Conan Super Detective

Metropolitan Detective Super / Conan Super Detective Chapter 782

However, the driver's answer surprised Kogoro: "Woman? What's going on? It's a man who surrendered!"

"Yeah, I also know about this, because this news was published in the newspaper, so I found it strange when the prosecutor asked me." The driver said with a puzzled face.

"Is there anything worth noting then?" Kogoro asked.

"That..." The driver lowered his head in thought for a while, and then suddenly exclaimed: "That's right! When the driver ran away, although there was only a moment, there seemed to be a flash of light next to his head!"

"Are they glasses?" Kogoro asked.

"No, I think it's something brighter!" The driver seemed to say with certainty.

"Is it jewelry or something?" Xiaolan guessed, but the problem is that a man shouldn't wear jewelry like earrings.

So after witnessing the testimony and the situation of the vehicle involved, Dongma was ready to return to the office to discuss the direction of the investigation with Yingli.

Hearing that Dongma was going to see Yingli, Xiaolan naturally clamored to go with him, and Conan, who also wanted more information, also came with curiosity.

However, as soon as the three of them entered the door, they saw that Yingli seemed to be receiving a beautiful young woman with beautiful purple curly hair.

"Anyway, it depends on the attitude of the prosecutor..." Yingli said while bringing the beauty out.

The beauty seemed to understand the rules, and immediately said: "Then I will pay the lawyer's fees, and I will leave it to you!"

"Your husband looks tired too. I think you can take the time to visit him and comfort him." Yingli suggested with a smile.

However, this beauty suddenly changed her face, and then turned and left the office: "I am very busy at work, so I will leave first."

Obviously there is no plan to visit her husband.

And as she turned around, Dong Ma suddenly noticed a flash of light on the woman's gold-rimmed glasses, which made Dong Ma immediately combine this situation with the testimony of the crash just now.

At the same time, Xiaolan told Yingli the results of their investigation just now.

"Maybe it was a woman who drove the vehicle that caused the accident?" Yingli frowned in confusion. If this were the case, the incident seemed to become a lot more complicated.

"Well, how did the Jiutiao prosecutor ask the witness driver?" Xiaolan nodded and replied.

"Is the client lying?" As an excellent lawyer, Yingli doesn't want to doubt the integrity of the client, but in fact they often encounter such strange prisoners. They feel that if they hide from the lawyer, they can hide from others. Sometimes a lawyer doesn't care if you really committed a crime, but only if he can win the lawsuit.

Of course, Yingli does not belong to this type of lawyer.

"It must be a scapegoat for someone!" Conan called out suddenly, apparently he also noticed the woman's gold-rimmed glasses just now.

"But hit and run is a felony. Who would commit the crime for others?" Yingli shook her head in doubt, expressing her unbelief, but then she thought of what she called: "Could it be..."

"Yes, I can't think of anything unexpected, it's his wife!" Dongma nodded and sneered, and then added: "Because the height of the woman coincides with the height of the driver's seat!"

"Then Kujo prosecutors have been detaining Mr. Takeuchi for this reason?" Kuriyama Midori guessed.

And this speculation is also the doubt in the hearts of Dongma Yingli and others.

After being silent for a while, Dongma suddenly asked, "Kuriyama-kun, just now the woman said she was busy at work, what exactly did she do?"

"I heard that she inherited the position of president of her father who fell ill with cerebral congestion last year. She is now the president of the company to which his husband belongs." Kuriyama replied.

"So, Mrs. Takeuchi will have a higher status in the family, right?" Xiaolan said.

"Yes, but even so, no one should be willing to replace the charges of hit and run..." Kuriyama still expressed his disbelief.

But at this time Dongma told her: "Anyway, you go and inform our investigation company. It seems that this case needs further investigation!"

And at the same time, Yingli found Jiujiao in the gym the next day and called her to the cafe.

And the tone was very strong, as if her sister was reprimanding her sister: "Kujo-kun, let's release Mr. Takeuchi now! Your target is not him at all, but his wife, isn't it?"

Chapter 1059 The witness of the duel in the court is the prosecutor (3) second

"How do you know?!" Listening to Yingli's words hitting the core, Kujo was stunned.

Wen Yan Yingli clutched his forehead and said distressedly: "What the hell are you kid doing? Almost made you arrested in another case!"

Another case of arrest, that is, after the first arrest for other crimes, the crimes that you really want to investigate will be investigated.At the same time, there is also no evidence to find on the main crime, so the meaning of prosecuting the suspect for other illegal matters is in it.

This was not allowed in legal procedures, so Yingli became very angry.

At the same time, Kujo bowed his head unawares.

"Do you have any other purpose?" Yingli asked.

However, Kujo seemed a little stubborn to get up and said, "Okay, then I will do what you said, and release that person now!"

"Hey! Kujo-kun!" Hideri shouted in surprise, but Kujo turned and left with a complex expression on his face.

The next day, Dongma and Xiaolan came to Yingli's office again.

"So, suddenly he was released directly?" Xiaolan asked strangely.

Kuriyama nodded and said, "Yes, I am now discussing the next defense policy in detail with Teacher Yingri."

But Touma heard it very clearly, and there was no discussion of any defense policy at all, because Takeuchi didn't want to talk to Hideri about the more core issues of this case.

Therefore, Yingli said in distress, "I am released now, but the next question will be more difficult. If you really need my help, then at least tell me the truth?"

However, Takeuchi said nonchalantly: "Everything I say is the truth, lawyer concubine..."

"En..." Yingli sighed softly, and then began to think again.

Seeing this, Takeuchi also stood up with a look of indifferent expression: "Then I should also drink some long-lost wine..."

At this time, Hideri seemed to decide to showdown, so he said bluntly: "Mr. Takeuchi, you are guilty of your wife? Why do you do such a thing?!"

Faced with Hideri's fingerprints, Takeuchi also shook his head very firmly, "No! You are wrong! I did it!"

"Don't lie!" Yingli said solemnly.

"Huh! Is there any evidence for you to say that?" Takeuchi sneered.

"The prosecutor has already started an investigation in this regard!" Yingli reminded.

However, Takeuchi remained unmoved, as if he was still a little smug, "If the prosecutor had any evidence, he would have been arrested long ago!"

"Do you think you can do this with the nine prosecutors? Behind her, there is the criminal director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the chief inspector Kamijou!" Hideri warned again.

"Huh... Behind your concubine's barrister, isn't there a goddess who is also standing behind to beg the devil? That's why I entrusted it to you through Mr. Maori, so don't worry about this at all!"

It seems that not only is the background investigation of Hideri very clear, but also Kujo Reiko seems very familiar with him.

"Also, I am very familiar with the words of the nine prosecutors!"