Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 732

"Sure enough, this ship hasn't sunk to the bottom of the sea... But in the past 7 years, how did it escape the eyes of the villagers and hide it so well?"

Although he glanced at the lighthouse in the distance, he instantly showed a confident expression.

"If it is there, naturally no one will come near..."

"Also, if Uehara watched from here, it was clear, so he didn't have to torture Hamada at all."

Dongma gradually saw through the mist of the entire incident, so he went to the crux of the incident, the cave of the water army.

However, as soon as he got there, he saw a dark shadow flashing through the hole.

At this time, the wind suddenly started, blowing into the cave and making a stern sound.

"Small carving skills!" Dongma coldly snorted disdainfully, then stepped forward to directly push the wooden god position, and found that there was another cave behind.

"Sure enough, the gust of wind just now wasn't the soul of the navy being angry at all, but the wind blowing in through the gap caused resonance in the cave." 4.1

Then he walked down the stairs, and after walking through this section of stairs that must have been specially built by someone, just two steps forward, the stairs suddenly collapsed!

Dong Ma didn’t care either, but continued to walk forward. The bottom was not very deep, so Dong Ma quickly climbed out again. The only thing that interested him was that the blue bricks on the steps were not only unique to this island. Moss, and very heavy.

And then he discovered that it seemed to collapse too...

Immediately afterwards, Dongma found a large place next to it, which seemed to have been worn by something. It seemed that the Takijin was hidden here before. The exit was blocked after the Takijin came in. Because of the typhoon, Let the Takigami hit the sky again.


Chapter 0987 ghost ship treasure murder (six) second more

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass support of "suye123", "swuk5" and "Jingjing".


Dongma looked back, and it turned out that Mishang Ling who appeared behind him screamed.

The reason why she screamed was because Uehara Yasuo was lying on the other side of the rock wall covered in blood.

Dongma checked and found that it was not a suicide...

At this time, another person appeared quietly from behind...

The person who walked into the cave was Goro Kinoshita. He seemed surprised, "Uehara is dead?! Did he commit suicide because he could not escape?"

Then he explained: "I only caught up with Miss Ling when she came in. Are we going back to the village first?"

Mikami promised to walk over, but Dongma reached out and stopped her.

Kinoshita was surprised, "What's wrong? Mr. Chief Inspector?"

"I don't think this man committed suicide at all, he was killed by someone!"

Speaking of Touma, he pointed to Uehara Yasuo's head. The wound on his right temple was much larger than the wound on his left temple.

"Such a wound condition is the best evidence that the bullet went in from the left and came out from the right. But Mr. Uehara's pistol was held in his right hand, and he shot himself from the left temple with the gun in his right hand. It's unreasonable!"

Goro Kinoshita was shocked, and immediately afterwards he showed a grinning smile, "When things have reached this place, there is no need to hide them."

While speaking, Kinoshita had already removed the pistol from the dead Uehara and aimed it at Dongma and Mikami.

Mikami Ling was horrified, "Why?"

And Kinoshita said strangely: "Your Excellency Chief Police Officer, you don't seem to be surprised by your appearance?"

Dongma sneered: "You shot the wound on your arm by yourself..."

Kinoshita was stunned, "What? Did you even notice this incident?"

Dongma coldly snorts disdainfully: "At that time, there were burn marks on your shirt. That means you pressed the muzzle against the shirt and shot, but you said that Uehara shot it. If you shot it suddenly, Never put the muzzle close and shoot!"

Kinoshita Goro sighed and said, "God cleans up the demons, there really is a way!"

And Dongma immediately said, "You were the one who killed Hamada, right?"

"You are right!"

Kinoshita laughed triumphantly, as if he felt that the winner was in hand...

"That's right, Kogoro Mouri is a detective, and you are also the most famous police detective in Japan. Knowing that you are going to investigate, I made up my mind, as long as I find the gold nugget first. Besides, You can also solve this ambitious Uehara Yasuo together."

"So for this reason, you deliberately led Uncle Maori into the trap that killed Hamada." Dongma continued.

Kinoshita nodded and admitted, "The most wrong thing I did is that I underestimated you..."

Dongma disdainfully said, "It's not that you underestimate it. It's because your tricks are too naive. You can see through your tricks by a savvy person. In this way, you already know the whereabouts of the gold nugget from Hamada's mouth?"

Kinoshita did not deny it, but under his torture to extract a confession, Hamada had to name this place.Hamada did stay on the Takigami, and the other person was Uehara.Seven years ago, Hamada threw the ship owner and Uehara into the sea in order to swallow the gold nugget.Hamada’s real surname was Aoki. He drove the Takijin into the cave to avoid the typhoon. He did not expect that the typhoon caused the rock at the entrance to collapse 7 years later.This may be due to his calculation errors, but there is no other hidden place except here.

The villagers on the island did not dare to approach because they were afraid of naval forces.

Five years ago, those university professors came here to investigate. In order to make the villagers think that there was a naval army here, he put on naval armor and killed the professors and students.

Hamada's face was burned by himself because he was worried about being recognized by people he had met before.

After listening to Kinoshita's narration, Touma, "The reason you pretended to be shot by Uehara in the hotel was to make him escape, right? Because if he was arrested, you would kill Hamada for the crime and gold nugget. The location will be exposed."

Kinoshita laughed loudly, "You are right, Uehara has gradually become aware of this place."

The gun was also owned by Uehara. At that time, Kinoshita went directly to the room on the first floor to find Uehara, informed him of the dangerous situation outside, and asked him to run away.

Then Kinoshita took the pistol from Uehara. The reason was that if the pistol was found on Uehara who had fled, it would be even more indefensible.

Uehara jumped out of the window, and Kinoshita staged a scene like "Nile Massacre" with a pistol.

Then, when everyone started searching, Kinoshita walked around this cave and shot Uehara with Uehara's pistol.

With Kinoshita's explanation and Dongma's reasoning, the whole incident quickly became clear...

"Yes, I guessed it all! But, our conversation should be over. Even if you and this kid die in this place, no one will spot you, never!"

Looking at Kinoshita, who looked savage and crazy, Mikami Ling was terrified and clutched Dongma tightly.

However, Dong Ma asked in his spare time: "Don't you want to know the whereabouts of the gold nuggets?"

Kinoshita disapproved, "Anyway, those gold nuggets must be buried here. I just have to wait for the wind to relax and look for it again."

Dongma laughed as if he had heard something funny.

Kinoshita was furious and asked, "What's so ridiculous?"