Conan Super Detective

Metropolitan Detective Super/Conan Super Detective Chapter 679

Chapter 0911 The Big Monster Gomera Murder Case (3)

"It should have been there..." Xiao Ai said, pointing to the knocked over paint bucket on the ground, which had footprints that were obviously Gomera's coat.

Conan and the others immediately chased them out following the trail, only to collide with Youmi near the front door.

Yumi sat down and asked, "Why do you even..."

Conan got up but didn't apologize at all. Instead, he asked anxiously: "Sister Youmei, have you seen Gemera?"

Yumi nodded, "I bumped into him just now... Look, over there!"

Conan followed the direction of Tomomi's fingers and saw Gomera's tail disappear at the corner.

Conan chased him immediately, but Tomomi suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Wait, that person is not..."

The detective team chased them together and went up the stairs to the top floor. Everyone adjusted their breathing in front of the roof door.

Conan yelled anxiously, "Behind the door is the roof. He should be on the roof. It's dangerous here. Go down first. Xiao Ai will help me get Dongma over... Damn, how come this guy hasn't come..."

But Bomi shook her head innocently and said, "It doesn't matter, Gomera is a good friend of the children and won't hurt us."

Conan was speechless, and what made him even more speechless was that Yuan Tai immediately opened the door, only to find that the roof was empty, and there was no figure of Gomera at all.

Just when the little ghosts were all guessing and wondering, Conan suddenly saw the thick smoke, then immediately looked downstairs, and soon found Gomera.

It's just a Gomera that is about to burn completely...

Conan was angry, "Damn it, have you committed suicide?"

After Conan ran downstairs, Dongma also received an emergency call from Conan and ran out.Dongma and Conan check the fire-burning props, but there is no one inside.

Conan was shocked, "How is it possible?"

At this time, Dong Ma, who was able to get away just after agreeing to the twins’ unreasonable request, arrived at the scene, and then looked at the burning and burning prop uniform and said, "There is no one inside, but there is blood on the prop uniform. The murder weapon fell on the side..."

"There's no reason for the murderer to disappear!" Miwako who arrived later also asked in confusion.

At this time, the three little ghosts were burned because of Gomera's costumes, so they lamented Gomera's death.

"But it should be okay? After all, such items are usually spared?" Dongma asked.

Naturally, he himself is not worried about whether the film can continue, but if he just agrees to the request of the Takeda sisters, whether it is because of an objective request, he will really lose face as the owner if he fails the appointment.

However, Mikami gave him a fatal blow, "No, there is only one Gomera. In order to save money, we always repair and use it carefully..."

After thinking for a while, thinking that catching the murderer can calm the two headaches, Dong Ma immediately asked everyone for their alibi: "Director Mikami, where were you at 11:30 in the morning when the crime happened?"

"I was alone in the room on the first floor of the studio to do the final processing of the shots, because the final scene is scheduled to be filmed in the afternoon."

"Can anyone prove it?"


"Then why are you all sweaty?" Dongma asked strangely.

Mikami hurriedly explained: "I sweat easily, and my habit is to close the window in the small room without turning on the air conditioner, and silently edit the film, because there is no noise to concentrate on the shots. But it was hard to finish the editing. After the scene, it was found that Gomera was burned and the producer was dead. Seeing that the film is about to become waste paper..."

After speaking, he looked at Dongma for help, and Dongma nodded noncommittal.

After Matsui bandaged the wound, Miwako began to inquire about the process at that time.

Matsui said, "As soon as I entered the warehouse, the murderer was already standing there wearing Gomera's clothes. I thought it was who was playing a prank, but I didn't expect to ask, when the murderer suddenly attacked me with a knife..."

Meihezi nodded and said, "If my leg hurts like this, it should not be possible to commit a crime."

Next is Sakaguchi Tomomi who called the police first...

"I saw the children running out of the studio, so I went inside to see what was going on in confusion, but I saw that the producer was covered in blood lying on the set, so she immediately called the police on the first floor. Happened to collide with the murderer, and then ran into these children at the door."

"Then why are you here?"

Tomomi explained: "I wanted to ask the producer to watch the freshly cut hair film. The person in the restaurant said he went to the studio. But I didn't expect..."

"Do you see the murderer?" Dongma asked.

Conan also exclaimed, "Yes! I saw that the zipper on the back of Gomera's costume was not pulled, so I should see something!"

"Yes! But the corridor is very dark, so I can't see clearly..." Tomomi shook her head.

"But the way she walks is a bit strange..." Tomomi said after thinking about it, "Although she walks fast, she doesn't feel that she walks very smoothly, as if she is not used to wearing..."

Director Mikami said: "Of course! Gomera clothing is only worn by Matsui, and of course others wear it."

"Are the others in the screening room?" Dongma asked.

A staff member replied: "Only Ms. Tomomi left midway. By the way, another person sneaked out..."

At this time, Anda's voice came from the cloth scenic spot, and he seemed to be arguing with Ono...

"Didn't I tell you? I don't know what paint is about! How could I put a paint bucket in the set that will be filmed in the afternoon?!"

Obviously the person who went out was him...

"I found that there is a prop setting to be adjusted, so I came to the studio!" Anda hurriedly explained.

"How long are you away?"

However, other staff members testified that Anda only went out for about 5 minutes, because there was not enough time to do everything the murderer did, so it seemed that there was no suspicion.

"But, who put the paint bucket here?" Dongma wondered.

However, the strange dialogue between several suspects seemed to solve Dongma's doubts.

Chapter 0912 The Big Monster Gomera Murder Case (4)

Anda looked stubbornly angry and said, "I didn't let it go anyway!"

Yumi asked strangely, "Adachi, didn't you put the paint bucket here? You put it out during the morning rehearsal. Did you forget it so soon?"

Anda fell into the circle for an instant, but then he saw Yumi blinking at herself, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

After a while, then suddenly he touched his head in embarrassment and said apologetically: "Oh, that's right! I almost forgot! I just put it right!"

Miwako said without any doubt: "Really, I said it earlier, what kind of memory is this at a young age..."

At this time, Ono came to report that they had confirmed with the people in the security room that the people who came to the studio today are the people who are here, and no one has left.

"Why didn't Mr. Matsui go to the screening room to watch the movie? Isn't he the one who played Gomera?" Dongma asked suddenly.