Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 828

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "869736817" and "Know how to cherish".

After bidding farewell to Heiji and Ye, and returning to Tokyo from Nagano, Touma and others went through a long leisure time.

However, the leisure time did not last long. This day, Dongma was in his manor house, enjoying the service of his dependents who were not in Tokyo all the year round, when a phone call came in suddenly.

"Whose call is it?" Touma, with a naked and muscular body, lay down on Shimabukuro June, Chiga Suzu, Daimon Kayoko, Hojo Hatsue, and other family members who stayed in various parts of Japan, and they all came to Touma today. In the villa.

As for the reason... well, there is no reason, it is just a whim of Dongma.

'After all, such a boring daily life is leisurely, but without a woman, it is really sad...'

But when he learned from Masashiro, who was holding the phone, that it was Conan's call, Dongma immediately got up from Wanhua-Cong.

Because he knows very well that Conan, who basically doesn't call himself, suddenly calls to find himself, and interesting things usually happen.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Dong Ma asked expectantly.

"Dongma, what's wrong with you?"

Conan asked strangely.

"How do you feel that you are more anxious than me?"

In Conan's impression, the usual Dongma has always been the one who can hide or hide when encountering troubles, and it is the kind of hard work that can't hide.

Dongma rolled his eyes.

"Say quickly if you have anything, the organizer has appeared again?"

"Not really."

Conan shook his head and said, but his tone suddenly became serious again.

"To be precise, it is uncertain!"


Dongma frowned.

"what's going on?"

"A few days ago, Xiaolan and his class had a transfer student, and this guy stuck to Xiaolan as soon as he transferred, and he ran to find his uncle the next day, saying that he wanted to entrust his uncle to find someone..." Conan said unhappy. .

"This is normal!"

Dongma curled his lips and said indifferently.

"It's not the first time Uncle Maori has received this kind of commission to find someone, and every time he finds someone he will have a life case. What's so strange about this?"


Conan rolled up his blind eyes.

"Can you let me finish talking before commenting?"


Dongma choked on his own saliva, then nodded.

"Ok, yes, no problem, just say it!"

Then immediately he picked up Shimabukuro Junhui next to him and slammed hard on the sofa.


Conan was speechless for a while, but business matters, and soon recovered and continued speaking in a very serious tone.

"The person he is looking for. It's Shui Wu Lian!"


Dongma frowned.

"No pity for water? Who is that boy?"

Dong Ma vaguely remembered that Shui Wu Rennai had a strange thing before, but because Dong Ma was refreshing on her at the time, he didn't pay much attention.

"Now I am not very clear!"

Conan shook his head and said.

"That boy is called Hontang Eiyu, who looks very similar to Mizuno Reina, and the reason why he seeks Mizuno Reina is because she thinks Mizuno Reina is probably his sister!"


It seems that what Shui Wu Rina was talking about was about her brother, Dong Ma raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What happened then? Did Uncle Maori accept this commission?"

"That's not true."

Conan shook his head and said.

"I don't know what uncle thinks. He didn't accept the commission this time. Instead, he accepted another commission."

"oh, I see."

Dongma nodded thoughtfully, then continued to ask after a while.

"What happened later? Did that main hall Eiyu give up like this?"

"Said it that way, but then he appeared again!"

Conan frowned and said.

"And this time, I seem to be sure that he has something to do with Shui Wu Rennai!"


Dongma raised his eyebrows.

"What's happening?"

"Because in addition to looks alike, some of his actions and demeanors... are also very similar to Shui Wu Rennai, and he also turned sideways and turned to his uncle to inquire about some things, and more importantly..."

Conan frowned.

"Before the accident, when we were in Shui Wu Linai's house, Shui Wu Lina also told us that she had a younger brother!"