Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 607

Kaori said embarrassedly, "Sorry, the salad is sold out. There is no ice cream, too. Who ordered it in such cold weather?"

Feitian said amusedly: "It should be Teacher Dashan, he likes to eat ice."

Unknowingly, the time came to ten o'clock, and Dong Ma suddenly felt a little strange, "I remember that TV series ended at ten o'clock?"

However, other people didn't seem to care, Jiang Jiao smiled directly: "Don't worry, it's okay."

Kaori explained: "Mr. Oyama will record the TV series and watch the highlights several times."

Kanazawa also laughed: "Our great Professor Oyama has nothing to do with romantic dramas."

The people who were bored began to let Dong Ma tell some unrestricted cases, and Dong Ma also casually said some simple cases, and everyone listened very fascinated.

And when the hands of this clock reached 11 o'clock, everyone felt that Dashan was too slow.

So with a strange mood, Nakahara Kaori volunteered to call Professor Dashan.

But after a while, Kaori's screams came from the other side of the room, and everyone followed the sound to the door of the Dashan room, and saw Kaori Zhongyuan sitting on the floor of the doorway.

Dongma and the others looked inside together. The mountain was covered in blood and tied up in a ball, and even his mouth was held by a rope. Obviously to prevent him from making a sound, there was a sharp knife stuck in his back. Fatal injuries.

Conan and Dongma came in to check, "No, it's useless, it's dead."

Kanazawa and others hurriedly suggested: "Untie the rope first!"

However, in exchange it was Dongma’s cold snort: "No more random touches, you must protect the scene. Please wait at the door! Xiaolan, hurry up and call for an ambulance and inform the police department over there. people!"

Dongma drove everyone out, Feitian suddenly shouted unconvinced: "Hey, what do you mean!"

However, Dong Ma didn't talk nonsense, he immediately grabbed him and threw him out. At the same time, he showed the police officer's ID to remind these brain-disabled guys of their own identity, which was regarded as restraining these people.

Xiaolan quickly woke up Kogoro, and then hurried back and said, "No way, Dongma! The wind and snow are too big, the police and the ambulance can't come over. Sister Meihezi said that she can only come and support after Fengxue listens. ."

The uncle brought a camera to take pictures of the scenery, and under Dongma's instructions, began to take pictures of the scene.

After the incident, to be on the safe side, Maori asked everyone if they had touched anything in the house. Everyone said that they hadn't touched anything except Teacher Dashan's body.

Dongma turned his head and asked, "Miss Kaori, you are the first to show up, didn't you move anything?"

Kaori seemed to nod in a panic, "Well, when I saw the teacher covered in blood, I was so scared that I collapsed at the door."

Kogoro asked casually: "Is there anything valuable in the room?"

Kanazawa thought for a while and said, "Ms. Dashan's safe is in the cabinet on the right of the TV!"

Kogoro opened the cabinet and found many scratches on the safe: "Do you know what's inside?"

Kanazawa replied: "It should be money. Teachers often carry a lot of money."

"The robber should have killed someone, right!" Kogoro judged with certainty, "After all, no one would have thought of such bad weather, and there would be people who would rob in such a deep mountain and forest in a blizzard."

At the same time, Dongma found that the blood on the ground had obvious traces of movement, as if the deceased ran from one place to the current position.

And it is even stranger that the deceased was kneeling, and the blood on the table was very unnatural, the tablecloth was also very strange, and there were bloody rope marks everywhere.

"Did Professor Dashan leave anything on it before he died? If that is the case, it is the last word left by the deceased!" Dongma muttered to analyze the situation on the scene.

On the other side, Maori found the tape on the window, which seemed to be used to eliminate the sound made when the glass was cut. Footprints were also found on the snow outside the window.

Seeing this, Kogoro suddenly laughed complacently: "Haha, I'm roughly eyebrows."

After looking at the corpse, Dong Ma asked, "Is this gold watch belonging to the deceased?"

Feitian nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes! It's too much! Even the gold watch that Teacher Dashan is most proud of is stained with blood!"

Immediately, Dongma inspected the body, and then came to a preliminary conclusion that the time of death was between 9:30 and 10:00 in the evening, which is also the time when Dashan watched the TV series.

Although the deceased's body was full of scars, the fatal injury was caused by suffocation caused by two knives that stabbed the lungs. Because the lungs were pierced by the knife, the lungs couldn't expand even if they wanted to breathe, resulting in a slow suffocation...

"Besides, Dashan probably struggled in pain for about a quarter of an hour before he died." Dongma calmly said his conclusion.

Jiang Jiao roared: "Damn it! Who is so cruel?"

Chapter 0813 The bloody signal of the ski villa (three)

And Kogoro sneered: "Probably some fool who coveted money did it!" The Maori detective began to reason, the murderer sneaked in from the window, attacked Professor Dashan from behind, tied him up, and used a knife to force him out of the safe. Password.But Dashan refused. The murderer failed to destroy the safe. In a rage, he stabbed Dashan several times. The murderer might feel that he was out of luck and had to give up, and finally jumped out of the window to escape.Conan secretly couldn't stand his uncle anymore.

Dongma felt that the Maori detective’s reasoning seemed reasonable, but there were still some questions: "Please, uncle, is the murderer’s luck really bad? He didn’t see Professor Dashan’s gold watch for no reason! At that time, the murderer was Jiang Dashan’s. Hands tied behind!"

Conan had no choice but to prompt: "But, don't you think the murderer is very courageous?"

When everyone was puzzled, Dong Ma explained with a smile: "The footprints outside the window are straight towards the room, so it means that the murderer happened to see Mr. Da Shan watching TV alone and became obsessed with evil thoughts."

"If it is me, I must be worried about being seen by the people inside. I don't know how many people are inside, so I will look at the details inside the window carefully before considering whether to sneak in and not be seen."

"So destroying the safe and tying up Professor Da Shan are all in order to pretend to be a way of robbing and killing people. Because the murderer knew that Mr. Da Shan was watching TV in the room alone, and he was very fascinated, and would not see the situation outside the window."

"The murderer is among the four of you!"

Having said this, Dongma once again confirmed: "Please say it again, my alibi at about 9:30 and 10!"

Kaori Nakahara went to a convenience store to buy things. It was 9 o'clock when she left home and 9:50 when she came back. After that, she stayed with everyone.

Kogoro doubted: "If you drive faster, come back soon..."

Kaori was furious: "What are you kidding? It takes at least 40 minutes to go back and forth from the villa to the convenience store. If you don't believe it, you can try driving!"

Tobita said it was to go skiing at the ski resort, and it would also take 40 minutes to go back and forth, but actually came back early due to heavy snow, and the back and forth time was about the same as Kaori.

"The evidence is the ticket to the ski resort!" Feitian took out the ticket, and it did have today's date and specific time. It was indeed today 21:26...

"Is there a small shop in that ski resort?" Kogoro asked after thinking about it.

Although Feitian felt strange, he still replied: "There are indeed small shops..."

Kogoro sneered: "Then if you two work together, one to buy snacks and ski tickets, and the other to kill, it is completely feasible!"

Feitian immediately exclaimed: "That small store doesn't have so many things to sell at all!"

Kaori also categorically denied: "Moreover, the convenience store where I go to the ski resort is in two opposite directions. It is impossible to go to two places this far at once."

Then Dong Ma asked Jiang Jiao’s alibi. Her seems to be the most reliable, because during that time she and Xiaolan cleaned up the table and utensils, and only went out to throw garbage out of everyone’s sight. It took less than 5 minutes and it was impossible to commit a crime. .

Kanazawa was taking a bath, from 9 o'clock to 1 o'clock, because the bathtub is still warm.

However, even Kogoro dismissed this level of proof, "The bathtub can naturally be heated at any time!"

Most bathtubs in Japan are equipped with heaters, so the uncle does not accept this excuse.