Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 574

"Even if they have the best talent and strength, for professional athletes, injuries are always the biggest enemy. I originally wanted to tell my story to those young players who practiced together with energy..."

Benshan shook his head, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

And Sixi only seemed to think of it at this time, "Speaking of which, when encountering such a thing, tomorrow's training interview with the young players can only be cancelled. How can I return to the stage to explain!"

"In short, please catch the demon who organized my friend to break the alliance record as soon as possible!"

Listening to his righteous words, Dongma suddenly felt very funny.

'Obviously, the smug smile on his face is almost uncontrollable, do you want to laugh at us by saying this kind of nonsense?Then see who is the fool who should be laughed at in the end!'

"Oh, by the way, can you let me make a call? It only takes a while, and it won't delay everyone's time." After he said, he broadcasted a number after obtaining permission.

And this number, which didn't seem to have any special meaning, made Conan seem to have returned to the duel with the black organization, to be precise, it should be the final duel with Belmode.

Although it had no effect on the whole battle, Conan felt strangely the atmosphere at that time again at this time, but 5.7 was the source of this sudden atmosphere, but Conan was helpless.

Conan thought for a while and still didn't expect it, so he could only ask quietly: "Tongma, do you feel anything strange?"

"Weird place, did you mean that cell phone number?" Dong Ma asked with a smile.

"Mobile phone number...?!" Hearing Dongma's answer, Conan was shocked, vaguely understood something, but didn't seem to understand.

"Tongma, what does this mean..."

This uncomfortable feeling made Conan couldn't help asking questions again, but found that Dongma had left the meeting room, and before him, Benshan had also borrowed the car key from Sixi and wanted to return to the car to get something.

Chapter 0766 professional baseball player Okinawa murder case (5)

Of course, almost everyone in the conference room noticed this, and the only person who didn't notice was Benshan, whose eyes and mind were completely attracted by something in Xiaolan's backpack.

Looking through the car window glass at Benshan, who looked like an evil spirit, Dongma sneered and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Benshan, what are you looking for?"

Dong Ma’s indifferent or even almost no emotional waves-if he moved, Benshan, who was still smiling with a ghostly smile just now, was cold all over, and the expression on his face became stiff and ugly.

"Ha...Haha..." After an awkward smile, Benshan said nonchalantly: "I thought that something seemed to be forgotten, but when I remembered that thing, it seemed that I didn't bring it out this time."

Although his nonchalant expression, even if it weren't for the master of psychology, Dongma, it was an absolutely strange and suspicious expression.

"Is it 11?" Dongma didn't believe his nonsense at all, and continued to probe: "Speaking of which, the hotel room card you just showed us should be a one-off? Why didn't it return it when you checked out?"

Hearing this, Motoyama said stiffly: "Because I haven't left the room yet, after all, there will be interviews on Miyazaki's side tomorrow."

'Humph!This sentence looks like the truth, but because it is the truth, you guys are even more suspicious!'


"But, isn't Okinawa also going to have an interview program that was originally planned tomorrow? It's about interviewing young players in the youth training team. The thing you just said to Mr. Terani..."

Dongma said this, and he saw Benshan's face suddenly turn pale.

"In that case, if today's event doesn't happen, don't you need to fly back and forth between Okinawa and Miyazaki several times a day?"

Dongma seemed very confused, but soon there was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

"Could it be that you... knew in advance that the interview in Okinawa would be cancelled tomorrow?"

'hateful!Damn it!'

Benshan, who gritted his teeth, did not see the flash of light in Dongma's eyes, but looked at this police officer who was always suspicious of him, and his heart was full of anger and hatred.

'But forget it!No matter how you doubt me, you will never find evidence of my murder!Benshan looked at the back of Dongma who had returned to the police station, and once again showed a mad smile.

"As long as this thing is dealt with, even God cannot condemn me!"

Benshan looked at Xiaolan's backpack grimly, then took out the thing in her backpack and hid it in her arms, and then said goodbye to everyone, saying that she would go to buy some Okinawa souvenirs for her friends, so If there is nothing wrong, he will leave first.

Although Tokashiki's police department had sufficient power and reason to keep him for investigation, after receiving Touma's signal, he still pretended to hesitate, and with a helpless expression agreed to leave him early.

Of course, he has not forgotten to leave a phrase, "We may go to you for further investigation and inquiry at any time".

Obviously, Benshan, who thought he was perfectly clothed, didn't notice the strange expressions of the people around him, and didn't know that he was falling into the trap of the man who seemed to be lazy, but in fact already knew everything.

Motoyama hired a taxi and returned to the parking lot of Naha Airport. He found his car that he didn’t know when it was parked there. He opened the trunk with a little excitement and slowly put the tennis tube in his hand. In the trunk...

While putting it on, it made a nasty and harsh chattering laugh.


"It seems that you are in a good mood, Mr. Motoyama..."

But at this moment, the frustrated voice of Yin and Yang suddenly sounded from behind him without warning.

With the sound of approaching footsteps step by step, Banshan, who was still immersed in pride and madness, stiffened in an instant, and the expression that was still terrifying just now looked very funny.

Ben Shan turned his head stiffly, and saw that Touma had already brought Tokashiki Police Department and others, quietly coming behind him.

"you guys……"

Before the panicked Benshan could say anything, Dongma interrupted him coldly.

"Obviously, your good friend has just been killed, but you are here to laugh happily. It is a very puzzling thing as usual..."

Although Dongma was still smiling, the biting cold was revealed in that smile all the time.

"But for you, it's not worthy of surprise, after all, you killed the Noh-power players!"

Upon hearing this, Motoyama immediately yelled and argued: "What stupid thing are you talking about? Didn't I say it? It is impossible for me to appear in Okinawa inexplicably from Miyazaki and kill Noh!"

But it was obvious that 077 had no way to make his situation better.

"I have an alibi! Just as Noshi was killed at 9:30 this morning, I was sitting on a flight from Miyazaki to Okinawa!"

Then Benshan kept emphasizing his alibi.

"Moreover, the plane from Miyazaki to Okinawa only arrived at Okinawa at 9:50 all day!"

It seems that the more he speaks, the more reasonable he feels. Benshan, who was still flustered just now, has become extremely calm and calm. Maybe he himself believes that he can't kill Neng Shi...

"After all, I appeared on the live broadcast of Miyazaki's TV station last night. With such a perfect alibi, how can I kill my friend?"

Having said that, Benshan finally showed an ugly face, leaning on the trunk of the car, and posing a pair of'what can you idiots do to me?'The calm posture.

However, seeing Dongma who looked like him was not angry, but smiled in a more calm tone: "Indeed, it is impossible to go directly from Miyazaki to Okinawa..."

"But what if you take a long detour from somewhere else?!"