Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 681

Anda immediately shouted angrily: "Nonsense, although Matsui played Gomera for ten years, he is injured like this, can he escape?"

Mikami also echoed: "Yes! Tomomi also said that she saw the murderer running fast, but she seems to be unaccustomed to wearing Gomera clothes. Right, Tomomi?"

However, when Youmei heard this, she suddenly became silent.

"What? Miss Tomomi? Why didn't you speak anymore?" Dongma asked with a smile, and then suddenly coldly snorted: "You also know that you can't talk nonsense next! Because you know very well, although this hurts It looks like it is indeed impossible to kill or escape, but the premise must be that the "injury" is before the incident!"

Miwako suddenly understood, "Could it be that this injury is himself..."

Matsui copied the assassin method of the Nile tragedy. After the assault, he threw away the Gomera props, went back to the warehouse and stabbed himself with another knife prepared in advance, and successfully avoided the police investigation for the reason that he could not escape smoothly. .

Also before the incident, the little ghosts saw Matsui's injury. It was just a simple trick. The shooting scene did not lack props such as fake blood.

"But when the children saw that he was injured, didn't they ran out of the studio to chase Gemera? How would Matsui get to the front of the children?" Miwako wondered.

"Actually, if you go out from the entrance of the back corridor, you will be in the studio right away. All the crew must be very clear about this. So after the kids left, Matsui took a shortcut to the studio and was in the dark in front of the child. Our noodles killed the Kamei who was scheduled in advance!"

"The reason why we let the children see it is probably because this trap requires witnesses who follow the footprints, so we choose children whose feet are much slower than adults as witnesses."

Dongma then drew-striped-cocooned to state the case: "Matsui set fire to destroy the costumes in order to eliminate the traces inside, because it will be able to know who was the last person to wear..."

"The reason why I chose to do it at a time when everyone was in the screening room was because there would be no other people in the hallway, and of course it would not hurt others."

"What about the evidence? Master Dongma must have found it!" Miwako asked anxiously. Even after hearing Dongma's reasoning many times, every time she was as excited as ever.

"The knife that Matsui stabbed himself is in the prop box of the fake knife. He can only put it there, because after stabbing himself, he can no longer move!"

"The most direct evidence is the burnt outfit, but in fact not all of it was burned, so the DNA extracted from it is enough to prove that the murderer was him!"

Dongma made the final assertion.

In desperation, Matsui also revealed his motive for the murder. It turns out that the rumors that he wanted to change jobs were deliberately spread by Kamei, in order to finally hype the movie for which he paid ten years of youth and spring.

Unable to tolerate his Matsui, this is how such a murder was designed.

In the same way, it seemed that the sword full of anger had perfectly conveyed the heart of the monster Gomera to everyone present.

"It makes no sense, Matsui is the best actor for the role of Gomera..." Dongma lying in the rice flower hotel room sighed softly.

And Tomomi, who also didn't wear anything beside him, said, "Yes, so pure alone..."

Hearing that Dongma pretended to rise: "Am I not pure?!"

Youmei glanced at him, then suddenly chuckled: "Pure, pure good-color!"

"Little sao! Look at your master and my family!" Dongma turned over as he said, and the fierce battle began again.

Chapter 0914 Izumo Taisha murder case (1)

After arranging for Tomomi to join a newly established idol group and changing her surname to'Itano', Dongma was once again invited by Xiaolan and went to the mythical Izumo with the Maori trio.

Along the way, he was satisfied with his triumphant pranks. Although there was no one to share, he was still very happy with the feat he had accomplished.

'After all, we will be the founder of that legendary idol group from now on!'Dong Ma thinking about this, even couldn't help showing an obscene expression, making Xiao Lan next to her uncomfortable. It was not until she used her stunt Two Finger Zen that Dong Ma woke up from her fantasy.

Soon, Dongma and others came to Izumo, the hometown of the legendary myth.

Ming Zheng Shuungong’s "Ichikan in Japan" has the following record: "October gods have no moon, and the gods are Izumo. But Izumo said that the gods have moon."

The general idea is: Japanese folks believe that eight million gods gather in Izumo in October. Except for Izumo, there are no gods in all parts of Japan. Therefore, Izumo calls October "God has moon."

Shinmuzuki means "the moon where gods leave." In Japan, except for the place called "Izumo", October is called "Kamimuzuki", other places are called "Kamimuzuki".

Speaking of Izumo, people's first impression of this place must be the legendary Izumo Shrine, the birthplace of Shintoism.

Of course, many people may know Izumo Taisha not because it is the oldest shrine, but because it is a certain shrine that is rich in legends.

However, Touma and others naturally did not see the maidens of Izumo Taisha. At best, they were the maidens who brought them to visit, and a few beautiful girls in kimonos.

That's right, although Touma and others came to Izumo Taisha in Shimane Prefecture, it only takes a while to get there by boat from Kyoto Prefecture and Fukui Prefecture, which are separated by a prefecture.

So as soon as Dongma and others got off the plane, Shimabukuro, who was half of the host, became a tour guide. Although not a native of Izumo, she is arguably the most famous maiden in Fukui Prefecture, even if she has worked for a few years. Prison, but after I came out, I still knew most of the shrines in the country, enough to be a tour guide.

As for the people such as Chiga Ling and Ichikayo from Kyoto, they are naturally doing their work as always, letting Dongma experience a comfortable trip to Izumo Taisha.

Even for this, she wore a witch costume last night, and together with Jun Hui, he made Dongma so happy to fly. The beauty of this is naturally not enough to be humane.

At this time, everyone had come under the largest straw rope in Japan. Following Jun Hui’s explanation, Xiao Lan exclaimed with emotion: "It's amazing!"

"Yes! It's really big!" Kogoro also expressed his emotions there, but his body, like most modern tourists, did not care about the Hanyi represented when the straw rope was hung in front of the temple—it was forbidden to enter.

At this moment, a beautiful girl suddenly came over and said, "Of course, because it weighs about five tons!"

"Are you the staff here?" Dongma asked with a smile.

"No, my name is Jiang Jiao Rongzi, and my family has run the hotel for generations." Jiang Jiao Rongzi replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jiao said again: "You are the goddess of the Metropolitan Police Department, right? We often see you on TV here, and you are much more handsome than TV and photos."

"It's a great honor to be praised by a beautiful woman like you!" Dong Ma smiled and talked with Jiang Jiao.

As a girl, when I was young, marriage was my favorite to discuss. So soon a few people, mostly young girls, brought the topic to the Izumo Taisha Shrine, who can bless the god of marriage.

"It's great, the place where I live enshrines the god of marriage..." Xiao Lan said enviously.

However, Wen Yan Jiang Jiao said with a low expression: "My words, for the time being, it can be regarded as a marriage..."

"It looks like you don't like each other very much?" Dong Ma asked with a smile, as if he hadn't seen the knife eye thrown by Xiao Lan next to him.

"Does the other party have no money?" Kogoro guessed.

"For money, the other party has a lot. After all, the business is doing a lot in the local area..." But obviously this doesn't seem to make Jiang Jiao happy...

"That's because of a bad personality. A rich person with a bad temper is far more terrifying than a poor person as a marriage partner. I advise you to think about it carefully..." Dongma suggested with a smile.

"Dong Ma!" But it is clear that Xiao Lan has understood the little conspiracy in Dong Ma's heart!

But Jiang Jiao said, "But, I also have a reason why I can't refuse..."

"By the way, what is the name of your marriage partner? Maybe I know it..." Dong Ma asked after thinking about it.

"Crocodile Buchi Kouji..."

"Oh, that upstart Izumo..." Dongma nodded with a sneer.

"Not to mention the unhappy person, let's continue to visit Izumo Taisha!" Jiang Jiaoqiang said with a smile.

Suddenly everyone met Ryosuke Fukuma, who served as an interpreter of cultural relics at Izumo Taisha, and seemed to be Ms. Jiang Jiao's childhood sweetheart.