet of the body stiff in the posture of sitting on a chair?" Kogoro said with a strange expression, "That is to say, if you don't tie him to a chair, it will be completely There is no way to do it..."

"Ah..." I accidentally said something, making everyone understand a little instantly.

This is not a natural death at all, but a genuine murder case!

"But in this case, how come there are no traces of being tied or tied up?" Kogoro asked suspiciously.

Guntian replied: "There are large-scale bruises on the body caused by external pressure, but it should not be something like a rope..."

At this time, Dongma came to the messy chuang, touched the quilt, and said, "I think it should be wrapped around Itakura's body with this thing, and then trapped him with ropes and the like. , And put a pillow on the abdomen to form the posture of us leaning on the chair."

"That's it, then there will be no traces!" Ono looked at Dongma in admiration.

"In that case, the place to fix the chair is the table leg..." Miwako looked at the table leg and said, "Although it has been wiped, there are still some adhesive tapes left."

"Okay! Since it is determined that it was a murder, Ono, you can go to the hotel and ask if there is any suspicious person!" Miwako ordered.

"Yes!" said Ono and ran out.

And soon, Ono brought back an important clue.

"According to the testimony from the front desk, there was indeed a suspicious phone call a few days ago. As for why they said it was suspicious, they didn't find anything at that time. To this day they received an almost identical call and learned that Mr. Itakura had passed away. Later, they realized something was wrong."

"The staff at the time must have come to ask Mr. Itakura who was still alive, and he was kicked out on the grounds that'it was not my call'!" Dongma said with certainty.

"Yes, Master Dongma." Ono nodded admiringly.

"So the current situation has become very simple..." Dongma smiled and looked at the three clients whose faces changed suddenly. "Based on the above situation, if you don't spread the share you received all over the world, In the case of video, then the most likely suspects are the three of you!"

"What does this mean? Master Dongma!" Miwako asked in surprise.

"Because Uncle Maori sent them three 327 videos through Itakura, and then learned that there are three chessboards of Go, Chess and Go in the Itakura room, so..."

"That's it, the three of you who know the content of the video are entirely possible to find here in the same way as Mr. Maori!" Meihezi said suddenly.

"But... but ah! Why must we doubt us?!" Xu Bei shouted.

Soma said: "Obviously we found Mr. Mori specially and asked him to find here..."

"How can an idiot bring a famous detective back to the crime scene!" Naito also said loudly.

"Since you want to doubt, please show evidence first!"

"If there is evidence, maybe there are records in the diary... uninvited visitor records!" Dong Ma shook the diary disk in his hand and smiled triumphantly at everyone.

So I used the laptop on the computer desk to open this diary disk.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem. Although the date is displayed as the last paragraph of the text three days ago, it says the strange phone call at the front desk at that time, but the scope of the suspicion can only be locked on the three people. There is no substantial progress.

Chapter 0581 The legacy of silent testimony (five)

So Dongma said, "Take it back and let the forensic class know it..."

However, what makes Miwako strange is that this time he did not hand it over to one of them, but put it directly into the evidence bag and put it in his pocket.

"Master Dongma, please come here..." The gunfield, who was still checking the body, said suddenly.

Hearing this, everyone immediately leaned forward, "What's the matter?"

"About the victim's ankle, something strange..." Gunda said, opening the deceased's trousers. "Although there are traces of socks on the left foot, there is nothing on the right foot. And this On the other hand, there are scratches on the left thumb on the right foot..."

"In other words, before he died, Mr. Itakura took off the socks on his right foot by himself..." Touma nodded.

"But why? Obviously tied to this kind of place..." Miwako wondered.

However, at this time, Dongma happened to see a strange Go board.

At this time, after all the basic on-site inspections by Zuowai, Miwako said helplessly: "Although it has been basically determined that it was a homicide, at this stage, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that anyone present is a suspect, so although It’s not my intention, but I would like to invite a few of you to go back today. We will notify you in a few days to come to the police station for questioning.

Hearing that the three anxiously waiting clients immediately smiled, but their inner meanings are naturally different.

Maori on one side also touched the back of his head and laughed and said, "Great, Officer Sato, I've been thinking about whether the concert has been recorded properly since then!"