Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 972

One day, because the Maori trio received an invitation from the president of Nijimura, it seemed that Kogoro had some commission to handle. The three came to Nijimura's shopping mall with Dongma.

"Speaking of which, although the advertisement was shot by an artist from our agency, what is so good about this handbag?" Dongma asked casually.

"Not only is it waterproof, but the bag is also very sturdy!" Xiaolan seemed to explain excitedly, "And look at this zipper, it is said that the material used on the diving suit is the same, so even if it falls into the water, the contents inside I won’t be shy!"

"But Hai really deserves to be a bag for ladies. The price behind it is one more than zero... No, it is two more!" Kogoro looked at Nijimura's bag with an unhappy expression.

"It seems that there is no price suitable for the bag I bought..." Xiao Lan said disappointedly.

"Shall I buy a few for you?" Dong Ma asked with a tyrant expression on his face.

"No more..." Xiaolan blushed and shook her head. Although she seemed to want these handbags with the rainbow logo very much, in terms of her personality, even if it was something Dongma bought, she would not ask for it casually.

At this time, a female secretary came over and said: "Let you wait a long time, our president of Nijimura (the same name as the brand) will be here soon."

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a call for help. After Conan and Kogoro ran out first, they happened to see the president of Rendi Village being kidnapped.

Chapter 1327 Rainbow-colored kidnapping-murder (a) fourth more

"This..." Xiao Lan looked at Dong Ma in panic.

"It's okay, please contact the person in charge of SIT. These kidnappings and hostage-taking incidents are all handed over to their newly established special search department." Dong Ma smiled and comforted.

Soon, Yuki Tsui, who is now in charge of SIT, rushed to the scene. She was still in her extremely exposed but well-shielded clothing for key positions, but it seemed that her attire seemed to be more covert.

Because no one would have thought that this woman who seemed a little overwhelmed would actually be the leader of the SIT Special Search Department of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Master Dongma, you witnessed the kidnapping of the president of Rendi Village for the first time, right?" Yucheng asked.

"I and Xiaolan are behind. It should be Uncle Mauri and Conan-kun who witnessed the kidnapping..." Dongma explained.

"Furthermore, it's not certain that it was kidnapping, right?" Kogoro followed.

"No, I can be sure it was kidnapping!" Just as everyone was talking, a beautiful young woman came in and handed a letter, "This is a letter sent to our mailbox..."

"I take the liberty to ask, are you...?" Dongma asked as he walked over and picked up the letter.

"I am the vice president of Rendi Village Brand Company, and also the wife of Rendi Village, Saxi Rendi Village..." the beautiful, dignified and elegant woman replied.

Immediately Yucheng picked up the letter forwarded by Dongma, and then read the content of the letter.

"The president of Ninji Village is in my hands. If I want someone, I put 100 million yen in cash in a handbag produced by your company, and then let Mrs. Ninji Village carry it. The express blue-sky train from the station, get off at the final Okuho station!"

"But, anytime, anywhere, we are watching when and where, if police officers intervene, then don't count on us for the safety of the hostages!"

The signature is: black-rainbow.

"It's extremely arrogant!" Yucheng exclaimed uncomfortably.

"So, do you have any idea about the prisoner?" Dongma asked with a smile.

"Actually, our company's inferior counterfeit products have always appeared before. We just prepared to file a lawsuit some time ago..." Yuki looked at the Nijimura's new handbag in the room.

"So, did it cause resentment from the copycat companies? It seems to make sense. The threatening letter just now also says'anytime-anywhere', which is the slogan of nijimura, and the trademark Adding black to the front is like something a counterfeiter would do!" Kogoro sneered.

"Speaking of, why did Mr. Mori come here? I heard Master Dongma just said that it seems to have been commissioned by the president of Rendi Village?" Yuki asked suddenly.

"Well, we were originally looking for Mr. Maori for this lawsuit, hoping that he can find decisive evidence that can defeat the other party in the lawsuit." Shahi said.

"Then to be safe, I will pretend to be Mrs. Shahi's nephew and protect her..." Dongma said with a smile.

"But Dongma, your face often appears on TV?" Xiao Lan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, disguising things like this, don't be too simple for me." Dongma said with a smile.

"So, is the 100 million yen in cash ready?" Yuuki asked.

"Ready..." Shaxi nodded, and quickly brought a few boxes of cash, which crashed into the largest handbag. The extremely heavy weight made Shaxi a little unstable, and the whole bag was heavily packed. On the side table corner.

"Do you want me to get it for you?" Dong Ma looked at her and asked.

"No, I can." It seems that I take this money very seriously, and I don't want to look like a fake hand.

But this is normal, after all, it is life-saving money.

"But, you shouldn't care about this money right away..." Dong Ma thought to himself.

Immediately, the two sat on the blue-sky written in the threatening letter at two o'clock in the afternoon on time...

Of course, the Dongma two sit in a first-class seat similar to a private room, while the Maori trio sits in the ordinary seat behind.

As for the claustrophobic Yucheng, he followed the train on a roadster.

"The express takes about tens of minutes. Why don't we relax?" Dongma said with a smile looking at Shaxi who had just taken his seat.

"Kamijo-sir, you laughed, now is not the time to relax..." Shaxi said stiffly, because Dongma's hands had begun to become irregular.

"It's because of big things that I need to relax!"

"Don't do this..." Shahi resisted with a flushed face.

"It's okay, it won't be seen..." Dongma said with a light smile.

"But the Yuki police department is still watching outside..." Shaxi yelled softly, and the bag containing 100 million yen in his hand also fell to the ground.

"Relax, Yuki was originally my person, but was recently transferred to SIT to take charge of daily work." Dongma smiled proudly.


Time passed quickly, and the Guangbo in the train began to broadcast the arrival reminder that the terminal station of this express train has finally arrived...

Shahi immediately packed his clothes, stood up from the window, and picked up the heavy handbag on the ground again.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Shahi said suddenly before the train stopped 0.2.

Dongma nodded, and immediately prepared to go in to protect her, but she was naturally rejected by her.

"Don't do that, I'm going to the toilet!" Shahi said firmly.

"Well...I haven't seen it just now." Dongma shook his head and smiled.

Shahi blushed and entered the toilet, and after a while he walked out casually, and took the lead out of the box.

At this time, it happened to be when the car door opened.

To everyone's surprise, only the door she came out, a large group of people squeezed into the train at the moment it opened, obviously there were not many people in the other train doors.

This suspicious phenomenon immediately caused everyone to react.