Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 759

"But is this all right now? Didn't it mean that it was a TV program? There is no staff member. Don't you need to use a camera to take it?" Long-haired boy also wondered.

"Oh, it's actually like this."

Hearing the doubts of the detectives, the tail of the hammer immediately explained.

"The crew members of the TV station and the guests responsible for the series of programs are scheduled to come here tomorrow morning, mainly to let you come one step earlier."

"Then let's do this first..."

The girl took off her earphones and sunglasses as she spoke.She showed her pretty face and beautiful short hair with some pale blonde. The delicate features make her look like a boy, but at the same time it is full of attractive feminine flavor.

"My name is Koshisui Nanatsuki. I was a senior in high school. I was born in Fukuoka. I can be considered a representative of the South. I have only solved about a hundred cases. I am still a novice, please be merciful~"

The strange ending tone just made her feel more cute.

Then came the long-haired man who had been playing with his mobile phone just now.

"Xiaosheng was called Toritsu Junya. Although he was born in Tokyo, he grew up in Hokkaido, so he is the representative of the north. About 300 cases were detected and about 250 prisoners were arrested and prosecuted. However, There have also been instances where prisoners flee before arrest and commit suicide."

"My name is Hattori Heiji, and I can be considered a small well-known detective in Kansai!"

Pingci said with an arrogant face-even though he was a little famous, in fact Dongma and Conan could see that he didn't think he was just "a little famous".

"When it comes to the number of cases, it seems that it has already exceeded a thousand. I can't remember so many! Ahaha..."

"A thousand times!"

Hearing that Koshitsumi Nanatsuki and Tokitsu Junya expressed surprise, but they didn't say much.

Of course, after Dongma analyzed their micro-expressions, the two people didn't believe Heiji's nonsense at all.

Hattori Heiji is only a sophomore in high school. Even if he starts to detect cases in junior high school, he can only reach 1,000 together a day, but how can it be impossible for him to encounter cases every day?

Even if he has some fame, in fact, many clients will not specifically go to high school detectives, even if their ability is weak, they will go to professional private investigators.

Well, even if it is a case resolved after being transferred to Tokyo, there are only two to three hundred cases.

So Conan immediately questioned: "Hey, you can brag about drafting somehow!"

And Dong Ma smiled and said: "He is not necessarily bragging, but if you count the commissions of looking for cats and dogs when you were a child, or some kind of missing person notice, one thousand in front of you should be enough."

"That's not enough..." Conan murmured silently.

"Oh, you are Hattori Heiji!" The representative Hakuba Detective who came to the east in advance said with a smile, "My father often mentioned your affairs, saying that he is a very good detective!"


Pingci looked at Baima Tan with a skeptical expression.

"Why does your father know about me?"

"Because he is the same as you!" Dongma said lazily.

Hakuba explained: "My father is the Superintendent of Police, and his situation is very similar to that of your father, the head of the Osaka Prefecture Police Department!"

Chapter 1027 The Fifth Detective's Jiaziyuan (false program group)

"By the way, how many cases are solved?" Toshizu Junya asked next to him.

White Horse seemed to say casually: "Roughly, it's about 500 or so!"

"What! It's only half of mine!" Heiji said disdainfully.

"Well, this is only limited to cases that occurred in Japan!" Baima Tan said with a smile."I've been studying in the UK, but occasionally go to Japan. My nanny-mother just talked to herself to take cases!"

"But it's really unexpected!"

Tokitsu Junya spoke.

"Unexpectedly, the white horse, famous abroad, turned out to be the representative of the east."


Koshisui Nanatsu nodded in agreement.

"I thought it must be Shinichi Kudo!"

"That's it!" Pingci nodded."The detective for high school students in the east should be Kudo, not you!"

Detective White Horse smiled and explained: "Nai-ma received a call from the director. In order to replace Kudo who could not be reached, she hoped that I would participate as the representative of the east, but the'replacement' seemed to hurt the nurse's heart. I shed tears and wanted me to let the world know about the existence of the White Horse in the East. There is no other way but to return to Japan from the United Kingdom. That's all! It seems that I don't deserve to be the representative of the East!"

"That's not enough!" Pingji seemed to have an inexplicable hostility to Detective White Horse!

But Baima Tan didn't care about it, and said with a smile.

"Then this is good, I will participate as a foreign guest."

After speaking, he walked directly to Conan's side and patted Conan on the shoulder.

"The representative of the eastern part will be handed over to Edogawa Conan. This kid's reasoning ability is very good, not inferior to that of Kudo or something!"


The corners of Conan's mouth twitched-"This guy... definitely on purpose!"'

Comparing Holmes in the Heisei era with a child is a kind of derogation in itself.


Hamao Hirosheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"But kid... or else we let the Chief Police Officer appear as the representative of the Eastern Conference?"

"It doesn't matter, it's mainly a duel of the four of us anyway, so it can be anything in name!"

Koshimizu Nanatsu readily agreed with this proposal, but it sounded like a decision maker no matter what.

"I won't talk about this for now, I really want to go to the room to rest soon!"

Tokizu Junya also said, "Xiaosheng wants to have dinner!"

When Hammer Tail heard the words, he also crossed the topic: "Mr. Kotani is making dinner, and I will call you. Also, I want to check the clothes you are wearing during the video tomorrow. For dinner, please wear me The'Detective Koshien Uniform' that I said on the phone, come here!"


On the other side, in the hotel where Kogoro and the others are located, Kogoro is calling Yoko Okino at this time.
