Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 468

"But..." Xiao Lan said scaredly.

Hearing that Dongma immediately hugged her shoulders, "It's okay, isn't there still me? And no matter how dangerous a person, I have handed you empty hands for so long, I should be able to deal with it..."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan suddenly inexplicably dissatisfied: "Huh! Where did you teach me karate? Obviously there are more people than me and more attentive, otherwise we will have a little difficulty in defeating her now?"

Hearing that Dongma was sweating coldly...

Please, Yuanzi is a real blood-sucking species, and because of the higher appearance rate, his physical fitness is considered to be a middle-upper or near-upper level among all his dependents, but Xiaolan defeated by virtue of being a mere criminal. She is just'a little difficult'?

Dongma said that if Xiaolan became his dependent, he might not be able to beat her!

'So, take your time...'

So Dongma could only laugh for a while, and then took Xiaolan Mori and others to the back door of the elementary school, the mansion that lawyer Ito called suspicious.

But there does not seem to be anything suspicious.

As a result, Dong Ma became more and more suspicious of the fat child lawyer just now.

"Tongma, isn't that lawyer Ito a bit weird?" Conan asked with a deep face after inspecting the'suspicious' mansion villa.

"Indeed, the entrance is covered with dirt footprints. Obviously it is a proof that someone went in from outside after it rained or it rained just now, and there are a lot of people. But from what it looked like just now, it seemed that there were no guests. Looks like, there are no other people's shoes in the hallway except lawyer Ito's shoes." Conan asked suspiciously.

However, both Kogoro and Xiaolan, who seemed to respect the lawyer, disagreed with his suspicion. Xiaolan even said: "It should be Mr. Ito who was a guest at home just now, and then went back before we came."

"But I saw it just now. The shoe prints are only traces of going in, but there are no traces of going out?" Conan was still confused.

However, Kogoro replied with disdain: "It must be Mr. Ito's own sneakers. Maybe she just wants to work out today. After all, her figure needs to lose weight."

"Damn it, where did the two Osaka kids go?!" Sitting in a nearby family restaurant, Kogoro complained dissatisfied.

"Well, let's go look for it again after eating, maybe we just missed it." Xiaolan smiled and comforted.

"Damn... In this moldy weather, eating late lunch is really unpleasant..." Kogoro muttered in a low voice, then picked up the next menu and started ordering.

However, at this moment, Xiao Lan's cell phone rang suddenly, and Xiao Lan answered the phone with a puzzled look.


"It's me..." The familiar Osaka accent immediately came from the phone.

Xiao Lan was shocked immediately, "Hattori-san!?"

Kogoro's unhappiness all day just found his vent, and immediately grabbed the phone and yelled at Heiji: "You bastard Osaka kid! Where are you now?!"

"Sorry, sorry!" On the phone, Heiji rarely apologized to Kogoro, "I was talking about a case with a man named Nanchuan in a cafe just now, and the phone has been turned off."

"Is Heye there too?" Kogoro seemed to ask suspiciously.

"Yes, she is next to me at 257." Heiji replied without any abnormality, "Speaking of which, uncle, Dongma is also with you, right?"

"Nonsense, we've been looking for you for a long time together!" Kogoro scolded dissatisfiedly.

On the contrary, Heiji said with a sigh of relief: "There is a complicated code. I want to ask Uncle Maori, you and Dongma to help me think about how to solve it?"

"Signal?" Kogoro was taken aback.

"Yes, yes, it was a secret code designed by Mr. Nanchuan. We bet we would solve it before we go back, but I still can't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time, so I have to ask you for help!" Heiji asked strangely.

According to his usual personality, this kind of reasoning that can compete with Conan Dongma will definitely be solved by himself first.

Judging from the conversation just now, it was obvious that he had just received the secret code not long ago, because even Pingci couldn't keep thinking about the secret code when chatting with others.

And even if you really can't solve it, you should find them and solve it together. Why do you want to say such things on the phone at this time?

"Before he comes back, you can help me think about it!"

Chapter 0606 playing cards x dice x libra (three)

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Tianyacha".

"Before he comes back? Is he not next to you?" Kogoro asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, his mahjong friend called and said that he wanted to make him go to the top for a while. Now I am seeing him rejecting others outside the store." Heiji seemed to say eagerly.

"Then I will send you the code now, please tell me the seven numbers hidden in the code before sunset. Maybe you can have a good dinner." Heiji said half-jokingly.

"By the way, I don't seem to be able to go to your side before unlocking this signal, come on!" He said that he hung up the phone.

"That guy, what the hell is going on!" Kogoro said dissatisfiedly into the phone.

And it seems that something happened over there, maybe it was editing the text message, so it took about ten minutes before Xiaolan's mobile phone received the new text message.

However, the content of the text message is still puzzling. It is a bunch of garbled codes composed of letters and numbers. Although they are arranged neatly, they have no regularity.

"What is this? I don't understand what it means at all!" Kogoro exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"A series of numbers and four English letters?" Dongma nodded suddenly, "Then if you first imagined the four English letters A, K, Q, and J as numbers, what would you think of first?"

"Poker cards!" Conan was the first to be strong, his innocent expression could not tell that this guy and Dongma almost thought of it at the same time.

"Then replace these four letters with numbers, and it will become such a series of numbers..." Dongma said, writing on a note.

"Then the number becomes 64 attacks..."

Dongma smiled and showed the content of the note to everyone, and then continued to explain.

"But there is an obviously very weird number, the 9 in the middle of the code, because this number has only appeared once!"

Seeing Xiaolan with the expression of'Dongma is amazing' next to him, Dongma suddenly became proud of himself.

"And the remaining 63 numbers can be divided into 7 groups according to a group of nine. I think this also exactly represents the meaning of the "seven numbers" in the same time, that is, each group represents a number... …"

"Dongma, have you solved it?" Xiaolan looked at the Dongma who stopped suddenly.

"Really, it turned out to be like this, no wonder that guy always felt weird talking today, it turned out to be because of this..." Dongma said with a sneer.

"Tongma, what is the last signal?"

It seems that next to Dongma, Conan, who is very curious, sometimes becomes more and more lazy. It is obvious that the things on this table are the best hints of this code, but Conan did not pay attention at all, and even brought it up. The Ding Steak did not attract Conan's attention.

"For the time being, I can only say that it is half way..." Dongma said so, and again wrote a series of numbers on a piece of paper similar to the code sent in the text message.

"Xiaolan, please send this thing to Heiji's place as it is." Dongma said with a smile, and then handed over a note with the same number and format as the sequence of the same number and format. Many of the numbers and letters have been replaced.

"Send it back? Isn't this the same as that secret code?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously, but looking at Dongma's firm eyes, she still sent the text message.

"Tongma, what is going on, I still don't understand at all?" Kogoro asked suspiciously.