Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 730

Takeo Mikami's face changed immediately, "I have already explained it, and I can't be wrong!"

Dongma was silent on the side. Obviously, the village chief was also an old bureaucrat, and his hand covering the lid was also proficient.

Based on Kogoro’s life experience, he immediately understood and sneered: “Do you have any reason? You are unwilling to let the police take over this matter? Even if you find the gold nugget, you don’t plan to hand it over to the government? If you investigate the case, your plan will be completely ruined!"

The head of the village Mikami was said to be the central issue, "Mr. Maori, you just need to rest assured and find the location of the gold nuggets."

Maori was furious, "What did you say?"

Mikami stood up and threatened, "The ugly words are in front. If you don't listen to me, I don't guarantee that some of you will leave here safely."

Dong Ma Yin smiled coldly and said: "Are you threatening us? It's really funny, someone dared to threaten the chief inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department. I think you have been a silly village chief after so many years!"

Chief Mikami’s expression changed, and then gritted his teeth and said, “If the contact ship does not have my permission, it’s impossible to send the ship. Even if you are the chief inspector, you must listen to me here today! I think tonight, You should consider it carefully..."

However, Dongma was ready to do it as he spoke, but at this time Goro Kinoshita pushed in, "I'm so sorry, the reason why our village chief is eager to find the gold nuggets is entirely because we want to turn the island into a tourist attraction."

Kanai sneered, "Tourist attractions and gold nuggets are completely different things. That stupid village chief simply wants to swallow it alone."

Kogoro suddenly stood up, "I can't stand it anymore!"

Goro Kinoshita hurriedly explained, "Please don't worry, I will arrange a boat to send some of them back to the mainland tomorrow. Let me tell you a few, I can still arrange small fishing boats."

Xiao Lan was overjoyed, she had long wanted to stay on Shikishima where the navy was in trouble.

However, the dissatisfied Kogoro directly refused, "No, I can't leave now..."

Kinoshita hurriedly persuaded: "Mr. Mori, don't say that. If you stay here again, you might be in danger."

Xiaolan also pulled Dongma: "You also persuade Dad..."

Dongma shook his head, thinking that I hadn't retaliated against the village chief. When I returned to Tokyo, I had to reach out and engage the village chief on a small island. It would not lose face, and the operation alone would be troublesome.

Kogoro said angrily: "If I leave like this, then where do I put the name and face of the well-known detective Mouri Kogoro?"

Conan shouted, "Good point, uncle!"

Goro Kinoshita was about to leave slightly disappointed, and Touma grabbed him and asked about Hamada's situation.

"Hamada was originally not a person on the small island, but after the Takijin incident, he suddenly appeared on the island and claimed that he wanted to find a job. At that time, no one was doing the lighthouse guard job, so he stayed."

After answering, Kinoshita seemed to ask with some doubts, "Your Excellency Chief Police Officer, is there anything wrong with Hamada?"

Dongma shook his head and went back without answering, but Kinoshita saw Dongma leave with a weird smile.

At night, the Maori father and daughter fell asleep very nervously. Obviously, they have encountered too many similar situations in the past. Things of this level have long been unable to shake them, and Conan slept like a pig.

Kanai and Yuanzi were dragged by Dongmara to a certain bush under the lighthouse, and continued the second half of the morning battle.

But at this moment, he suddenly found someone coming from the lighthouse. Touma looked intently, it was actually a suspicious guy Uehara Yasuo.

After seeing him leave, Dongma ended the battle hastily and asked the two women to put on their clothes and go back to protect Xiaolan, while he went to the lighthouse with Sanshang Bell, who ran out to play without sleeping at night.

There was a mess inside the lighthouse. Apparently Uehara was searching for something here just now, and at this time Dongma also smelled a smell of gasoline, and then he found the source of the smell, a very light oil drum.

Naturally, there is no need for motorcycles and cars on the island, "So, the target is really uncle..."

At this time, Dongma heard the movement again, so he immediately ran to the top of the lighthouse holding the Mikami bell

Going to the top of the lighthouse, I found the long-binoculars on the shelf.

However, what is strange is that the fixed target of the telescope is actually the opposite mountain, not the normal observation object—the sea.

At this moment, the armored warrior kicked Kogoro with his feet at the hotel where Maori and the others were. Kogoro suddenly opened his eyes instinctively and shouted, "Who!"

The samurai swung his knife involuntarily, and Kogoro rushed out, avoiding the fatal blow.

At this time, Yuanzi and Kanai arrived, Xiaolan also woke up, seeing the samurai immediately turned and fled.

Chapter 0985 Ghost Ship Treasure Murder Case (4) Twentieth!

PS: Twenty more completed, come and reward the concubine!Subscribe, give a reward, throw it all over!

Kogoro quickly chased them out, and the two ran to the warehouse near the dock where the Takigami was placed.

Kogoro chased in angrily, "Now you can't run away!"

However, the samurai suddenly appeared behind Kogoro and stunned him with the hilt.

After a while, Xiaolan, Kanai, and Yuanzi walked to the warehouse, only to find a lot of people surrounded outside.

Dongma also rushed to the warehouse with Sanshang Bell.

Dongma asked in front of him and found that an old policeman and two men escorted Kogoro out of it.Conan and Xiaolan yelled out, and the village chief Mikami was also surprised, "What the hell is going on?"

The villager said, "The Maori detective killed the lighthouse guard Hamada."

Xiaolan was very angry and asked, "How can my father kill someone?"

Dongma took out the police officer's certificate and sneered: "If you want to tell evidence, who of you saw it with your own eyes?"

The villager was stunned for a moment and then explained: "If this police officer doesn't believe him, he can go in and see for himself..."

So Dongma led everyone in and found that Hamada in armor had been pierced through his neck with a katana, and the blood was still flowing slowly outside.

A police officer from a police station on an island said: "When I chased here just now, the Maori detective passed out, and Mr. Hamada has become like this."

Ignoring Kogoro's screaming, the villagers suddenly booed in a foolish manner.

And what made Dongma's eyes even more chilling was that the Mikami who had invited them fell into trouble at this time, "Mr. Maori, even if you are a detective, I still can't see you kill and let you go."

Kogoro explained, “When I was sleeping, someone suddenly attacked me in the dark, and then I chased here, and then suddenly was knocked out from behind. When I woke up, it was like this.”

"Perhaps you killed Hamada while you were fighting." Kogoro shouted, "I didn't kill him!"

Goro Kinoshita said, "Mr. Hamada, isn't this suit of armor placed in the navy museum? How could he be dressed as navy? Could it be that navy is in trouble again?"

Takeo Mikami was angry, "Don't confuse the crowd here!"

"I think you are the one who confuses the rumors!" Dong Ma coldly shouted. Although Dong Ma is also an outsider, the villagers seem to be scrupulous about the police rank of Dong Ma.

But at this moment Kinoshita suddenly said: "It must be the navy army!"

The village chief was very angry, "What? The navy's cause is simply superstition."

The villagers asked, "Then why Hamada wears this armor?"

Dongma ignored their endless arguments, but continued to look at the bodies...