Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective / Conan Super Detective Chapter 952

Jinshan did not deny, "If it were me, I might have resigned long ago. If there is an accomplice, it should be one of the two of them...Of course, it may be both."

Dongma ignored him, but signaled that Daling, who had already treated the wound next to him, called Jinshan again.

Segawa, who was not very clear about the situation, subconsciously glanced at Jinshan, the owner of the phone.

Jinshan said indifferently, "Whatever you do. Anyway, your police came here just to wait for the call?"

Obviously, he thought this matter had nothing to do with him.

But Segawa looked at him suspiciously, and then answered the phone, "Hello? Is this Mr. Omine Ryosuke?"

"Don't care who I am! Hurry up and let that kid from Jinshan answer the call!" Da Ling exclaimed impatiently.

Obviously, this is not just a line that has just been rehearsed, but he must be very restless deep in his heart, and it happened to vent through this phone call.

"Okay..." Segawa looked at the microphone and loudspeaker in front of Xiong with a confused face, and found that Dongma hadn't said anything, and then with deep doubts in his heart, he talked and handed it over To Jinshan, "Call you, Da Ling said he wants to talk to you."

"Oh... Daling, how's it going?" Jinshan answered the phone casually.

"Stupid! I'm so irritable here, so you answer the phone!" Da Ling roared in a louder voice than before.

"Eight shy, eight shit..." Jinshan apologized insincerely.

"I'll tell you the address, you guys drive over to pick me up!" Da Lingda shouted.

"Hello, shouldn't you call Taozi at this time?" Jinshan said calmly, his tone of voice seemed to be a bit disgusting.

Seeing this, Segawa immediately went up to cover the phone's microphone, and then whispered to Jinshan: "Ask for the address!"

On the other side, Da Ling went on without noticing: "I originally made an appointment with Taozi in the department store! But it turned out to, it was blocked by the police! So, anyway you give I'll drive a car, I just need to escape from Tokyo!"

"What about the address?" Jinshan asked slowly.

"Um...Where is this?" Da Ling asked with a mentally retarded expression.

"Tell him, it's near the back door of Santa Juliana General Hospital!" said Kodamamitsu, who brought medicines.

"Oh, the back door of Santa Juliana General Hospital!" Da Ling immediately said loudly.

"En?" After hearing this, Segawa was stunned. Although her personality is a bit straightforward (cute and stupid), it doesn't mean that she can't even make such simple reasoning.

'No wonder Dongma-sama stopped talking just now...'

On the other side, Jinshan said that after knowing it, he hung up the phone, "Then give you the car key. I don’t want to see that desperado. Even if he shouldn’t harm me, it’s not good if you suspect it like this. Up!"

Speaking, Jinshan took out a car key with a pink cartoon character pendant and handed it to Segawa.

"By the way, is that Miss Momoko also your classmate? Why did she meet Da Ling?" Segawa immediately asked a very stupid question.

"Of course I introduced it. In the past, the three of us used to drink and bar together." Jinshan said.

Hearing that, Segawa also nodded, and then drove Jinshan's car to Santa Juliana General Hospital...

Chapter 1299 Murderer in Need of Help (four) first

"By the way, did you have the pistol before?" Touma hung up the communication with Segawa, then turned to ask Daling with an anxious look.

"I bought them online. Obviously, I asked them to buy empty bullets. Police officer, you can check my purchase records on that website. I really didn't kill the people!" Da Ling defended loudly.

"Of course I know that you bought an empty bullet. The police officer in charge of our technical department (Xiuzi) has checked this matter just now, otherwise you thought I would just help this kid because you didn’t bring a gun. Gun, just put you out so easily?" Dongma said with a sneer.

"That's it..." Da Ling smiled awkwardly, "but I really didn't know it was live ammunition! It was sold to me by a pistol fan I met online after remodeling a previous metal pistol model, because it was originally It’s just that it’s impossible to shoot and kill people, so when he sold it, there was nothing to cover up. Because of this, I specially ordered a revolver and three empty rounds, just to scare Onda! It’s also clearly written in the instruction manual that it is an empty bomb!"

Da Ling constantly emphasized this matter.

"What then? It was discovered that it was a real gun after the shot was shot?" Dong Ma asked with some laughter.

"En..." Da Ling said dejectedly.

"So, what about the so-called revolver with empty bullets?" Dongma asked next.

"After that, because I was very scared, I threw the gun into a wall. It should be a mobile office building or something..." Da Ling replied.

"But unfortunately, we didn't find such a pistol around the scene of the crime. In the building not far away, we didn't hear that anyone notified the police to find a fake gun-." Dongma shook his head.

"Then we might as well go to the site to see it? Maybe there will be new discoveries, maybe!" Xiaolan suggested, "Aren't you all like this before, "on site a hundred times". After inspecting the site many times, Only then can we find all the clues!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I don't want to go there!" Daling exclaimed subconsciously.

But then Dongma coldly snorted: "This is not for you, don't forget, you are still the suspect designated by our police, don't give me an inch!"

"Yes..." Da Ling was taken aback, and then he agreed with surprise.

"In short, it seems that Mr. Daling should be innocent..." Xiaolan said kindly.

"Well, it can only be said that the possibility that he is innocent now cannot be completely ruled out, and we can continue to investigate the line where someone framed him, but it is not 100% sure that this guy is innocent..." Dongma shook his head Tao.

"But haven't you investigated my online shopping channels? Can you just ask the seller to prove it?" Da Ling immediately said loudly.

"Well, but the premise is that you didn't get a few live rounds after buying the empty revolver!" Dongma stared at him coldly.

Immediately, everyone followed Da Ling to the outside of the building where he had thrown away the pistol in his memory.

"It should be here, and I remember that when I threw the pistol, I heard the sound of metal collision, it should be something..." Da Ling recalled.

"Well, it should be the sound of hitting the reinforced concrete wall..." Dong Ma guessed, and then found a scratch on a wall that seemed to be new, and then looked around to make sure that there was no similar mark. Later, Dong Ma said with some certainty: "It should be here!"

Immediately, Dongma entered the building as a police officer and walked to the dirt belt between the fence and the wall of the building.

"If you hit the wall, you shouldn't fall too far..." Conan judged.

"But the soil here is obviously a little tidy. If you look at these footprints, you can also tell that someone has wandered around here..." Having said this, Dongma subconsciously raised his head and looked at the top of the building.

"Then this way, combined with the situation that someone might want to plant Mr. Daling, it is possible that the person who wanted to frame him was likely to follow him all the way, and then took the gun in the building. It's hard to get rid of his suspicion." Conan frowned.

"Then when you dropped your gun, was there anything going on in the building?" Dong Ma asked with a smile, because he had already inferred in his mind, just to further confirm it.

But as expected, Da Ling gave the answer in his mind, "Hmm...ah, I remember someone was cleaning the window!"

"Then everyone, let's go up to the roof and have a look!" Dongma said with a smile, and then led by a night security guard, a group of people came to the rooftop.

"This should be the one used to wipe the glass walls of tall buildings?" Dongma asked, pointing to a machine about two meters high.

"Yes, Sir!" The security guard replied respectfully, "After hitting the machine on the rails on the outer wall, it can move up-down and clean the windows!"

"Is it fully automatic?"
