Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 958

"This should be a hanging scroll painting by Shan Xiu (sound near thank-you), which is famous for landscape painting..."

"But where do you think you have seen the patterns on this?" Xiaohui asked in confusion.

"Bumei feels familiar too!" Stepmei.

Mikami nodded in agreement.

"Because this is a hanging scroll created according to the pattern of a certain card in the 48 cards of Huaza (also called Huapai in Chinese translation), the pattern painted on it should be'Ogima Pig'." Dongma explained.

"Then why is this copy of Huazha painting so valuable?" Sarong asked.

"Very valuable? Valuable?" Hui Wei agreed as always.

"Originally, when this painting was first discovered, everyone thought that Shanxiu's graffiti was hand-painted at this time, but then the deer hanging scrolls and butterfly hanging scrolls that appeared one after another were all proved to be made by Shanxiu, and the price changed accordingly. With this series of itineraries, it has become very high." Dongma explained patiently.

Because if the three pictures are collected, it is the legendary "Pig Deer Butterfly"!

"Speaking of it, I remember that an industrialist bought these three paintings at a very low price, and later became a well-known local entrepreneur, so the price was so high. After all, everyone I hope to attract wealth." Conan smiled.

"But since a painting is taken out alone, does that indicate that the big entrepreneur wants to sell it?" Xiao Ai asked.

"But such a masterpiece is going to be sold, and the news should have started broadcasting long ago... And that industrialist, I remember what the name is..." Conan subconsciously recalled.

And Touma directly gave the answer, "Kojima Kojima, the president of the Kojima Group, is also the sponsor of this Mr. Kojima tournament."

"In the case of Xiaojima Group, should it be the big group with many railways and department stores?" Mitsuhiko reacted immediately.

"Yes, I heard that two of the three paintings were lost. He felt that the remaining one was useless, so he planned the tournament program. If he said it was going to be transferred anyway, he would transfer it to The kojima is all right."

"By the way, I suddenly remembered, Yuanta, is that notice really sent to your family?" Dong Ma asked, suddenly thinking of something.

"No, it's a neighbor who lives nearby, and someone with the surname kojima invited my dad to participate. Anyway, it was an online recruitment, so I participated with the mentality of trying it out." Yuanta replied.

"Then what do you need to do to win?" Xiao Ai asked.

"It seems to have written a lot...what physical competition, singing competition, and Chinese spelling competition!" Yuanta said.

"So that's it, to choose a Mr. Kojima who is both civil and military!" Mitsuhiko said suddenly.

And Dong Ma smiled and murmured beside him: "In my opinion, it's just the boring rich man, because there is so much money and there is nowhere to spend, so I specially organized a seemingly interesting event."

However, after hearing this, Conan and others complained in their hearts:'You damn rich man, are you not qualified to complain about others?You guy is more boring than this Xiaojiu!'

Chapter 1308 The Killing Case of Chasing Deer Butterfly Hanging Scroll (2) Second

And the straightforward Genta went on to say: "In short, the singing competition, Dad should be fine!"

It seems that in Genta's opinion, people who sing better than Conan are all very powerful players.

"So, the person with the highest total score in these three competitions is Mr. Kojima's winner?" Xiao Ai asked.

"No, there seems to be a quick answer quiz game afterwards. Those who have won from the previous game will gather in the fifth studio behind us and decide the final victory in front of the live audience and the live audience." Dong Ma pointed to the half-open studio door and said.

At this time, a group of people with the name Kojima ** passed behind them. They should be the contestants who had just participated in the kojima championship.

"Hey, how is the kojima contest going on?" Dongma asked with a smile.

However, a brawny man in the lead said with a dazed face and helplessly: "What is it like... The first physical test is how many push-ups I did in three minutes, and I did 180 all After being eliminated, the rest should be monsters!"

"Mrs. Yuan, is it okay for your father?" Xiaohui asked stupidly.

"Um, it should be easy...Aha, ahhaha..." But in his embarrassed laughter, there was really no sense of ease.

With that said, another group of Mr. Xiaojima came by with a larger number of people, their heads downcast and they were obviously eliminated.

"I didn't expect to be eliminated because of singing..."

"Don't say it, even this guy who won a winning streak in the singing competition has been eliminated. It is normal for us to be eliminated."

"Yeah, maybe to pass this level, maybe you need a voice like Presley."

"Presley? Is that superstar in the Kung Fu movie?" Mitsuhiko looked dumbfounded.

"That was Bruce Lee. They were talking about Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll, which is commonly known as Elvis Presley." Xiao Ai sighed in horror.

"Is it really okay? Yuanta's father..." Mikami asked again.

"That, it's probably okay..." Yuanta's mouth twitched-twitched and was sweating all over, apparently in a state of wandering beyond the sky.

At this time, the third group of eliminated Mr. Xiaojima seemed to have a dispute, and several people hugged a Mr. Xiaojima who seemed to be unable to think about hitting the wall.

"Why! Why!"

"Calm down!"

"But ah! I, at the first level of Chinese character identification, how could I lose because of simple Chinese character dictation! I clearly answered perfectly!"

"That, because it is not perfect, it will be eliminated..."

"Then you know how to write? Use Chinese characters to write me a rose and melancholy, come out and see!"

Even Dongma is a little dumbfounded. Although these two words seem to be not difficult to write in Chinese, if they are written by Japanese, it is basically as difficult for Chinese to write traditional characters of rare characters in ancient Chinese.

"Yuan Tai-kun..." Ito Xiaohui patted Yuan Tai on the shoulder—: Everything is silent.

"Probably...a bit reluctant..."

At this moment, Yuanta, who was completely confused, suddenly heard a cell phone ringing on her body. She hurriedly picked it up and found that it was his father's phone.

"Hey, I'm Yuanta..." Yuanta answered the phone with a look of fear. Obviously every child has an inexplicable expectation for his father, expecting his father to be omnipotent. This is why Yuanta looks like this now. Because he was afraid to hear the news of his father's failure.

But then, he shouted more dumbfounded than before: "Eh? Really?! Stay in the last three people?!!!"

"Wow! That's amazing!" The little ghosts shouted congratulations.

Even Dongma heard the words of those eliminated just now, and felt that Genta's father should be a super monster who has received international top professional vocal training, has perfect muscles and even participated in the Olympic selection and graduated from the Faculty of Letters at the University of Tokyo.

"But it's so strange. There are obviously five answering seats placed in the center of the stage as the answering quiz link in the fifth studio. Why are only three people selected?" Conan asked strangely.

"At this point, you have to ask who is Mr. Kwon Saku Oshima, because he is solely responsible for all the preparatory links. I think this tournament is not only for fun, but also has a strong purpose. Sex! At present, it seems that our President Xiaojima has achieved his goal!" Dongma said with a sneer.

"The purpose is achieved?" Xiao Ai asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, I think this competition is likely to find the person he wants from among the many Mr. Ojima... Because it is using that famous painting as a reward, I guess it may be with that famous painting Related."

Dongma paused and joked: "Of course, it may also be looking for an illegitimate child..."

"Is President Xiaojima's illegitimate son, a monster of that level?" Xiaoai vomited fiercely.