Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 729

The mayor Mikami knew that he couldn't force Dongma, so he turned to ask Kogoro.

However, Kogoro rarely shook his head bonelessly and said, "No, I refuse! I am a famous detective in Tokyo, how can I do this kind of treasure hunt!"

Chapter 0983 ghost ship treasure murder case (two) eighteenth more

PS: Thank you "13864593764" for your monthly ticket support.

Mayor Mikami smiled like a fox, "What if your reward is one-tenth of the island's profit?"

Maori immediately changed his attitude, "I am very happy, come, cheers!"

Mayor Mikami breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you so much, please!"

Others are collectively speechless, Kogoro is still that Kogoro.

Mayor Mikami asked Goro Kinoshita to explain in detail...

On a typhoon night seven years ago, on the coast 1 kilometer from the island, the Takigami continuously issued distress signals because of a problem with the hull, but when the villagers went to sea to rescue, the distress signal was suddenly interrupted.The next morning, the body of the ship owner was found on the coast

.Goro Kinoshita sighed, "That's it, don't talk about gold nuggets, we haven't even discovered a drifting thing."

Kogoro asked, "Who is the owner of the gold nugget?"

Kinoshita explained: "It was the dead shipowner. The shipowner was about to be arrested for tax evasion, so he replaced all his property with gold bullion. He originally planned to flee abroad on that typhoon night."

After Kogoro figured out the whole story, he immediately went all out, "No problem! My detective Kogoro Mouri will definitely find the gold nugget!"

Mayor Mikami was very happy, "Then ask Mr. Maori for more help."

The uncle brought Dongma to the villager's mansion to give a speech, while Kanai and Sonoko followed Dongma in a "field-field battle" near the Naval Archives behind the mansion. The powerful Dongma naturally killed them to lose their helmets and unload their armor.

While Dongma calmed the two women who were unable to fight anymore, while watching the display in the museum, they were all old navy things, such as hull models and anchors.

What caught his eye most was the sitting-and-standing armor in the center, probably the armor of the general of the Edo period.

At this time, Dongma suddenly noticed that someone was coming here, so he let the two women pack up and cover up everything.

After a few minutes, Dongma saw that the visitor was Goro Kinoshita.

Kinoshita Goro said that these are the precious cultural heritage of Shikishima. He pointed to a picture of sea battle and talked about the history of the year.About 4oo years ago, the navy, who had been defeated in a battle, fled to this small island.However, the residents of the island were stunned because the enemy had offered a huge reward for their first rank and attacked the wounded navy.

Kinoshita pointed to the last fierce battle map, "They finally fled to this cave-cave on the side of the island, but in the end they were wiped out. Since then, ominous things have happened on the island..."

Kanai said clearly: "Because the navy is making trouble!"

Kinoshita nodded and said affirmatively: "So we settled the position of God in the cave, hoping to appease the souls of the navy."

Conan is funny, "But these are just superstitions!"

Kinoshita shook his head and said, "No, it's not completely superstition now."

In the forest near the cave, many people saw the ghosts of the navy in armor appearing, and some people heard shuddering wailing from the navy cave.

Goro Kinoshita added, "Five years ago, a group of university professors who studied naval forces suddenly came to Shikishima with a group of students to do research. They went directly to the navy cave-cave without asking the residents on the island in advance. Investigate. But in the evening two or three days later, the villagers saw a navy general in armor showing up, and the villagers fled in panic. Although the villagers did not confirm, but since that night, the professors and students There is no more news. So no one on the island dares to approach the cave-cave."

Mishangling suddenly came over with an annoyance, "I still believe those things, no wonder I was laughed to death by others!"

Mikami Suzu corrected Kinoshita's statement, "Dad said that the professors went to the cave to investigate, but they didn't find it at all, so they all went back in a few days!"

However, Dongma and others knew that this must be the head of Sanshang Village, who must have killed those professors and students.

Mikami Suddenly took Dongma's hand, "Come with me, I will take you to a fun place!"

When he said that he ignored Kinoshita, and ran out with the three of Dongma with apologetic faces.

Yuanzi asked curiously: "Where are we going?"

Mikami smiled triumphantly: "I will take you to the back of the podium, which is the VIP seat for the special guests!"

However, the four of them walked to the door, only to find someone was opening the door, Mikami hurriedly pulled them to hide,

The man turned out to be Koji Hamada, but he looked around in a panic before stepping out of it and running away quickly.

Mikami patted her heart and said, "I was shocked, it turned out to be him..."

According to Mikami Ling, Hamada is a strange lighthouse guard who usually doesn't communicate with the people on the island, and often goes to the Shuijun cave-cave, not knowing what to do inside.

Touma came from a distance and just saw Koji Hamada and Yasuo Uehara meet, and hid on one side to eavesdrop.

Uehara took off his sunglasses and said sharply, "Aoki, it's been a long time, but I will never forget your face!"

Hamada was shocked, "I don't know what you are talking about... I'm just a lighthouse guard."

Uehara was furious, grabbed Hamada, opened his bangs with his hand, and was surprised when he saw his right eye that was blocked.

Hamada angrily pushed Uehara away, "Didn't I say you recognized the wrong person? Quickly let me go!"

Looking at the leaving Hamada, Uehara sneered again, "Even if you turn to ashes, I will recognize you, Aoki!"

It seems that the two people know each other, and there are some grievances-Ge, but Dongma will not take care of the two men's affairs, so he turned back again and entered the lecture venue with everyone, just in time to see Kogoro swaying from Come out inside.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro almost fell. Seeing that he was really drinking too much, Kinoshita skipped the speech and prepared to let Kogoro cut the ribbon. Dongma also walked up together but suddenly smelled gasoline. Taste, Kogoro pulled away from the balloon beside the colored thread.

The fire broke out!

Chapter 0984 ghost ship treasure murder case (three) nineteenth more

But the fire didn't seem to be big. Although it caused some panic, it quickly extinguished the flame.

And Dongma checked the residue and found a device to ignite the fire. The principle should be that as long as someone pulls the ribbon, the fire will ignite.

"The other party's target is actually the uncle! So, the most suspicious person is..." Yuanzi began to reason.

The little friend Kanai who became very understanding nodded and said the name: "Lighthouse guard, Koji Hamada!"

Sonoko nodded and said, "And the Yasuo Uehara who was arguing with Hamada. Of course, Goro Kinoshita seems to be possible..."

"Maybe someone doesn't want the Maori detective to find out the whereabouts of the gold nugget!" Kanai guessed.

In the evening, Kogoro asked dissatisfied with the geology: "The village chief, what's going on? You guys have asked me to come here, I almost died today!"

Takeo Mikami hurriedly bowed and apologized, "I'm very sorry that this happened. I did not expect Mr. Mori to be involved in such an accident. Please forgive me.

Xiao Lan angrily said dissatisfiedly: "What's the accident? This is obviously a device deliberately arranged!"

Village Mayor 617 stubbornly insisted: "No, it is because we accidentally put it in the gasoline tank when we placed it, and the accident caused by leakage."

Kanai was very annoyed when he saw him talking nonsense with his eyes open, "But..."