Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 654

"It's better to ask Mianshi and Uncle Akatsuka..." Bohua said with a smile.

"Why, is it because of them that you have a fear of heights?" Henggou asked with a serious face.

"No, on the contrary, I got a fear of heights because I fell from a tree when I was a kid, and the person who saved me that time was Mian Yin-kun. At that time, Mian Yin-kun also suffered a serious injury..."

While Dongma looked around the room while listening to her answer. Although the room was cleaned because of the profession of the chef, there seemed to be a layer of dust or powder on the edge of the window glass. s things.

"Speaking of this incident, I only remembered it after I accidentally saw the scar on his left hand two years ago. Before that I thought it was Mianshikun's brother who saved me."

"After all, Mr. Mian Yin always wears gloves because of his cleanliness, so I didn't think of it until recently." Bo Hua finally smiled awkwardly, as if embarrassed because he had admitted wrong to the savior.

Then everyone came to Mianyin's room and saw the scar on his hand.

"Are you wearing gloves in your own room?" Dongma asked, looking at his hand strangely.

"Yes, I usually wear gloves except for washing-shower and fingerprint verification, and I don't wear gloves when driving and writing..."

Wen Yan Dongma then opened the shoe cabinet at the door of his room, looked at the baseball glove inside and said, "This is your brother's?"

"Well, this is the baseball glove he used when he was a kid."

"Then you don't have it yourself?" Dongma asked casually.

"Well, because my motor nerves are not good, I generally don't like sports."

And there are many marks on the wall calendar in his room, but unlike Ms. Maozi, his marks are much more detailed, and there are marks on almost every day...

According to his own statement, these are all habits he has cultivated deliberately in order not to forget the orders of the master and madam.

In the end, the reason for Akatsuka’s perfectionist formation seems to be a habit that he was born with. It seems that there is no opportunity for it, and the visits in his room are indeed like his quirks. It seemed too meticulous, everyone left.

"It still looks like nothing..." Kogoro complained disappointedly.

Henggou also sighed and shook his head. Obviously, the answers of the four of them just now seemed to be flawless.


"No, our gains are enough, especially since the prisoner himself has left enough evidence that he himself hadn't thought of!" Dong Ma smiled confidently.

Hearing this, Henggou said in shock: "So, Sir, do you already know who the murderer is?!"

"Yes, go and gather those four people and Madam An Rong on the third floor..."

Henggou immediately said excitedly: "Yes, I'll do it now! You can see the reasoning show of the Chief Police Officer again soon. It's really exciting!"

"No, not right away, 0.4 but three hours later, and only if you can complete the task I set!"

"...Yes, it is a great honor!" Although he was puzzled, Henggou nodded solemnly.

And early in the morning three hours later, in accordance with Dongma's request, Henggou gathered all the relevant figures into the room on the third floor...

Looking at the puzzled people, Dongma smiled and waved his hands: "The reason why I call everyone here at this time is to tell you the truth about the two cases that occurred last night to the early hours of this morning, and the modus operandi used by the murderer. !"

"Of course, the reason for gathering everyone is because the prisoner is among you!"

Chapter 0880 the evil spirit on the day of Buddha's death (eight)

"Isn't it an outsider?" Akatsuka asked in surprise.

"Indeed, the analysis based on your mental illness, coupled with the perfect alibi of the other two, seems to indicate that in the first case, it was impossible for everyone here to commit the crime..."

As soon as Dongma was halfway talking, he was interrupted by Bohua, Shigeko and others.

"Then tell me, who among us did this thing!" Maozi asked.

Bo Hua also said: "You don't really want to say that one of us is pretending to be sick, right?!"

"No, I don't have any doubts about this."

Dongma shook his head and said.

"First of all, although Miss Bohua's room was cleaned very clean, there was a lot of dust on the window. I think it was not because she deliberately didn't clean it, but because she couldn't clean it because of fear of heights."

Then he turned to the other two.

"And Ms. Mao 11zi also did not use thumbtacks to fix the wall calendar because of the apex phobia, but used tape that few people would use."

"As for Mr. Akatsuka, he still kept everything in the room absolutely tidy even when we suddenly visited him. He is still a harsh perfectionist when he wants to come."

"So, the first case seems to be in a bit of trouble..." Dongma said suddenly, "but it doesn't matter, it's the same for us to find a breakthrough from the second case."

"But according to the previous statement, if someone enters when we open the security door after the incident, the fingerprints on the medicine bottle and the rope are not correct, right?" Bohua asked.

"Indeed, it may seem like an impossible crime at first glance, but it is precisely because of Conan’s rapid response that there was an omission in the criminal’s original perfect plan, and we found the only thing in this situation. Possibly, that is... There are two prisoners in the second phase!"

"But the master said that I don't want to see anyone today..." Mian Yin questioned.

Maozi also echoed: "Besides, we have searched every room on the third floor!"

"I really didn't see anyone? Dongma." Kogoro also asked suspiciously.

"No, I actually saw someone, but no one of you noticed it." Dongma said with a smile, "I don't want to say, it looks like someone of you..."

"Ah! Twins!" After Dongma's lightly tapped, everyone immediately reacted.

"Yes, in fact, the way the prisoner hides his body is like this: the prisoner first follows you, whether he enters or exits the room, he is the last, and then retreats and hides in the room before you enter the accomplice on the third floor. Get up, and when everyone enters the accomplices room, the accomplices will turn out from behind the door and follow behind you. If they are twins wearing the same clothes, it will be difficult to detect."

And listening to Dongma's reasoning, everyone looked at Mian Yin in surprise.

Because obviously, the only person here with a twin brother is Mian Yin!

Upon seeing this, Touma also smiled triumphantly, "Yes, I found that this is also because of Ms. Shigeko's calendar. There should be a total of nine for the Mianshi couple plus two children, the Maesaki couple Ms. Kaboka, and Mr. Akazuka. That’s right, but Ms. Shigeko said that there were only eight birthday tokens at the beginning! So I concluded that Mian Yin and his brother are actually twins!"

"Of course, I'm sure that there is no reason why Mianjin's brother died, but Miss Bohua told me later that she fell from a tree when she was a child."

"After we went to see Mr. Mianyin's left hand, there was indeed an obvious wound on it... But the problem is that when we came here, there was no such obvious wound on the hands that were not wearing gloves while driving. !"

"After that, I paid special attention to the markings on his wall calendar. On different dates, there will be different circles marked in front of certain items, so I think the two brothers will usually exchange identities. It will be important. I wrote down the incident, I think it might not be for not forgetting, but for the two brothers to share information!"

With everyone's surprised eyes, Dongma went on to explain.

"According to this inference, we can easily crack the alibi in the first case. As long as one of the brothers takes the Guoyou couple to the hospital by car, then the other person can stay and enter the killing pass on the third floor. , And the only one who can do this is Brother Mianyin..."

"But how did you do it in the second incident? At that time, the master did say that no one was seen, even the wife was blocked outside, right?" the butler Akatsuka asked suspiciously.

"About this point, I think it was because Mian Yin was by his side when Guankou was killed, so he felt that Mian Yin was not threatening..."

Dongma suddenly laughed funny when he said 960.