Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 804

Dongma shook his head at this time and said: "There are exits. Those glass windows that have been blown up can pass through."

Kogoro instantly understood, "Yes, you can swim backwards from there to the surface of the sea."

So Dongma asked Shiratori and the others to collect 5 playing cards, and then everyone inhaled hard and dived into the water and followed the sea to the shore.

Only PeopleSoft's situation is not so good, it seems to be drowning.

Sawaki volunteered and said: "I'll come on, I have an emergency license, I am better at these!"

However, Touma directly interrupted: "Shiratori, you go for artificial respiration! As for Mr. Sawaki, please take a rest on the side!"

Looking at the puzzled people, Dongma went on to say: "And next, I want to clarify one fact to you, and that is this series of murders. The prisoner is definitely not Takeshi Murakami!"

Mumu was shocked, "What did you say?"

"Because the prisoner who shot Dr. Akasa and the prisoner who killed Miss Nana are all right-handed people."

While talking, Shiratori had already rescued PeopleSoft.

Dongma summed it up and said that after a seemingly ordinary meeting, the prisoner learned from Mr. Murakami what happened when he was arrested ten years ago. Then he thought about the identity of Mr. Murakami as the dealer, the murderer. Just use these to make use of.

"Because the murderer discovered that the numbers from one to thirteen happened to include the names of himself and his target, so he used playing cards to marry all of this to Murakami!"

"The previous attack of Megume, Hideri, and Ari just made us feel deeply impressed by the illusion that all this is Murakami's revenge!"

Mumu asked suspiciously, "Then who is the person he really wants to kill?"

Touma smiled and said three names: "Asahi Katsuyoshi, Koyama Nana, and Tsuji Hiroki. Regarding him, the murderer dropped the eye drops and made hands and feet on the plane. Judging from the probability of death, It should not be wrong!"

Mumu asked in a deep voice, "Sir, the police chief, who is the murderer?"

Dongma swept around the crowd, and then categorically said: "Prisoner, among these people!"

Everyone was very shocked, Shido also remembered, "Nishina, I remember Nana made you embarrassed." Dongma also said, "It's the hill who demolished the true face of your brick house. You won't be embarrassed and angry?" Nishina hurriedly said. "It's not me, I didn't kill her!" Kogoro said, "It's not him, because he was almost killed. The prisoner bombed the restaurant under the sea, just trying to drown Mr. Nishina who could not swim, and the others As long as you can get a little bit of water, you won’t be drowned in this situation."

Dongma changed the subject, "Shiratori, when you are doing artificial respiration for Mr. Nishina, what do you do as the first step?"

Shiratori replied with puzzlement: "Straighten your head and raise your neck to keep the trachea open."

Kogoro asked, "If you don't do the job of ensuring a smooth trachea and pretend to do artificial respiration directly, what will be the consequences?"

Shiratori still said puzzledly, "In that case, of course I will die because of no effect... Wait a minute! Could it be..."

Touma sneered and nodded, "Yes, you are the prisoner who killed Miss Nana and Asahi Katsuyoshi, and nearly killed Tsuji Hiroki and Nishina Minor...Mr. Sawaki Kokai!"

Everyone was astonished, and Sawaki also hurriedly defended: "Mr. Chief Police Officer, I was almost shot by an arrow!"

"That was prepared by you in advance! Just last night, you had killed Xu Shengyi in this Lele Square!"

Walter asked suspiciously, "So did he arrange for the notes that fell on the floor and the secretary who called us?"

"Yes, the nail polish containing luminous agent given to Miss Nana is naturally his handwriting..."

Chapter 1087 The fourteenth goal goal (eleven) the first more

Mumu asked, "What is the motive? What is the motive?"

"It's because of dysgeusia! His sense of taste has been seriously damaged, even irreversibly!"

Everyone looked at Sawaki in surprise.

"Of course, there are many reasons for dysgeusia, such as zinc deficiency, head trauma, side effects of drugs, and mental stress, etc., which may cause dysgeusia."

Speaking of head trauma, Kogoro suddenly remembered and exclaimed: "Then Ms. Nana's car accident target... is actually Mr. Sawagi?!"

But then Kogoro asked again, "Wait, but didn't he guess the bottle of red wine just now? People who lose their sense of taste shouldn't be able to taste it?"

Dongma explained: “He used the color and fragrance of the red wine to guess. For top tasters in high-end Western restaurants like him, this should not be too difficult.”

"But relying on the only remaining sense of sight and smell, there will always be a day of being dismantled. Coupled with the dignity of being a top taster, Sawaki will say that he will give up being a taster. But before going back, he still decided to treat Koyama. Nana, and others who have caused them to have dysgeusia, take revenge."

"But how did you find out?" Mumu asked suspiciously.

"Because I saw him experimenting with the taste, he actually used paprika! People who work as sommeliers don't eat irritating things!"

Dongma shook his head and smiled: "So I did an experiment with mineral water to prove that my reasoning was right."

"mineral water?"

"Only in the cup for you, Ono deliberately put some salt enough for normal people to taste!"

Sawaki nodded with a wry smile, "Okay, I admit that you are right, but this doesn't prove anything, right?"

"The evidence is in a pocket in your jacket!"

Speaking of Dongma, from his right pocket, he took out a red wine cork with a cat face painted on it.

"This was painted by Miss Nana when she was joking!"

Dongma showed the sneer of the winner.

"Why is this cork in your pocket? Naturally, there is only one answer, and that is when you attacked Miss Nana from behind, when she resisted, she put this thing in your pocket easily! Probably it was that At that time, the fake nails on Nana's hand were also knocked to the ground."

"There is other evidence, which should be in your pocket. The remaining aces of spades, representing Kudo Shinichi's card!" Sawaki did not deny that he took the aces of spades from his shirt pocket and threw them to Xiaolan. On hand, Xiao Lan looked at the card, her eyes blurred, and she held it in her hand.

Sawaki admired: "It's worthy of being a god to conquer demons, everything is right!"

On the way home from work three months ago, Sawaki collided with Nana Koyamana's sports car and fell out.It didn't take long before Sawaki realized that he had lost his sense of taste.At first the doctor thought it was nervousness, but later it was a head injury.Sawaki was desperate and prepared to give up his career as a sommelier.He broke his beloved red wine and prepared to settle accounts with Koyama Nana, as well as Asahi, Tsuji, and Nishina.

Mumu wondered, "How did the three of them offend you again?"

"Xu Shengyi has a red wine boom, using his huge wealth to buy all the good wines from abroad, and the management is not good, so he puts the good wines in the storage room where the temperature is too high."

"Nishina, you use the name of a gourmet to write books indiscriminately, so that readers have a wrong understanding of wine. It insults the combination of wine and food."

"And Hiroki Tsuji, he hurt my honor as a taster!"

Four months ago, Sawaki attended a party held by Tsuji Hiroki.

When Sawaki arrived a little later, Tsuji Hiroki replaced Sawaki's proud grape xiong needle with a pig head icon, and replaced the wine tasting device with a horse spoon, which caused a lot of ridicule from everyone present at the time.

For Sawagi, who has a high self-esteem, the feeling of shame, anger and death at the time is certainly not difficult to understand.

Miwako was shocked and asked, "For this reason, you want to kill Tsuji Hiroki?"

Hearing this, Sawaki screamed like he was irritated: "What's the reason for this? You don't understand. As a taster, I was working as a sommelier at that time. , Dignity, personality, and knowledge were all trampled on by the dirty feet of that man!!!"

Mugure remembered one thing, "Then, Murakami, who has not shown up, was killed by you too?"